Update Info
Release [ 2008-10-31 ] provided the following program changes ...
IN GENERAL: Added - The ability to insert Head Applicant's Birthdate when editing the Sample Waiting List Detail Summary in the Custom Report Designer window.
ACCOUNTING CHANGES: Fixed - The Run-Time Error issue when running a Rent Roll Report that includes payment history for future tenants.
HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Enabled - The new iMAX Communications feature for MAT file submission to TRACS through HUD's web-based iMAX server system. The new iMAX Communications feature can be used now if you submit MAT files directly to National TRACS [TRACMPROD]. However, if you submit MAT files to a Contract Administrator (CA), you must wait until December 1, 2008 for your CA to have iMAX ability before you can send MAT files to them using the iMAX Communications feature .. Revised - All HUD Model Leases by removing the Head Tenant's Name from the bottom page footer that a few State Contract Administrators felt was an invalid modification of the lease .. Revised - The Exhibit 7-1: Sample Annual Recertification Initial Notice to include year when inserting the 11th month in the next to last paragraph.