Update Info

Release [ 2010-11-30 ] provided the following program changes ...

IN GENERAL: Added - The option to Include Forwarding Address Information on the Vacancy Listing .. Revised - The printed Address Book Summary to sort the same as the sort currently selected on-screen.

ACCOUNTING: Added - The option to Include Forwarding Address Information on the Security Deposit Refund Summary .. Verified - The 1099-MISC form layout for 2010 has not changed since 2009 .. Added - The 2010 Certificate of Rent Paid form versions for the State of MN, MO, PA, and WI .. Added - The option to Include Payee's with No Vendor ID's to the Vendor Ledger Report .. Revised - The Include Past Tenant option provided in the Rent Roll Report, Aged Receivables Report, and Tenant Ledger Report, to only include Past Tenants that have a Balance Due for the reporting period defined ( not include Past Tenants with zero balances ) .. Revised - The Security Deposit Refund - Tenant Selection window to only list tenants that are eligible for SDR processing.


HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The Gross Rent / UA Change process to more accurately include adjustments for multiple future Move-Out/In activity for retroactive GRC's.


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