Update Info

Release [ 2022.06.30 ] Provided the following changes ...

IN GENERAL: Upgraded - The Gross Rent / UA Changes feature to .NET 4.0 programming.

ACCOUNTING: Added - The ability to manually change the Batch # that will be created when entering A/P Tenant Charges / Payments in the Multiple A/R Tenant Charge &/or Payment Entry feature .. Upgraded - The Check Printing Process feature to .NET 4.0 programming.

HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - The FY2022 ( effective 04/18/2022 ) HUD Income Limit Schedules to the HUD IL Dataset. 

RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Posted - The FY2022 ( effective 07/01/2022 ) USDA/RD MFH Direct Income Limit Schedules to the RD Related Downloads page of our website.

LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Fixed - The issue with Award # not being inserted on the current Indiana HOME Tenant Income Certification form .. Updated - The MHC Student and Rent Declaration form [ MS-S42 SARD ] to the current MHC 03/2022 revision .. Added - The FY2022 ( effective 04/18/2022 ) Multi-Family Tax Subsidy ( MTSP ) Income Limit schedules to the HUD IL Dataset .. Added - The FY2022 ( effective 06/15/2022 ) HOME Income Limit Schedule to the HUD IL Dataset. 
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