President's Blog

Simply Computer Software, Inc.
Duane D. Tinsley is the President of Simply Computer Software, Inc. and has been involved with affordable housing since 1982. Duane is the creator of FHA Software which is currently being used to automate over 5,500 RD, HUD, and LIHTC projects nationwide. Duane continues to be involved with software development and attends industry vendor meetings to stay on top of required changes. Duane also attends and speaks at numerious management association conferences throughout the year which includes sponsor/exhibitor display participation. Most of the SCS website pages provide information about FHA Software for potential clients, as well as existing users. This blog page is a way for Duane to chronologically document ongoing industry related events that he feels are of interest.
Want to send the President a comment? Duane's personal email address is ...
Just posted the 2024.12.31 Update Release to our ftp site. Broadcast email messages will be sent out this week. Quarterly Update Installation CD's will be sent out this week, as well .. DT
Just posted the 2024.11.30 Update Release to our ftp site. Broadcast email messages will be sent out this week. .. DT
Just posted the 2024.10.31 Update Release to our ftp site. Broadcast email messages will be sent out this week. Quarterly Update Installation CD's will be sent out this week, as well .. DT
USDA/RD released a Multifamily Housing Stakeholder Announcement on October 3, 2024 that officially announced an extension of RD/MINC's full HOTMA related compliance from 01/01/2025 to 07/01/2025. It also states that all RD 3560-8 Tenant Certifications effective on or after 01/01/2025 will use the new .45 % Passbook Savings Rate for determining Imputed Income from Assets that continues to be based on the current $ 5,000 Imputed Asset Value Threshold. A PDF file copy of this document is available on our RD RELATED DOWNLOADS page.
Below is actual text from this document ...
Rural Development Multifamily Housing HOTMA Implementation Update
Washington D.C., October 03, 2024 - The Rural Housing Service (RHS) Office of the Multifamily Housing (MFH) is announcing a change in the implementation date of the Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act (HOTMA).
On September 20, 2024, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced that thecompliance date will be extended to July 1, 2025. To align with HUD, RHS Multifamily Housing is extending fullimplementation of applicable HOTMA regulations until July 1, 2025. All MFH tenant certifications effective on orafter July 1, 2025 must comply with HOTMA requirements.
RHS published an Unnumbered Letter (UL) on August 19, 2024 notifying MFH staff of the anticipated timeline for HOTMA implementation. As indicated in the UL, updated Management Interactive Network Connection (MINC) / Industry Interface specifications for software providers have been posted on the MINC home page. Due to the new implementation date, please note the following:
1. The updated Form RD 3560-8 is expected to be published in October 2024. Since tenant certificationscan be submitted to the Agency up to 90 days before their effective date, please note the following:
* The updated Form RD 3560-8 will be used for the submission of tenant certifications effective July 1, 2025.
* Once the updated form is published, the current Form RD 3560-8 will be renamed Form RD3560-8A and should be used for tenant certifications effective before July 1, 2025.
2. Updates to Handbook 2-3560, originally scheduled for October 2024, will be delayed until January 2025.
3. Any references to January 1, 2025 in the UL should be replaced with July 1, 2025.
4. The Passbook Savings Rate increase from 0.4% to 0.45% will be implemented January 1, 2025.
HOTMA was signed into law on July 29, 2016, and directed HUD to update income calculation rules found in theHousing Act of 1937. To incorporate the changes made by HOTMA, HUD published a Final Rule on February 14, 2023, updating the existing 24 CFR 5.609 and 24 CFR 5.611. The HOTMA changes found at 24 CFR 5.609 (a) and (b) and 24 CFR 5.611 affect the RHS Multifamily Housing portfolio. (See UL published March 4, 2024.).
Below is actual text from this document ...
Rural Development Multifamily Housing HOTMA Implementation Update
Washington D.C., October 03, 2024 - The Rural Housing Service (RHS) Office of the Multifamily Housing (MFH) is announcing a change in the implementation date of the Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act (HOTMA).
On September 20, 2024, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced that thecompliance date will be extended to July 1, 2025. To align with HUD, RHS Multifamily Housing is extending fullimplementation of applicable HOTMA regulations until July 1, 2025. All MFH tenant certifications effective on orafter July 1, 2025 must comply with HOTMA requirements.
