Update Info
Release [ 2010-06-30 ] provided the following program changes ...
IN GENERAL: Added - The ability to save your main FHA Software window display settings when the program is exited so that it will be redisplayed the same way each time FHA Software is restarted ( only available when Password Protection is enabled ) .. Fixed - The Custom Report Generation feature to allow more than 25 characters of Applicant Address and City, State Zip text to be inserted into a custom Letter printed from Waiting List Data .. Add - A new Tenant/Applicant Screening feature to the Data Menu and Waiting List Data window that allows all FHA Software users to submit tenant screening/criminal report requests directly to an ONLINE Information Service called ONLINE Rental Exchange .. Fixed - The issue when activating a Move-In Tenant Certification so that Move-In Date is automatically entered as Leased Date in the Waiting List - Applicant file instead of Activation Date.
ACCOUNTING: Added -The ability to sort the Recurring Check Ledger list by Entry #, Vendor Name, or Recurring ID Number in the A/P Check Disbursement Entry feature .. Fixed - The Run-Time 429 issue when attempting to print a HUD Unit Number Conversion Utility Summary .. Added - A new Include Utility Refund Activity checkbox to the A/R Tenant Payment Entry feature, and Rent Roll Report, Aged Receivables Report, Rent Statements, and Tenant Ledger Report - Setup windows which will include Utility Refund Payments ( Negative Tenant Rent ) A/P activity in with normal A/R Tenant Payment Entry activity for those projects with Utility Allowances .. Revised - The General Ledger Report feature to allow multiple chart of account numbers to be selected for generating a GL Detail in Multi-Property Reports mode.
RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - A new Sample_RD_Tenant_Subsidy_Code_Summary form, printable from the Certification Data Summary window, that lists RD Tenant Subsidy Codes and Non-Project Based Subsidy amounts.
HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - A new Adjustment Pages Only - Subtotaled form option to the Type of HUD-52670 Report list in the Generate a HAP Request Voucher window, that subtotals all adjustment sections .. Added - A new Adjustment Pages Only - Export form option to the Type of HUD-52670 Report list in the Generate a HAP Request Voucher window, that can be saved as a CSV database file and used to export adjustment detail to other software .. Added - A new Tenant List Only - Export form option to the Type of HUD-52670 Report list in the Generate a HAP Request Voucher window, that can be saved as a CSV database file and used to export tenant list detail to other software.
LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The National Standard (NCSHA) Tenant Income Certification form to the new March 2010 version which added Race, Ethnicity, Disabled, etc. columns to the Part II - Household Composition section .. Revised - The Tenant Certification Calculation process to automatically include non-project based assistance on the Tenant Income Certification when the project-based assistance is RD Non-Assisted and the tenant is getting non-project based assistance .. Revised - The Tenant Certification Calculation process to retain Program Type selections made on previous certifications to eliminate having to reselect this information on each recertification.