Update Info
Release [ 2023.04.30 ] Provided the following changes ...
IN GENERAL: Revised - The Waiting List Data - Reset Income Levels feature to allow split RD/HUD properties to generate separate RD and HUD compliance related Waiting Lists .. Added - A new Unit Data History report option to the INFO menu of the Tenant Certification Data feature window that provides the ability to view Unit Data History in effect for the Unit # selected.
HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Updated - The iMAX Communications - Send MAT Files to TRACS feature with an automated process of moving MAT files to a Sent.Box folder after they have been successfully submitted to their Destination TRACSMAIL ID .. Updated - The iMAX Communications - Send MAT Files to TRACS feature with the ability to view &/or resubmit MAT files from the Sent.Box folder .. Updated - The TRACS/MAT - Tenant Assistance Changes feature to view MAT files in both Unsent and Sent.Box folders .. Updated - The TRACS/MAT - HUD-52670 HAP Vouchers feature to view MAT files in both Unsent and Sent.Box folders .. Added - An Exclude HUD Market Renter Tenants checkbox option to the Unit Data Summary setup feature window .. Fixed - The issue with the Contract Rent Rate amount not being inserted in a Section 8 Special Claims entry created by the Move-Out process .. Revised - The HUD COA Associations feature window by removing the outdated grid layout .. Revised - The HUD Unit Number Conversion Utility feature window by removing the outdated grid layout .. Added - The FY2023 HUD Income Limit Schedule Dataset that is effective 05/15/2023.
RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The RD COA Associations feature window by removing the outdated grid layout .. Revised - The RD Unit Number Conversion Utility feature window by removing the outdated grid layout.
LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The LIHTC Unit Number Conversion Utility feature window by removing the outdated grid layout .. Added - The FY2023 LIHTC Multifamily Tax Subsidy Projects ( MTSP ) and HOME Income Limit Schedule Dataset that is effective 05/15/2023.