Update Information

Program updates are available using the built-in Auto-Update feature which automates the update retrieval & installation process from our internet site. New updates are posted nearly every two or three weeks. If internet access is non-existent or connection speed is too slow for update file retrieval, users can be placed on our quarterly update mailing list.
To retrieve and install an FHA Software update ...
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4.) Click-on Help .. Check for Update .. Auto-Update Process .. Get Update - Internet
5.) When file download is complete, click-on Update to install the update
The following are details of revisions, enhancements and new features added with recent FHA Software updates.
ACCOUNTING: Fixed - The issue with posting projects with Multiple HAP Voucher Requests to the Accounting feature .. Added - A new Prisma - Payment Transactions interface feature option to the A/R Tenant Payment Entry - Import menu .. Updated - All PayLease - Payment Transactions related feature windows and Help Topics to recognize their recent name change to ZEGO - Powered by PayLease.
RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Updated - The Request for Authorization to Withdraw Reserve Funds feature with the newly revised RD 3560-12 ( Ver 01-25 ) form .. Renamed - The existing RD 3560-8 Tenant Certification form name to RD 3560-8A that will continue to be used for all RD Certifications effective prior to 07/01/1025 .. Added - The new HOTMA Compliant RD 3560-8 Tenant Certification form that will automatically be used for RD Certifications effective on or after 07/01/2025.
LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - A new LIHTC Data Transfer Standard XML 7.0 file creation / conversion feature .. Added - A new LIHTC Data Transfer Standard XML 8.0 file creation / conversion feature .. Updated - The MO MHDC Exhibit B - Tenant Income Certification form to the current 02/24/2025 Revision .. Updated - The WI WHEDA Tenant Income Certification form ( HTC 300 ) to the current 11/2024 Revision .. Updated - The TX TDHCA Tenant Income Certification form to the current 02/27/2025 Revision .. Updated - The following State Tenant Income Certification ( TIC ) forms ( NCSHA, AL, CO, AL, GA, IA, ID, IL, IN, MO, MI, MI, NC, WI, NYC, OR, SC, TN ) to accomodate reporting both Pre-HOTMA and Post-HOTMA Imputed Asset Income Calculations.
ACCOUNTING: Added - Cadence Bank to the list of available banks in the A/P Check Disbursement Entry - Positive Pay Banking feature .. Added - The ability to create ( export ) IRS 1099 NEC or MISC information detail to a .CSV file in the IRS 1099 Forms feature that is required to be uploaded to the IRS Taxpayer Portal for project's with 10 or more 1099's.
LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Updated - The Tennessee THDA Tenant Income Certification form ( HO-0420 ) to the current January 2025 Revision .. Updated - The California CTCAC Tenant Income Certification form ( HO-0420 ) to the current January 2025 Revision.
ACCOUNTING: Added - The ability to export Certificate of Rent Paid ( CRP ) information detail to a .CSV file that is now required ( with 2024 CRP's ) to be uploaded to and printed from Minnesota's Department of Revenue e-Services system website .. Added - The Missouri 2024 MO-CRP form to the Certification of Rent Paid feature .. Added - The Wisconsin 2024 CRP forms to the Certification of Rent Paid feature .. Added - Candence Bank to the list of available Banks in the Positive Pay Banking feature.
RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The existing RD 3560-8 Tenant Certification form number to RD 3560-8A for RD Tenant Certifications effective up to July 1, 2025.
ACCOUNTING: Added - A new Cash Flow form option to the Balance Sheet - Report Type selection list .. Added - A new Quarterly Report form option to the Operating Statement - Report Type selection list .. Fixed - The Multiple A/R Tenant Charge &/or Payment Entry feature to correctly post Tenant Charges by the defined Charge Date ( Day ) instead of the 1st day of the Charge month.
HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Moved - The Review Changes to Tenant Assistance menu item from the HUD-52670 HAP Request Voucher menu option list to the main HUD menu option list .. Updated - The existing HUD-92236-PRA 811 Project Rental Assistance Lease document to the new 03/2025 form Revision .. Fixed - The HUD-50059 form to correctly display Previous Housing Code and Displacement Status Code for Correction MI Certifications.
RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Moved - The Review Changes to Tenant Status menu item from the RD-3560-29 Notice of Payment Due menu option list to the main RD menu option list.
LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Fixed - The issue with Transfer From entries not being automatically included when creating LIHTC Data Transfer Standard XML 2, 3.1 and 4 files .. Updated - The GA GDCA Tenant Income Certification form to the current 02/29/2024 Revision .. Updated - The CA CTCAC Tenant Income Certification form to the current July 2024 Revision. .. Updated - The CO CHFA Tenant Income Certification form to the current June 2024 Revision .. Updated - The IL IHDA Tenant Income Certification form to the current August 2024 Revision .. Updated - The AL AHFA Tenant Income Certification form to the current 2024 Revision .. Updated - The NC NCHFA Tenant Income Certification form to the current 2024 Revision .. Updated - The SC Housing Tenant Income Certification form to the current 2024 Revision .. Updated - The GA GDCA Tenant Income Certification form to the current 2024 Revision .. Updated - The MO MHDC Tenant Income Certification form to the current 11/13/2023 Revision .. Updated - The OR OHCS Tenant Income Certification form ( CM.02 ) to the current October 2024 Revision ..Updated - The NCSHA Housing Tenant Income Certification form to the current 2024 Revision .. Updated - The Spectrum Tenant Income Certification form to the current 09-2024 Revision which is also used by the following State HFA's ( AR, CT, HI, MA, MD, OK, WV ).
ACCOUNTING: Added - A new Cash Flow - Report Type option to the Custom Layout Designer feature that will be used to customize a new Cash Flow form option being added to the Balance Sheet - Report Type selection list in a future software update.
HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The Password Protection feature by expanding the existing HUD Menu [ tab ] Allowing TC Activation for Closed Voucher Month checkbox to include UT - Unit Transfers, TM - Terminations and MO - Move-Outs .. Fixed - HAP Adjustment Calculation Prior & New period date issues involving retroactive Tenant Certifications that were effective prior to an existing Termination Record that remains in effect.
LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The TRACS 203A Enabled checkbox option ( located in DATA .. PROJECT DATA .. HUD INFO ) for 100% LIHTC Projects to implement full use of all applicable HOTMA related compliance features with a designated start Date .. Revised - The MSHDA ( MI) Tenant Income Certification form - Asset section to accurately report all HOTMA related information and amounts .. Revised - The TDHCA ( TX ) Income Certification form - Asset section to accurately report all HOTMA related information and amounts.
Note: Future Broadcast Email Messages will be sent that provides details about each new HOTMA related field and how they may affect your RD/HUD/LIHTC Subsidy Types. Full HOTMA related reporting compliance won't be implemented until HUD's TRACS System and State TRACS Contract Administrators can accept 203A MAT file submissions. RD's MINC System won't be implementing full HOTMA related compliance until sometime after June 2024. Most State LIHTC Housing Finance Agency's will be implementing their HOTMA related compliance requirements at about the same time, if they haven't done so already.
LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Updated - The Florida ( FHFC ) LIHTC Tenant Income Certification form to the January 2024 version.
ACCOUNTING: Added - 2023 Certificate of Rent Paid ( CRP ) forms for MN, MO, WI, and VT .. Fixed - The issue with generating a 2023 CRP form for a Market Rent Tenant .. Revised - The 1099-MISC and 1099-NEC forms to insert a four digit Calendar Year.
LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Updated - The OHFA LIHTC Tenant Income Certification form to the current version .. Updated - The MHDC LIHTC Tenant Income Certification form to the current 11/13/2023 Revision .. Updated - The TDHCA LIHTC Tenant Income Certification form to the current 10/16/2023 Revision .. Updated - The KHRC LIHTC Tenant Income Certification form to the current 12/2023 Revision .. Updated - The Spectrum LIHTC Tenant Income Certification form to the current 01/01/2024 Revision.
ACCOUNTING: Added - Park National Bank, PNC Bank, State Bank and Pinnacle Bank to the Positive Pay Banking feature selection list .. Revised - The Rent Roll Summary - Vacancy Loss calculation to include Utility Refund ( UREFUND ) amounts, when applicable .. Fixed - The periodic issue with miscalculating Total Prepaid and Unpaid Balances on the Aged Receivables Summary.
LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - LIHTC Data Transfer Standard XML 6.0, LIHTC XML 6.0 File Conversion Utility and LIHTC XML 6.0 Data Dictionary features to the LIHTC .. LIHTC Data Transfer Standard XML menu option list .. Updated - The MHDC - Exhibit B - Tenant Income Certification form to the current Revision ( 08/03/2023 ) .. Updated - The NIFA Tenant Income Certification form to the current version .. Updated - The OHCS HOME Tenant Income Certification form to the current version .. Updated - The OHCS LIHTC Tenant Income Certification form to the current version .. Fixed - The issue that was preventing LIHTC Unit Transfers due to not finding a matching Tenant Income Certification entry in TC History .. Added - The ability to include GRC entries when creating CSV files for uploading to TDHCA's CMTS System.
HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Fixed - An issue with Unit Transfer certifications not being successfully created.
LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - A new HUD TRACSMAIL ID Summary option to the Project Filename Summary selection list.
HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - The ability to individualize Tenant & Voucher MAT file placement based on each project's Destination TRACSMAIL ID Number that is established in the DATA .. PROJECT DATA .. HUD INFO feature window. A new checkbox was added to the UTILITIES .. DATA PATHS feature window that will automatically switch MAT file placement from the default FHAWINTRACS folder to individualized Destination TRACSMAIL ID subfolders ( ex: FHAWINTRACSTRACMPROD, FHAWINTRACSTRACM12345, etc. ). FHA Software clients with numerous HUD subsidized projects that submit MAT files to multiple State TRACS Contract Administrators will benefit from this revision.
RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - A new CD0390 MergeField Code to the list of available Custom MSWord Designer - Certification Data ( _CD.DOC ) related MergeField Codes for inserting the Final Net Tenant Contribution minus Other Subsidy amount.
HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Updated - The iMAX Communications - Send MAT Files to TRACS feature with an automated process of moving MAT files to a Sent.Box folder after they have been successfully submitted to their Destination TRACSMAIL ID .. Updated - The iMAX Communications - Send MAT Files to TRACS feature with the ability to view &/or resubmit MAT files from the Sent.Box folder .. Updated - The TRACS/MAT - Tenant Assistance Changes feature to view MAT files in both Unsent and Sent.Box folders .. Updated - The TRACS/MAT - HUD-52670 HAP Vouchers feature to view MAT files in both Unsent and Sent.Box folders .. Added - An Exclude HUD Market Renter Tenants checkbox option to the Unit Data Summary setup feature window .. Fixed - The issue with the Contract Rent Rate amount not being inserted in a Section 8 Special Claims entry created by the Move-Out process .. Revised - The HUD COA Associations feature window by removing the outdated grid layout .. Revised - The HUD Unit Number Conversion Utility feature window by removing the outdated grid layout .. Added - The FY2023 HUD Income Limit Schedule Dataset that is effective 05/15/2023.
RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The RD COA Associations feature window by removing the outdated grid layout .. Revised - The RD Unit Number Conversion Utility feature window by removing the outdated grid layout.
LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The LIHTC Unit Number Conversion Utility feature window by removing the outdated grid layout .. Added - The FY2023 LIHTC Multifamily Tax Subsidy Projects ( MTSP ) and HOME Income Limit Schedule Dataset that is effective 05/15/2023.
HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Fixed - The issue when a Unit listed on the Regular Schedule of Assistance Payments Due page of the Voucher Request was reporting zero's in column #9 Contract Rent.
ACCOUNTING: Fixed - The inability to redisplay very large amounts in the Check Printing Process .. Select Specific Payables feature window .. Fixed - An issue occuring with reporting MTD/YTD Budget amounts on a consolidated Multi-Property MTD/YTD Budget Comparison Operating Statement .. Added - The ability to import ADP - Payroll Transaction .CSV export files as A/J Adjustment Journal Entries by adding a new .CSV Files checkbox option to the bottom of the setup window.
RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Fixed - An issue with the RD 3560-7 Project Budget / UA feature when arrowing down through Proposed Budget column line items in Part II was skipping over a couple Utility section lines.
IN GENERAL: Added - The newly required Unique Entity Identifier ( UEI ) 12 character field to the Owner Information section of the Project Data feature window .. Added - A new Unpurge Entire File option to the PURGE menu list in the Changes to Tenant Assistance feature that provides the ability to unpurge Change files that were accidently flagged to be purged .. Added - A [+] button to the right of each individual Default Form field in the Project Data - Default Forms feature window that provides the ability to select form names from a list of available Recertification Notice and Certification Data related forms.
