Update Info

Release [ 2009-09-30 ] provided the following program changes ...

IN GENERAL: Revised - The Data Backup/Restore feature by removing Diskette A: & B: as Destination/Source Path selections and added a Browse button to simplify the drive location selection process .. Fixed - The Occupancy Report - Vacancy Listing report to correctly calculate vacancy periods that involve a Unit Transfer .. Fixed - The Waiting List Data feature to insure that Application Number automatically assigned to all new applicants is the next available larger number .. Fixed - The glitch that was duplicating Comment Text from one Unit Inventory to another when adding a new Unit Inventory entry .. Added - 5BR and 6BR unit sizes to the Unit Count section on the Project Filename Summary that is generated from the Project Data window .. Added - A second envelope form [ ENVELOPE_FWDADDR_UD.RPT ] to the Custom Report Generation feature in Unit Data that uses forwarding address information.

ACCOUNTING CHANGES: Added - A new option when editing Vendor Account Information that will automatically update vendor address information in all unpaid A/P entries that exist for the specific vendor account .. Added - The ability to print envelopes [ ENVELOPE_SDR.RPT ] from the Security Deposit Refund Report feature that includes forwarding address information.

RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The Missouri RD Approved Lease [ RD_MO_LEASE_CD.RPT ] to the current 9/2009 Revision .. Added - A MINC System Login Website option to the RD .. RD EDI File Submissions pull down menu that provides direct access to MINC's login screen without having to leave the FHA Software program window .. Added - A Browse button to the Copy an EDI File feature that simplifies the destination drive/folder selection process.

HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - Tenant Certification database structure to allow multiple certification entries to exist as TC History that are effective on the same day ( example: a 06/01/2009 Move-In and 06/01/2009 Corrected Move-In, a 07/01/2009 Annual and 07/01/2009 Corrected Annual, a 08/01/2009 Interim and 08/01/2009 Corrected Interim, etc. ) .. Revised - The process of creating a Corrected HUD-50059 Tenant Certification by using a new Correct option instead of Revising the existing TC .. Revised - The HUD 4350.3 Handbook reference to the current Change 3 ( 6/09 ) version .. Revised - Calculations on all HUD Special Claims forms to comply with 202C rounding requirements .. Added - A Browse button to the Copy a MAT File feature that simplifies the destination drive/folder selection process.

LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The maximum number of Building ID's allowed per project from 100 to 200 .. Fixed - The Waiting List Data feature to more accurately determine Income Eligibility Status for 1990 or After tax credit type properties.

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