Update Info
Release [ 2008-01-31 ] provided the following program changes ...
ACCOUNTING CHANGES: Added - Default Accounts Receivable ( A/R ) COA fields to the Tenant Charge Code - Setup window that will be used with automated accrual accounting abilities being added in a future update .. Added - A Utilities section in the Accounting pull down menu and relocated Close Batch Process and G/L Reposting Utility access to this section .. Added - A new Purge A/J Entry Detail feature to the Utilities section .. Added - A new Purge A/P Entry Detail feature to the Utilities section .. Revised - Password Protection control with new Utilities menu access.
RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - Colorado USDA/RD Approved Lease Agreement [RD_CO_LEASE_CD.RPT] and Lease Amendment [RD_CO_LEASE_ADDM_CD.RPT] forms to Custom Report Generation ability.
HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - Contract Administration (CA) ID# to the HUD Info section of Project Data which enables the CA ID# to be automatically included in Tenant Change and Voucher MAT files created by FHA Software .. Added - A checkbox to the Section 8 Special Claims processing window that allows Special Claims to be fully calculated without entering a Move-In Date .. Revised - All Special Claims forms with original font type and increased data entry fields to a more legible font size .. Updated - The HUD 4350.3 REV 1 CHG 2 Handbook reference with recent handbook changes posted on HUDCLIPS on 01/18/2008.
LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - A checkbox to the Certification Expiration Report - Setup window that would allow RD projects with Tax Credits to monitor LIHTC Recertification Compliance that requires recertifications completed on the anniversary date of household move-in .. Added - A checkbox to the Recertification Notices - Generate Recertification Notices - Setup window that would allow RD projects with Tax Credits to process recertifications that are due on the anniversary date of the household's move-in instead of RD's Next Recert Date which changes with each RD Recertification.