Update Info
Release [ 2023-05-31 ] Provided the following changes ...
IN GENERAL: Fixed - The issue when the initial splash screen would not close on its own.
HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - The ability to individualize Tenant & Voucher MAT file placement based on each project's Destination TRACSMAIL ID Number that is established in the DATA .. PROJECT DATA .. HUD INFO feature window. A new checkbox was added to the UTILITIES .. DATA PATHS feature window that will automatically switch MAT file placement from the default FHAWINTRACS folder to individualized Destination TRACSMAIL ID subfolders ( ex: FHAWINTRACSTRACMPROD, FHAWINTRACSTRACM12345, etc. ). FHA Software clients with numerous HUD subsidized projects that submit MAT files to multiple State TRACS Contract Administrators will benefit from this revision.
RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - A new CD0390 MergeField Code to the list of available Custom MSWord Designer - Certification Data ( _CD.DOC ) related MergeField Codes for inserting the Final Net Tenant Contribution minus Other Subsidy amount.