Update Info
Release [ 2007-09-30 ] provided the following program changes ...
IN GENERAL: Revised - The Rent Rate Schedule window in Project Data with the ability to establish Multiple Rent Rates, utility allowances and Square Feet from this window only .. Added - 5BR and 6BR as available Units Sizes throughout the program .. Added - Fax, TTY, Email, and Website data fields to the Project Info section of Project Data.
ACCOUNTING CHANGES: Revised - The Security Deposit Refund feature to allow up to 16 Tenant Charge entries to be edited in the Re Apply Charges window.
RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - All applicable Custom Report documents provided by FHA Software with the current USDA Non-Discrimmination Statement in the page footer .. Revised - Part IV (Current/Prposed/Utility Allowance) of the RD 3560-7 Project Budget to automatically pull unit information for all applicable unit size and type combinations from the recently revised Rent Rate Schedule in Project Data.
HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - All applicable Custom Report documents provided by FHA Software with the current 504 Non-Discrimmination Statement in the page footer.
LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - All applicable Custom Report documents provided by FHA Software with the current 504 Non-Discrimmination Statement in the page footer.