FHA Software

FHA Software started out in 1982 as a simple DOS-based program and has since evolved into being the 100% Windows-based program that it is now. The current FHA Software release runs great in the latest Windows 11 Laptops, Computers and Cloud-based Server Systems. FHA Software has a long, successful history of providing RHS/HUD/LIHTC automation compliance and continues to be supported by the very same people that created it, back in 1982. Let FHA Software simplify your Affordable Housing Management Compliance.
FHA Software automates affordable housing management compliance for Rural Development (RD), Department of HUD and Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) project types. One program does it all, without modules and flawed integration. FHA Software is completely menu-driven and easy to learn. Program options are always presented. No hidden keys to memorize. No new computer terms to learn. FHA Software continually monitors for RHS/HUD/LIHTC occupancy requirement discrepancies and advises the user when they occur. FHA Software is not a form filler program and there's no duplication of tenant data. FHA Software is also not locked in time. All project changes (Rent Rates, Income Limits, Dependent Allowances, Elderly Allowances, Passbook Savings Rates, etc.) are maintained in chronological history, allowing the user to process any form or report for any time period, past, current or future. All Tenant Certifications processed in FHA Software are also maintained in chronological history and can be revised at any time, without effecting future changes.
Since it was first marketed in 1985, smart RHS/HUD/LIHTC managers have turned to FHA Software for simple, powerful and complete automation solutions, backed by 37 years of hands-on project management experience. Our 30-Day Satisfaction Guaranty allows you to try FHA Software FREE for 30-days to see for yourself just how easy it is to use. To get your Free 30-Day Trial Package, call, fax or email us today.
In addition to RHS, HUD & LIHTC specific features, all FHA Software package versions include the following key program features ...
WAITING LIST - This feature is included with all FHA Software package versions and accommodates compliance issues with RHS, HUD & LIHTC project types. One applicant entry can apply to multiple project waiting lists. Applicant information automatically transfers to move-In Tenant Certification processing, eliminating total information reentry.
SUBMIT AN APPLICATION FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING ONLINE - All registered FHA Software package clients have the ability to provide a link on their website that can be used by prospective tenants to fill-out and submit a pre- application for housing. Application information detail is immediately sent to the client by email with a .CSV file attachment that can be imported directly into the Waiting List Data feature of FHA Software.
WORK ORDERS - This feature provides the ability to keep track of maintenance history, by unit or for the project, assign work orders to selected vendors and record work completed detail. Various Work Order reports can be generated (including a Work Order Summary, Detail, Open and Closed report) with user specific report selection criteria.
SUBMIT A MAINTENANCE REQUEST ONLINE - All registered FHA Software package clients have the ability to provide a link on their website that can be used by existing tenants to fill-out and submit a Maintenance Request. Maintenance information detail is immediately sent to the client by email with a .CSV file attachment that can be imported directly into the Work Orders feature of FHA Software.
ADDRESS BOOK - By maintaining detailed information on frequently used sources of tenant income, expenses and assets, FHA Software can completely generate all required verification forms, including names & addresses.
MULTI-PROPERTY REPORTING - Most all report generations within FHA Software can be done one project at a time or for multiple projects at once. This feature allows the user to establish project groups which are used to simplify multi-project report generation.
RECERTIFICATION NOTICE PROCESSING - In addition to determining which tenants are coming due for recertification, this feature also completely generates your Annual Recertification and 30/60/90 Day Follow-Up Letters. Recertification Notice Processing history is also maintained for future reference.
CERTIFICATION EXPIRATION REPORT - This feature provides a chronological listing of upcoming recertification due dates for one year periods, based on any desired starting date.
RENT REGISTER REPORT - This report provides rent due information which aids in monthly rent collection. A Summary & Detailed version is available.
UTILITY REFUND REPORT - For those projects with Rental Assistance, this report will provide a detailed listing of tenants that get a Utility Refund.
OCCUPANCY REPORTS - This section provides both Vacancy & Occupancy related reports, complete with detail and percentages.
USER-DEFINED SUMMARIES - This reporting feature allows the user to instantly build a custom tenant summary by selecting from a menu of tenant related information.
CUSTOM MSWORD DOCUMENT GENERATION - In addition to standard forms provided with FHA Software, the user can either modify them or add their own custom MS Word document forms for automatic generation (such as Leases, House Rules, Special Letters, etc.) with MergeField Codes.
MULTIPLE RENT RATES - FHA Software will allow a master rent schedule applicable to all units or Multiple Rent Rates individually accessed unit-by-unit.
DATA BACKUP/RESTORE - A built-in, menu-driven backup feature simplifies database transfer to diskettes or hard drive locations. Our file zipping technology complies with industry standards and is recognized by other zipping utilities (like WinZIP).
AUTO-UPDATE PROCESS - FHA Software updates are frequently posted to our web site. Our built-in Auto-Update feature automates update retrieval & installation, using the internet.
HELP TOPICS - Detailed Help is always within one or two clicks. Help buttons are available at most all screens. Step-by-Step instructions are also accessible that covers most any form process available in FHA Software.
AUTOMATED GROSS RENT CHANGE PROCESS - Except with LIHTC projects, the Gross Rent Change process is fully automated by FHA Software, including the creation of a GRC Tenant Certification that can be used for generation proposes.
ANNUAL INCOME & EXPENSE CALCULATOR - Member Income & Expense amounts can be entered as they were verified. This calculator feature will automatically annualize verified amounts and remember the calculation for compliance review reports.
COMPREHENSIVE TENANT/APPLICANT SCREENING -All FHA Software users have the option of submitting tenant screening/criminal report requests directly to two of the best web-based screening services available within their FHA Software program .. ONLINE Rental Exchange and TRAK-1 Background Screening.
SECURITY DATA EXPORT INTERFACE -All FHA Software users have the ability to submit non-secure household member and vacant unit information directly to a web-based smart phone and desktop application product called NIDA Sheperd Mobile/HQ from within their FHA Software program. The NIDA Sheperd System is used by multi-family housing complex security campanies which allows officers on patrol to instantly access information about people they come in contact with.
COMPETITOR SOFTWARE DATABASE IMPORT - Current tenant information from HUD/TRACS or RD/MINC Compliant vendor software databases are automatically imported into FHA Software, free of charge. This built-in feature eliminates the need to reenter most of your project information, when switching to FHA Software.
NETWORKED SYSTEM CAPABILITY - FHA Software can be installed in single user computers or in various networked system configurations (Peer-to-Peer, Network/Terminal/Citrix Servers, etc.).
PASSWORD PROTECTION - FHA Software can be accessed with or without User ID & Password entry. Small users, who don't want the burden of having to enter a User ID/Password combination each time they start FHA Software, can toggle Password Protection off. Users that want to limit program access &/or control what specific user's can do in the program would toggle Password Protection on and tweak each user's access ability.
COMPLETE REPORT FILE LIBRARY - A complete library of custom report generated verification forms, letters, leases, renewals, recertification letters, etc. is include with the purchase of FHA Software. These files can be user modified, using the built-in text editor or custom report designer, or users can add their own report files.
PDF Documents
FHA Software - Brochure
FHA Software - Package Details
FHA Software - Custom MSWord Designer
FHA Software - Unit Inventory
FHA Software - Work Orders
5 Good Reasons to use FHA Software
Service Provider - MINC Submissions
Service Provider - TRACS Submissions
Featured article in the Affordable Housing News Magazine