Update Info

Release [ 2022.12.31 ] Provided the following changes ...

IN GENERAL: The 2022.12.31 Update Release is basically an end of year update that includes revisions made since the previous 2022.11.30 Update Release for issues pertaining primarily to Tenant Certification Data, Unit Data and Project Data features. General issues resolved includes how Dates were being displayed along with minor issues processing Unit Transfers, Terminations and Move-Outs. 

ACCOUNTING: Fixed - The inability to redisplay very large amounts in the Check Printing Process .. Select Specific Payables feature window .. Fixed - An issue occuring with reporting MTD/YTD Budget amounts on a consolidated Multi-Property MTD/YTD Budget Comparison Operating Statement .. Added - The ability to import ADP - Payroll Transaction .CSV export files as A/J Adjustment Journal Entries by adding a new .CSV Files checkbox option to the bottom of the setup window.


RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Fixed - An issue with the RD 3560-7 Project Budget / UA feature when arrowing down through Proposed Budget column line items in Part II was skipping over a couple Utility section lines. 

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