RHS published an Unnumbered Letter (UL) on August 19, 2024 notifying MFH staff of the anticipated timeline for HOTMA implementation. As indicated in the UL, updated Management Interactive Network Connection (MINC) / Industry Interface specifications for software providers have been posted on the MINC home page. Due to the new implementation date, please note the following:
1. The updated Form RD 3560-8 is expected to be published in October 2024. Since tenant certificationscan be submitted to the Agency up to 90 days before their effective date, please note the following:
* The updated Form RD 3560-8 will be used for the submission of tenant certifications effective July 1, 2025.
* Once the updated form is published, the current Form RD 3560-8 will be renamed Form RD3560-8A and should be used for tenant certifications effective before July 1, 2025.
2. Updates to Handbook 2-3560, originally scheduled for October 2024, will be delayed until January 2025.
3. Any references to January 1, 2025 in the UL should be replaced with July 1, 2025.
4. The Passbook Savings Rate increase from 0.4% to 0.45% will be implemented January 1, 2025.
HOTMA was signed into law on July 29, 2016, and directed HUD to update income calculation rules found in theHousing Act of 1937. To incorporate the changes made by HOTMA, HUD published a Final Rule on February 14, 2023, updating the existing 24 CFR 5.609 and 24 CFR 5.611. The HOTMA changes found at 24 CFR 5.609 (a) and (b) and 24 CFR 5.611 affect the RHS Multifamily Housing portfolio. (See UL published March 4, 2024.).
USDA/RD released an Unnumbered Letter ( UL ) on August 19, 2024 which provides an overview of tenant income and asset calculation changes due to HOTMA and a projected Agency timeline of the upcoming changes related to HOTMA. A PDF file copy of this document is available on our RD RELATED DOWNLOADS page. RD's implementation of HOTMA related changes will follow the projected timeline below ...
September 2024 - RD will provide updated MINC Industry Interface XML file specifications for software providers ( including FHA Software ). New specifications will be posted on the MINC home page.
October 2024 - RD will publish an updated RD 3560-8 Tenant Certification. The updated Form will allow for the changes to asset calculations, adjusted income ( deductions), as well additional options for Gender ( previously Sex ). The updated Form must be used for all tenant certifications effective on or after January 1, 2025.
January 2025 - Multifamily Information System ( MFIS ) and MINC Systems will be updated to correctly account for HOTMA related asset, deduction and gender changes.
Shortly after both MINC/XML file specifications and updated RD 3560-8 Tenant Certification form have been provided, an FHA Software update will be made available which includes MINC/HOTMA related compliance. .. DT
September 2024 - RD will provide updated MINC Industry Interface XML file specifications for software providers ( including FHA Software ). New specifications will be posted on the MINC home page.
October 2024 - RD will publish an updated RD 3560-8 Tenant Certification. The updated Form will allow for the changes to asset calculations, adjusted income ( deductions), as well additional options for Gender ( previously Sex ). The updated Form must be used for all tenant certifications effective on or after January 1, 2025.
January 2025 - Multifamily Information System ( MFIS ) and MINC Systems will be updated to correctly account for HOTMA related asset, deduction and gender changes.
