Update Info

Release [ 2008-12-31 ] provided the following program changes ...

IN GENERAL: Revised - The User Login window ( used when Password Protection is enabled ) to allow the OK button to be selected by pressing [ENTER] instead of having to manually click-on it with the mouse pointer.

ACCOUNTING CHANGES: Fixed - Certificate of Rent Paid - Ownership Selection to properly insert Owner Information when Owner is selected.


HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - iMAX Communications access control to the Password Protection window .. Revised - The HUD-52670 HAP Request Voucher - Setup window to allow multiple entries within each SERV, DRUG, FORQ, and OARQ Miscellaneous Accounting catagory.

LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - TDHCA Web Services Interface access control to the Password Protection window .. Fixed - An issue with reporting Income Limit at Move-In on the WNC-MITC Tax Credit Analysis report.

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