Update Info

Release [ 2009-06-30 ] provided the following program changes ...


ACCOUNTING CHANGES: Added - A new Create SDIR A/P Entries option to the Security Deposit Interest Refunds feature which automatically creates SDIR A/P entries for all applicable tenants defined in the setup window .. Added - The ability to assign Recurring ID Numbers ( R-ID ) to Recurring A/P entries that will be used in the Check Printing Process feature .. Added - The ability to selectively include Recurring A/P entries during the Check Printing Process by selecting the desired Recurring A/P ID ( R-ID ) .. Added - The ability to assign Recurring ID Numbers to Recurring A/J entries .. Added - A new Recurring > Recurring A/J Entry - Posting Process feature to the A/J Adjustments Journal Entry window that allows selected Recurring A/J entries to be automatically posted for one or multiple projects at a time.


HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The Tenant Certification calculation feature to allow Child Care Expenses to be entered for Foster Children .. Revised - The HUD-52670 HAP Voucher History feature to create a 202C MAT file version of a Voucher Deletion record .. Added - Form HUD-91066 Violence Against Women - Lease Addendum to the Tenant Certification Data - Print options window .. Added - Form HUD-91067 Certification of Domestic Violence to the Tenant Certification Data - Print options window.

LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - A new Annual Eligibility Certification form [ TX-Sec42 AEC ] to the Tenant Income Certification (TIC) selection list in the Print Options window of Tenant Certification Data .. Revised - The Oregon Housing and Community Services ( OHCS ) Tenant Income Certification ( TIC ) to the 05/01/2009 form revision .. Added - The Missouri Exhibit B - Tenant Income Certification form [ MO-Sec42 TIC ] to the Tenant Income Certification (TIC) selection list in the Print Options window of Tenant Certification Data.

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