Update Info
Release [ 2011-11-30 ] provided the following program changes ...
ACCOUNTING: Added - The Wisconsin 2011 Rent Certificate form to the Certificate of Rent Paid (CRP) form feature .. Added - The Minnesota 2011 Certificate of Rent Paid form to the Certificate of Rent Paid (CRP) form feature .. Added - The ability to print an IRS 1096 Annual Summary form from the existing IRS 1099 Form Processing feature.
RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - The Idaho USDA/RD Approved Lease and Lease Renewal ( Rev 05/06 ) forms to the Tenant Certification PRINToptions feature .. Fixed - The Assign RA feature to automatically change Action Process to MODIFY TI when Rental Assistance is being applied on the same effective date as an existing Tenant Certification.
LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - A new [+] button in the Building ID Information section of the Tax Credit window in Project Data which displays Building ID specific address information that is required to be included in the new LIHTC Data Transfer Standard XML 2.0 file format coming out the end of December 2011 .. Added - The Mississippi Student and Rent Declaration form [ MS Sec42-SARD ] to the list of available Tax Credit certification forms to print .. Added - Placed in Service (PIS) Date to be displayed on the Tenant Certification - Preview window ( just below Building ID ) for LIHTC monitored projects .. Added - A Guide to Completing Form 8823 option to the LIHTC menu which provides access to this current PDF file documentation.