Update Info

Release [ 2020.02.29 ] Provided the following changes ...

IN GENERAL: Fixed - The Dashbaord feature to allow User login ID's that are limited to just one Project Filename to select and refresh their project's Dashboard information.

ACCOUNTING: Added - A new Catagory pull down list option to the Vendor Accounts Information window that would allow each vendor to be placed in a catagory description ( ex: Plumbing, HAVC, General Labor, etc. ) and then searched for by Catagory.

HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - The ability to enter Unit #, Tenant's First & Last Name, SSN when manually creating an Owner/Agent Repayment Agreement Entry that pertains to one specific Unit #/Tenant instead of leaving this information blank..

RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - The ability to select and PRINT a previously saved budget form from the RD 3560-7 MFH Project Budget / UA feature SETUP window .. Added - The ability to show differences ( Current vs Proposed or Current vs Actual ) in Column #4 of the RD 3560-7 MFH Project Budget / UA form as an amount or percentage.

LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - How Unit Transfer IN and OUT records are being reported in LIHTC Data Transfer Standard XML 2.0, 3.1, 4.0 and 5.0 file formats so the Combine XML file feature works more efficiently.
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