Update Info

Release [ 2024.06.30 ] Provided the following changes ...

IN GENERAL: Added - Options to sort the User-Defined Tenant Summary by Unit Number or Head Tenant's Last Name.

ACCOUNTING: Added - A new Cash Flow - Report Type option to the Custom Layout Designer feature that will be used to customize a new Cash Flow form option being added to the Balance Sheet - Report Type selection list in a future software update.

HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The Password Protection feature by expanding the existing HUD Menu [ tab ] Allowing TC Activation for Closed Voucher Month checkbox to include UT - Unit Transfers, TM - Terminations and MO - Move-Outs .. Fixed - HAP Adjustment Calculation Prior & New period date issues involving retroactive Tenant Certifications that were effective prior to an existing Termination Record that remains in effect. 


LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The TRACS 203A Enabled checkbox option ( located in DATA .. PROJECT DATA .. HUD INFO ) for 100% LIHTC Projects to implement full use of all applicable HOTMA related compliance features with a designated start Date .. Revised - The MSHDA ( MI) Tenant Income Certification form - Asset section to accurately report all HOTMA related information and amounts .. Revised - The TDHCA ( TX ) Income Certification form - Asset section to accurately report all HOTMA related information and amounts.
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