
The purchase price of FHA Software includes free support and program updates for one full year. Thereafter, a yearly maintenance fee paid in advance will continue toll-free phone support and program updates. The second year maintenance fee will be prorated so that subsequent fees cover a calendar year period. Phone support is available to all registered users Monday through Friday, 9am to 4pm CST toll-free at 1-800-626-2431 extension #2.
On-site training on FHA Software is available at $995 per eight (8) hour day plus travel expenses to and from the site. Training is also available at our Rockford, IL facility at $125 per hour. Call for schedule availability.
Simply Computer Software, Inc. uses an internet application called TeamViewer for remote training & support access with our FHA Software clients. Teamviewer allows us to access and control the remote computer as if we were sitting directly in front of it and is a very efficient way of providing spontaneous training & support services. Remote Access Training is available at $125 per hour with a 3 hour limit per day. Call for schedule availablity.
TEAMVIEWER 13 QS - Quick Support module that runs immediately without installation and allows remote support access.
TEAMVIEWER MEETING - Join Meeting module that runs immediately without installation and allows training session access.
All FHA Software packages include complete Installation/Operation Documentation and are usually shipped immediately upon receipt of your order. Your order must include full payment (check, money order, or charge authorization). 30-Day Free Trial Packages are also available, upon request. CDROM's are shipped with all orders, unless otherwise specified.