Shortly after both MINC/XML file specifications and updated RD 3560-8 Tenant Certification form have been provided, an FHA Software update will be made available which includes MINC/HOTMA related compliance. .. DT
Just posted a PDF file copy of the FY2024 USDA/RD Income Limit Schedule to our RD Related Downloads page that is effective 07/12/2024. Broadcast Email Messages are being sent with download and setup instructions. .. DT
Just posted the 2024.06.30 Update Release to our ftp site. Broadcast email messages will be sent out Monday. Quarterly Update Installation CD's will be sent out this week, as well .. DT
Just posted the 2024.03.31 Update Release to our ftp site. Broadcast email messages will be sent out today. Quarterly Update Installation CD's will be sent out next week, as well .. DT
Just posted the FY2024 HUD Income Limits to our HUD Related Downloads page that is effective 04/01/2024. Broadcast Email Messages are being sent with download and setup instructions. .. DT
Just posted the FY2024 Multi-Family Tax Subsidy ( MTSP ) and HOME Income Limit Datasets to our LIHTC Related Downloads page that are effective 04/01/2024. Broadcast Email Messages are being sent with download and setup instructions. .. DT
Just posted the 2023.12.31 Update Release to our ftp site. Broadcast email messages will be sent out today. Quarterly Update Installation CD's will be sent out this week, as well .. DT
Simply Computer Software, Inc. has been and continues to be an active TRACS Working Group participant and fully intends on providing HUD/TRACS 203A MAT file and HOTMA related Compliance within our FHA Software program, when finally implemented. Most all original TRACS 203A related changes were already added to FHA Software years ago ( ex: Race Code Expansions, Repayment Agreement items, etc. ). All recent HOTMA related changes have also been added and are in the testing phase. At the moment, all HUD/TRACS 203A related forms ( ex: HUD-50059 Tenant Certification, HUD-52670 HAP Request Voucher, etc. ) and TRACS 203A MAT file specifications are still in draft mode ( not finalized ). Nor have they provided a revised implementation schedule that was promised to be officially released several weeks ago. We anticipate HUD/TRACS will require additional form &/or file specification changes to be made before the implementation schedule has been finalized and we'll be ready for it.
We will continue sending Broadcast Email Messages to keep you informed about HUD/TRACS 203A and HOTMA related issues and FHA Software updates. A HUD/TRACS 203A and HOTMA Overview Video will also be posted on our website's VIDEO page as we get closer.
If you haven't done so already, there are several companies listed on the LINKS .. VENDOR PARTNER LINKS ( TRAINING ) page of our website ( ) that provide HOTMA related training services ( ex: Ross Business Development, Desilva Housing Group, Nan McKay, Zeffert & Associates, etc. ). There's also a very good, free 40 minute webinar video on youtube that provides HOTMA related details …
Likewise, RD and State HFA’s that monitor LIHTC are in the process of updating their Tenant Certification forms to accommodate upcoming HUD/TRACS 2023A related changes, as well. We will keep you informed as they are officially released. If and when you are officially informed of changes with your State HFA specific Tenant Income Certification ( TIC ) form, please forward their correspondance to us so we make sure we don't miss them.
Simply Computer Software, Inc. has been and continues to be an active TRACS Working Group participant and fully intends on providing HUD/TRACS 203A MAT file and HOTMA related Compliance within our FHA Software program, when finally implemented. Most all original TRACS 203A related changes were already added to FHA Software years ago ( ex: Race Code Expansions, Repayment Agreement items, etc. ). All recent HOTMA related changes have also been added and are in the testing phase. At the moment, all HUD/TRACS 203A related forms ( ex: HUD-50059 Tenant Certification, HUD-52670 HAP Request Voucher, etc. ) and TRACS 203A MAT file specifications are still in draft mode ( not finalized ). Nor have they provided a revised implementation schedule that was promised to be officially released several weeks ago. We anticipate HUD/TRACS will require additional form &/or file specification changes to be made before the implementation schedule has been finalized and we'll be ready for it.
We will continue sending Broadcast Email Messages to keep you informed about HUD/TRACS 203A and HOTMA related issues and FHA Software updates. A HUD/TRACS 203A and HOTMA Overview Video will also be posted on our website's VIDEO page as we get closer.
If you haven't done so already, there are several companies listed on the LINKS .. VENDOR PARTNER LINKS ( TRAINING ) page of our website ( ) that provide HOTMA related training services ( ex: Ross Business Development, Desilva Housing Group, Nan McKay, Zeffert & Associates, etc. ). There's also a very good, free 40 minute webinar video on youtube that provides HOTMA related details …
Likewise, RD and State HFA’s that monitor LIHTC are in the process of updating their Tenant Certification forms to accommodate upcoming HUD/TRACS 2023A related changes, as well. We will keep you informed as they are officially released. If and when you are officially informed of changes with your State HFA specific Tenant Income Certification ( TIC ) form, please forward their correspondance to us so we make sure we don't miss them.