ACCOUNTING: Added - The 2022 Certificate of Rent Paid ( CRP ) forms for the State of MO, MN, VT and WI .. Verified - That the 2022 IRS 1099-MISC and 1099-NEC form layouts are still accurate.
HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The Automatic HAP Adjustment Calculation feature to correct minor adjustment calculation accuracy issues that have come up since the last update release.
ACCOUNTING: Fixed - The Check Printing Process issue when consolidating existing A/P entries with new recurring A/P entries being added within the same check run .. Fixed - The Check Printing Process issue with Utility Refund Check Payee Names being incorrectly recorded as "String []".. Fixed - The Aged Receivables Report balance due amount issue when selecting specific Tenant Charge Codes only.
RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The EDI File Conversion Utility to accommodate invalid item reporting issues in files created by competitor software.
ACCOUNTING: Added - The ability to manually change the Batch # that will be created when entering A/P Tenant Charges / Payments in the Multiple A/R Tenant Charge &/or Payment Entry feature .. Upgraded - The Check Printing Process feature to .NET 4.0 programming.
HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - The FY2022 ( effective 04/18/2022 ) HUD Income Limit Schedules to the HUD IL Dataset.
RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Posted - The FY2022 ( effective 07/01/2022 ) USDA/RD MFH Direct Income Limit Schedules to the RD Related Downloads page of our website.
LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Fixed - The issue with Award # not being inserted on the current Indiana HOME Tenant Income Certification form .. Updated - The MHC Student and Rent Declaration form [ MS-S42 SARD ] to the current MHC 03/2022 revision .. Added - The FY2022 ( effective 04/18/2022 ) Multi-Family Tax Subsidy ( MTSP ) Income Limit schedules to the HUD IL Dataset .. Added - The FY2022 ( effective 06/15/2022 ) HOME Income Limit Schedule to the HUD IL Dataset.
ACCOUNTING: Fixed - The issue with the Security Deposit Refund feature not including all Tenant Charge Codes that have a balance due .. Upgraded - The Certificate of Rent Paid feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Added - A Pre-Fill Current Unit No's / Tenant Names for Project Filename Selected checkbox option to the Multiple A/R Tenant Charge &/or Payment Entry window of the A/R Tenant Payment Entry feature that will automatically insert Unit No. / Tenant Name entry lines for all current tenant occupants based on the Charge / Payment Date defined.
RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Upgraded - The EDI File Conversion Utility feature to .NET 4.0 programming.
LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Updated - The Texas ( TDHCA ) Income Certification [ TX-Sec42 TIC ] to the current January 24, 2022 form version.
ACCOUNTING: Added - Two new User-Created ( .RPT ) Rent Statement Summaries to the Rent Statement feature that includes an Alert column.
HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - A Custom Summaries checkbox option to the Change Data Summary - Print options windows of the Review Changes To Tenant Assistance feature that provides customized variations of the summary to be selected and printed.
LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Updated - The Texas Unit Status Report [ TX - State Report ] that can be generated in the Tax Credit Analysis feature by adding Hispanic and Race columns.
ACCOUNTING: Fixed - The issue with the Security Deposit Refund feature that wasn't accurately reporting negative Recurring Tenant Charge amounts .. Fixed - The issue with the Delinquent Rent Report feature that wasn't accurately including negative Recurring Tenant Charge amounts .. Fixed - An issue that was occurring with the individual monthly Management Fee Calculations not matching the Calendar Year Management Fee Calculation for months January, April and December, when based on Units Occupied on any day of the month.
HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The Automatic HAP Adjustment Calculation feature to correct minor adjustment calculation accuracy issues that have come up since the last update release.
LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Updated - The Idaho ( IHFA ) Annual Income Certification/Recertification [ ID-Sec42 TIC ] to the current December 2021 form version.
