Update Info
Release [ 2008-05-23 ] provided the following program changes ...
IN GENERAL: Fixed - The AM/PM Assigned Date issue within the Work Order Custom Report Generation feature .. Added - Age and Average Age to the existing Race / Ethnicity Report .. Added - Tenant Specific Address information to the Utility Refund Report .. Revised - The Windows VISTA version of the Auto-Update feature to accommodate 64-Bit processing ability.
ACCOUNTING CHANGES: Revised - The Purge A/J Entry Detail and Purge A/P Entry Detail features not to purge entries set as recurring .. Fixed - The Close Batch Process - Database Version issue .. Activated - Automated Accrual entry posting features that can now be selected in the Accounting Defaults window .. Revised - Security Deposit Refund - Partial Refund entries displayed on refund and forfeited checks so that it no longer effects Bank Reconciliations when refund checks are outstanding .. Added - An Accrual COA # Validation feature (button) to the G/L Posting Utility window that automatically inserts missing Chart of Account numbers in existing A/R and A/P entries that are required for automated accrual entry posting .. Fixed - A minor rounding issue on Security Deposit Refund - A/P Check entry.
RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - A new Plan I Surcharge (SRC) checkbox to the MISC window in Unit Data to keep better track of surcharge payment activity.
HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Fixed - The Unit Total displayed at the bottom of the HUD Income Targeting Report .. Revised - The OMB Expiration Date on the current HUD-50059 Tenant Certification to 03/31/2011 .. Revised - The OMB Expiration Date on the current HUD-27061-H Race and Ethnic Data Reporting Form to 03/31/2011 .. Added - Recently assigned HUD Form Numbers, OMB Approval Numbers, and OMB Expiration Dates to all 4 HUD Model Leases provided by the HUD 4350.3 Rev 1 Chg 2 Handbook .. Added - Recently assigned HUD Form Number, OMB Approval Number, and OMB Expiration Date to the existing Sample Move-In/Move-Out Inspection Form .. Revised - The existing Exhibit 7-1 Sample Initial Notice to match the new HUD-90100 form version provided by HUD .. Revised - The existing Appendix 6B - Sample Verification of Disability form (V_DIS1_H_RN.RPT) to match the new HUD-90102 form version provided by HUD .. Revised - The existing Appendix 6B - Sample Verification of Disability form (V_DIS2_H_RN.RPT) to match the new HUD-90103 form version provided by HUD .. Added - Form HUD-90101 Sample Certification of Long-Term Care Insurance as a customizable Recertification Notice form .. Added - Form HUD-90104 Sample Exception to Limitations on Admissions of Families as a customizable Project Data - Custom Report Generation form.
LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - MSA% Columns to the Standard LIHTC Analysis report along with a summary of Household MSA%'s at the end of the analysis.