Update Info
Release [ 2017.03.31 ] Provided the following changes ...
IN GENERAL: Revised - The Tenant Certification Data entry feature to automatically change the SSN ( Claim ID# ) in all existing Income sources that originally matched the Member SSN before it was changed in the Member Information window .. Added - A new User Activity Log - Print option to the Password Protection feature that allows program administrators to view various User Login ID Entry Activity ( ex: Which User ID deleted a Project, deleted a Unit, deleted a Tenant Certification, added a new Rent Rate Schedule, added a new Income Limit Schedule, deleted an A/P entry, etc. ) .. Added - A notation to the Changes to Tenant Status/Assistance - Preview window that displays the User ID and Date/Time a Move-Out and Termination entry was activated .. Added - A notation to the lower left corner of the TC Detail Report that displayed the User ID and Date/Time when this specific Tenant Certification entry was saved and activated .. Added - A new SAMPLE_CD_ACTIVITY_CS.RPT summary to the Certification Data Summary list of form name selections that includes the User ID and Date each tenant certification entry listed was saved and activated.
ACCOUNTING: Added - A new @Math option to the Custom Layout Designer feature that will allow simple calculations of Account # amounts to be inserted in a custom Operating Statement report layout.
HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The VACATE feature for HUD Subsidized units to allow Move-Out Date to be effective beyond 14 days after Date of Death when the move-out was caused by the death of a sole member.
LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - A new California LA County [ CA - LA County LIHRRD ] form option to the LIHTC Tax Credit Analysis feature .. Revised - The Texas Tenant Income Certification form [ TX-Sec42 TIC ] with a notation which shows how the Gross Rent for Unit amount was calculated in the Part VI Rent section .. Updated - The California Tenant Income Certfication form [ CA-Sec42 TIC ] to the current January 2017 release.