ACCOUNTING: Renamed - The existing PHA .. A/R TENANT-BASED SUBSIDY PAYMENT ENTRY feature menu option to MULTIPLE .. MULTIPLE A/R TENANT CHARGE &/OR PAYMENT ENTRY that is available in the top heading of the A/R Tenant Payment entry feature window and expanded this feature with the ability to record A/R Tenant Charge &/or Payment amounts for multiple Tenants to the same Tenant Charge Code, at the same time, at the same window .. Upgraded - The IRS 1099 Form Processing feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Upgraded - The Security Deposit Refund feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Upgraded - The Delinquent Rent Report feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Updated - The IRS 1099 Form Processing feature to accomodate the new 3 per page 1099-NEC form layout .. Added - The 2021 MN Certificate of Rent Paid form .. Added - The 2021 WI Rent Certificate form .. Added - The 2021 VT Landlord Certificate LC-142 form ..Added - The 2021 MO Certificate of Rent Paid form.
RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - The ability to run a RD 3560-12 Reserve Authorization Request Summary for Multi-Property Reports in a Continuous layout and limit the summary to only listing Approved, Disapproved or Pending Request Status.
ACCOUNTING: Fixed - The ADP Payroll Import Feature that was not correctly populating Vendor Name fields .. Fixed - The issue that was preventing Tenant Ledger Reports from being saved directly to PDF files when printing Multi-Property Reports .. Added - The ability to hand pick future tenants ( new Move-In's ) that will be included in a Resident Upload for both PayLease and RentPayment Online Rent Collection feature service integrations .. Added - The ability to edit individual Payment Transaction entries ( ex: change Tenant Charge Codes and/or split payments to multiple Tenant Charge Codes ) while importing online rent payment files from PayLease and RentPayment services.
ACCOUNTING: Added - A new VIEW button option to the A/P Check Disbursement Entry feature window while adding, editing or simply looking at an existing A/P entry that will allow an A/P Check Disbursement Entry Detail to be viewed &/or printed for the A/P entry currently displayed .. Fixed - The issue with eligible Utility Refund entries not being included when posting Recurring A/P Utility Refund entries in the A/P Check Disbursement Entry feature.
HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The Generate a HAP Request Voucher - setup window to have the Close Voucher Month checkbox option as being checked ( selected ) by default.
RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - A new Print Access Only checkbox option to the Password Protection feature that ( when checked ) will restrict User ID access to the RD 3560-7 MFH Project Budget / UA, RD 3560-10 Balance Sheet and RD 3560-12 Reserve Authorization Request feature setup windows with Print Only Access.
LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - A new California CTCAC Project Status Report [ CA-CTCAC PSR ] to the selection list of Specific State Reports in the Tax Credit Analysis feature .. Added - A new California CTCAC Project Status Report for Income Averaging Projects Only [ CA-CTCAC PSR AIT ] to the selection list of Specific State Reports in the Tax Credit Analysis feature .. Updated - The existing State Specific Wisconsin WHEDA Unit Status Report HTC Form 200 [ WI-State Report ] in the Tax Credit Analysis feature to the current 04/2019 Revision.
ACCOUNTING: Upgraded - The Aged Payables Report feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Added - A new Selected COA #'s Only checkbox option to the Aged Payables Report feature setup window .. Upgraded - The A/P Check Disbursement Entry feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Added - A Display option to the Edit Disbursement Ledger window that defaults to listing only A/P entries for the last 3 years ( instead of all A/P entry history at once ) to help speed up program performance for large projects that have years and years of A/P entry history. The option to list and access all A/P entries is still available .. Upgraded - The Check Disbursement Summary feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Upgraded - The Positive Pay Banking feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Upgraded - The Recurring Check Listing feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Added - A Cash Only checkbox option to the General Ledger Report feature that allows projects that are set with Accrual Accounting Method the ability to generate all General Ledger related reports based on Cash only .. Added - A Cash Only checkbox option to the Balance Sheet feature that allows projects that are set with Accrual Accounting Method the ability to generate all Balance Sheet related reports based on Cash only .. Added - A Cash Only checkbox option to the Operating Statements feature that allows projects that are set with Accrual Accounting Method the ability to generate all Operating Statement related reports based on Cash only .. .
HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - A new checkbox option to the Review Changes to Tenant Assistance - Change Data Summary feature that will only list Tenant Changes that have blank TRACS Dates.
RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - A new checkbox option to the Review Changes to Tenant Assistance - Change Data Summary feature that will only list Tenant Changes that have blank MINC Dates.
