LIHTC Related Downloads

To download (SAVE) an EXE file from this page, simply click-on the DOWNLOAD button next to desired EXE file name. A menu will soon appear asking for verification of where you would like the file saved in your system. The default directory path provided is fine or you can use a temp folder. After the EXE file has been successfully downloaded (SAVED), locate this file using Windows Explorer. Double click-on the file to get a menu. Click-on UNZIP to install the file(s). Click-on CLOSE to exit the menu.
HUD_IL_DATASET.EXE - Posted: 04/22/2024
HUD Income Limit DataSet File - This is the most recent HUD Income Limit DataSet file ( which includes the Multifamily Tax Subsidy Projects MTSP FY2024 Income Limit Schedule effective 04/01/2024 and the HOME FY2024 Income Limit Schedule effective 04/01/2024 ) used in FHA Software for adding Income Limit Schedules for processing LIHTC and HOME Tenant Income Certification compliance.
LIHTC_OH_STATE_FORMS.EXE - Posted: 04/29/2020
OHIO State Specific LIHTC Forms - This is the most recent set of verification form files ( .RPT ) that can be generated by the FHA Software program for LIHTC form compliance in the State of Ohio ( OHFA ). Click HERE to view a list of form names included with this download. All files in this self-extracting EXE should be unzipped to the FHA Software REPORT folder.