Update Info
Release [ 2009-11-30 ] provided the following program changes ...
ACCOUNTING CHANGES: Revised - The sort order on the Check Register Report by Batch #, Check #, and A/J Entry # when multiple entries exist on the same day .. Added - An F1 option at the A/R Tenant Payment Entry window that makes selecting Unit #'s fast and easy .. Revised - The A/R Tenant Payment Entry feature to speed up the payment entry process .. Added - A Tenant Charge Codes Total section at the bottom of both Batch Summary and Consolidated Batch Summary reports which provides a breakdown of payments by Tenant Charge Code .. Fixed - The issue with MTD budget amounts for December incorrectly appearing on a November Operating Statement .. Revised - The Batch/Deposit Report feature to speed up the reporting process.
RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The Missouri RD Approved Lease [ RD_MO_LEASE_CD.RPT ] to the current 11/16/2009 Revision .. Fixed - The Gross Rent Change issue that was showing R/A amounts on MODIFY TI Tenant Certifications for Non-Assisted tenants .. Added - A new Notice of Rent Increase/Decrease Letter ( INCRSE_R_GRC_CD.RPT ) to the Tenant Certification - Print options window that notifies RD tenants of a rent change due to a recent Gross Rent Change.
HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Fixed - The issue with the Recertify process not pulling the correct Last Recertification Effective Date when a GRC was the previous certification in effect .. Revised - The Tenant Certification - Security Deposit Compliance Calculation feature to accurately include all Section 8 program types .. Added - A new Notice of Rent Increase/Decrease Letter ( INCRSE_H_GRC_CD.RPT ) to the Tenant Certification - Print options window that notifies HUD tenants of a rent change due to a recent Gross Rent Change.