ACCOUNTING: Added - An Accrual Entry ( AE ) checkbox column to the A/J Adjustment Journal Entry feature window that allows the user to designate individual A/J entry lines as being an Accrual entry which will be ignored when selecting to print various financial reports throughout the program on a Cash Accounting basis when the project's default Accounting Method is set as Accrual .. Updated - The Management Fee Calculation - Based on Rent Collected feature option to omit A/J entries flagged as Accrual Entries for projects with Accounting Method defaulted as Accrual .. Updated - The General Ledger Report - Cash Only feature option to omit A/J entries flagged as Accrual Entries for projects with Accounting Method defaulted as Accrual .. Fixed - The Unhandled Exception error issue when attempting to enter a Payment for a new tenant in the A/R Tenant Payment Entry feature.
HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The Automatic HAP Adjustment Calculation feature to correct minor adjustment calculation accuracy issues that have come up since the last update release.
LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Updated - The NYC Attachment L Tenant Income Certification [ NYC-Sec42 TIC ] to the current November 2019 form version .. Fixed - The Tax Credit Analysis - Exclude Market Renters feature option to more accurately exclude all tenants with MKT or blank subsidy types from being included on selected reports.
ACCOUNTING: Fixed - The Certificate of Rent Paid ( CRP ) feature to omit printing a separate 2020 WI Rent Certificate page for a Spouse .. Added - A new "Exclude Non-Revenue Producing MGR Units" checkbox option to the Management Fee Calculation - Occupied Units feature window that will omit MGR units from the Occupied Unit Count, when checked .. Upgraded - The A/J Adjustment Journal Entry feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Upgraded - The A/R Tenant Payment Entry feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Upgraded - The Balance Sheet feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Upgraded - The General Ledger Report feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Upgraded - The Operating Statement feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Added - A notation ( <= ) to the Vendor Accounts Summary that visably indicates expired insurance coverage dates on the summary .. Revised - The Security Deposit Refund Report feature's sort order for Move-Out and Entry Dates to descending order ( newest to oldest ) .. Added - A new Vendor Accounts Summary to the Vendor Ledger Report feature's list of Other Summaries which provides a notation ( <= ) that visably indicates expired insurance coverage dates on the summary.
HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - A new Password Protection - Data Menu - Unit Data related checkbox option called "Allow Vacate to be Processed Based on Expired TC" that can be used to prevent a HUD Move-Out ( Vacate ) from being processed when it is effective after an expired Tenant Certification and no Termination Record has been created, when unchecked .. Revised - The Section 8 Special Claims feature's sorting order for Move-In, Move-Out and Voucher Dates to descending order ( newest to oldest ).
RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Fixed - An issue with posting RD Project Worksheets to the Accounting feature for Accrual projects that have multiple charges ( ex: Audit Receivables, Late Fees, Cost Items, etc. ) manually added to the worksheet tally.
LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - The Texas ( TSAHC ) Income Certification form [ TX-Sec42 TSAHC ] to the list of available LIHTC Certifications .. Added - The Pennsylvania ( PHFA ) Alternate Certification TIC form [ PA-Sec42 AC ] to the list of available LIHTC Certifications .. Revised - The Certification On Line ( COL ) XML file layout to accommodate import restrictions the new Certification Portal ( CP ) system has that replaced COL in several State HFA's recently .. Upgraded - The Tax Credit Analysis feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Added - A new Texas State Affordable Housing Corporation ( TSAHC ) Unit Status Report [ TX - TSAHC Unit Status Report ] to the list of Specific State Report options in the Tax Credit Analysis feature .. Added - A new LIHTC Program Type Designations report option to the Tax Credit Analysis feature that can be used to verify Federal Income & Rent Restriction Desgnations currently selected for each individual Tenant Income Certification .. Updated - The California ( CTCAC ) Tenant Income Certification form [ CA-Sec42 TIC ] to the current April 2021 Revision .. Updated - The California ( CTCAC ) Tenant Household Information Form [ CA-Sec42 THIF ] to the current April 2021 Revision .. Added - A new FDIC Affordable Housing Program - Tenant Income Certification form [ FDIC AHP TIC ] to the list of LIHTC Certification form selections.