Just posted the 2023.07.31 Update Release to our ftp site .. DT
Just posted a PDF file copy of the FY2023 USDA/RD Income Limit Schedule to our RD Related Downloads page that is effective 07/13/2023. Broadcast Email Messages are being sent with download and setup instructions. .. DT
Just posted the 2023.06.30 Update Release to our ftp site. Broadcast email messages will be sent out today. Quarterly Update Installation CD's will be sent out today, as well .. DT
Just posted the 2023.05.31 Update Release to our ftp site. Broadcast email messages will be sent out Monday. .. DT
Just posted the 2023.04.30 Update Release to our ftp site. Broadcast email messages will be sent out over the weekend. .. DT
Just posted the FY2023 Multi-Family Tax Subsidy ( MTSP ) and HOME Income Limit Datasets to our LIHTC Related Downloads page that are effective 05/15/2023. Broadcast Email Messages are being sent with download and setup instructions. .. DT
Just posted the FY2023 HUD Income Limits to our HUD Related Downloads page that is effective 05/15/2023. Broadcast Email Messages are being sent with download and setup instructions. .. DT
Just posted the 2023.03.31 Update Release to our ftp site. Broadcast email messages will be sent out Monday. Quarterly Update Installation CD's will be sent out Monday, as well .. DT
Just posted the yearend 2022.12.31 Update Release to our ftp site. Broadcast email messages will be sent out today. Quarterly Update Installation CD's will be sent out Monday .. DT
Just posted the 2022.11.30 Update Release to our ftp site. Broadcast email messages will be sent out today. .. DT
This 2022.11.30 Update Release completes a 5 year process of converting FHA Software programming from MS Visual Basic 6 to the latest MS Visual Studio .NET Application. This will now allow us to incorporate new programming features that MS Studio provides for current and future Windows Operating Systems and are very excited about all the new features we're currently working on for 2023. After installing the 2022.11.30 Update Release of FHA Software, you'll notice several things right from the start. We've added a splash screen that briefly appears when you start the program. The main program window will also appear faster. If you previously customized your main program window size & location, those settings will need to be redone. So, after starting the new 2022.11.30 Update Release and the main program window appears maximized, you can reset your custom minimized main program window size & location. We've kept the same pull down selection menu layout and you shouldn't notice any difference in feature selection or program operation. You may notice that all feature windows are now visibly more sharp and crisp. All forms and reports that are monitored will automatically maximize to full screen for better viewing. We hope you enjoy the updated FHA Software program. Thanks again and as always .. We value your use of FHA Software !!! .. Duane Tinsley, SCS President.
This 2022.11.30 Update Release completes a 5 year process of converting FHA Software programming from MS Visual Basic 6 to the latest MS Visual Studio .NET Application. This will now allow us to incorporate new programming features that MS Studio provides for current and future Windows Operating Systems and are very excited about all the new features we're currently working on for 2023. After installing the 2022.11.30 Update Release of FHA Software, you'll notice several things right from the start. We've added a splash screen that briefly appears when you start the program. The main program window will also appear faster. If you previously customized your main program window size & location, those settings will need to be redone. So, after starting the new 2022.11.30 Update Release and the main program window appears maximized, you can reset your custom minimized main program window size & location. We've kept the same pull down selection menu layout and you shouldn't notice any difference in feature selection or program operation. You may notice that all feature windows are now visibly more sharp and crisp. All forms and reports that are monitored will automatically maximize to full screen for better viewing. We hope you enjoy the updated FHA Software program. Thanks again and as always .. We value your use of FHA Software !!! .. Duane Tinsley, SCS President.
Just posted the 2022.09.30 Update Release to our ftp site. Broadcast email messages will be sent out over the weekend. 3rd Quarter Update CDROMS will be sent out Monday. .. DT
Just posted the 2022.06.30 Update Release to our ftp site. Broadcast email messages will be sent out Monday. 2nd Quarter Update CDROMS will be sent out today, as well. .. DT
Just posted the FY2022 HUD Income Limits and FY2022 Multi-Family Tax Subsidy ( MTSP ) Income Limits to our HUD & LIHTC Related Downloads pages that are effective 04/18/2022. Broadcast Email Messages are being sent with download and setup instructions. .. DT