Update Info
Release [ 2008-11-30 ] provided the following program changes ...
IN GENERAL: Fixed - The AM/PM reporting issue when generating a Work Order form from a selected Work Order wiindow .. Added - A Market Value field to the Asset Information Entry window.
ACCOUNTING CHANGES: Added - A new Sample Invoice Statement form to the Rent Statement - Custom Report Generation feature .. Added - A General Ledger Summary that lists all projects together when selecting a G/L Summary for Multiple Projects ( instead of one project per page ) .. Added - 2008 versions of MN, MO, PA, and WI Certificate of Rent Paid forms .. Verified - That the Misc 1099 form alignment is accurate for the 2008 form layout.
HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Fixed - The order of which members were placed in a MAT file when the members changed in the household .. Revised - The HUD-52670 HAP Request Voucher Generation process to accurately recognize Anticipated Voucher Date when determining occupancy status for the Tenant List .. Revised - HUD-90100 Annual Recertification Initial Notice form to include HUD 202/162 PAC subsidy type when determining lease paragraph number insertion ( 15, 10, or 9 ) in the first paragraph of this form .. Revised - The Retrieve InBox Messages & Attachments feature in iMAX Communications to automatically include file attachment text as message content.
LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - A new TDHCA Web Services Interface feature to the LIHTC menu that allows Texas project managers to electronically submit Tax Credit tenant changes to TDHCA's CMTS System.