Update Info

Release [ 2012-03-31 ] provided the following program changes ...

IN GENERAL: Revised - The TC Detail report that can be generated from the Tenant Certification - Print options window to show Actual Asset & Income amounts with cents for LIHTC calculation compliance in specific States that require amounts reported to the nearest cent and Actual Asset & Income amounts rounded to the nearest whole dollar for RD, HUD, and LIHTC calculation compliance in all other States that require amounts reported to the nearest whole dollar .. Revised - The Tenant Certification - Asset Information entry window to display Cash Value and Actual Income in cents and rounded to the nearest dollar for applicable RD, HUD, and State specific LIHTC calculation compliance requirements .. Fixed - The Run-Time Error 3420 issue when attempting to run the Reset Income Limits option in the Waiting List Data feature .. Fixed - The Run-Time Error 3021 issue in the Tenant Certification entry window when changing project filenames and then canceling out of the entry window .. Added - A Select Specific Tenants checkbox option to the Unit Data Summary feature which would allow specific tenants to be hand picked for the selected summary.

ACCOUNTING: Added - An A/P Check Disbursement Entry option to the Accounting Defaults - User Defaults window labeled "Allow paid A/P Check Entries to be edited ?" which will allow the user to control whether a paid A/P check entry is or isn't allowed to be edited .. Revised - The Password Protection feature to automatically not allow User Login ID's with Limited Access to delete a Project or a Unit, remove Waiting List Applicant entries, remove Changes to Tenant Assistance entries, remove a Work Order entry, remove a Unit Inventory entry, remove a Multi-Property Directory List, remove a Tenant Charge Code entry, remove a Bank Account entry, remove a Vendor Account entry, or remove a Chart of Account entry .. Revised - The Close Batch Process feature to sort the Existing Batch Numbers list in Batch Number order with most recent (largest) Batch Numbers displayed at the top of the list.



LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The Tenant Income Certification (TIC) forms for Iowa, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, and Tennessee to display all Income & Asset amounts with cents .. Added - New State specific Tenant Income Certification (TIC) forms for Montana, Oklahoma, Nevada, and New York .. Added - The new HUD LIHTC Tenant Data Collection Form (HUD-52679) to the LIHTC Tenant Certification form selection list.

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