Update Info
Release [ 2021.03.31 ] Provided the following changes ...
IN GENERAL: Updated - The internal software prgram used to generate MS Word Documents throughout the FHA Software program that can be edited using the built-in Custom MSWord Designer feature .. Added - An Exclude Projects with no Expired TC Activity checkbox to the Certification Expiration Report feature window .. Revised - All PDF file display options to use your default PDF file application instead of looking specifically for an Adobe PDF file reader .. Added - The ability ( in the DATA .. PROJECT DATA .. DEFAULT FORMS window ) to automatically set your default Form Type ( .RPT or .DOC ) when accessing Custom Report Generation feature windows throughout the FHA Software program .. Added - Application Date to the information displayed when listing applicants found using the Tenant/Applicant Search feature .. Revised - The Utility Refund Report feature to automatically show a prorated Utility Refund Amount for HUD Subsidized tenants that have a mid-month Move-In &/or Move-Out Date within the Month/Year being reported .. Fixed - The Waiting List Summary to accurately report Received Date & Time .. Revised - The Change Data Summary - Setup window with a Beginning & Ending Date selection option that expends the Reporting Period beyond just one month .. Added - The ability to see and sort the list of Applicant Entries in the Waiting List Data - FIND window by Received Date.
ACCOUNTING: Fixed - The Certificate of Rent Paid ( CRP ) feature to omit printing a separate 2020 WI Rent Certificate page for a Spouse .. Added - A new "Exclude Non-Revenue Producing MGR Units" checkbox option to the Management Fee Calculation - Occupied Units feature window that will omit MGR units from the Occupied Unit Count, when checked .. Upgraded - The A/J Adjustment Journal Entry feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Upgraded - The A/R Tenant Payment Entry feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Upgraded - The Balance Sheet feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Upgraded - The General Ledger Report feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Upgraded - The Operating Statement feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Added - A notation ( <= ) to the Vendor Accounts Summary that visably indicates expired insurance coverage dates on the summary .. Revised - The Security Deposit Refund Report feature's sort order for Move-Out and Entry Dates to descending order ( newest to oldest ) .. Added - A new Vendor Accounts Summary to the Vendor Ledger Report feature's list of Other Summaries which provides a notation ( <= ) that visably indicates expired insurance coverage dates on the summary.
HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - A new Password Protection - Data Menu - Unit Data related checkbox option called "Allow Vacate to be Processed Based on Expired TC" that can be used to prevent a HUD Move-Out ( Vacate ) from being processed when it is effective after an expired Tenant Certification and no Termination Record has been created, when unchecked .. Revised - The Section 8 Special Claims feature's sorting order for Move-In, Move-Out and Voucher Dates to descending order ( newest to oldest ).
RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Fixed - An issue with posting RD Project Worksheets to the Accounting feature for Accrual projects that have multiple charges ( ex: Audit Receivables, Late Fees, Cost Items, etc. ) manually added to the worksheet tally.
LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - The Texas ( TSAHC ) Income Certification form [ TX-Sec42 TSAHC ] to the list of available LIHTC Certifications .. Added - The Pennsylvania ( PHFA ) Alternate Certification TIC form [ PA-Sec42 AC ] to the list of available LIHTC Certifications .. Revised - The Certification On Line ( COL ) XML file layout to accommodate import restrictions the new Certification Portal ( CP ) system has that replaced COL in several State HFA's recently .. Upgraded - The Tax Credit Analysis feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Added - A new Texas State Affordable Housing Corporation ( TSAHC ) Unit Status Report [ TX - TSAHC Unit Status Report ] to the list of Specific State Report options in the Tax Credit Analysis feature .. Added - A new LIHTC Program Type Designations report option to the Tax Credit Analysis feature that can be used to verify Federal Income & Rent Restriction Desgnations currently selected for each individual Tenant Income Certification .. Updated - The California ( CTCAC ) Tenant Income Certification form [ CA-Sec42 TIC ] to the current April 2021 Revision .. Updated - The California ( CTCAC ) Tenant Household Information Form [ CA-Sec42 THIF ] to the current April 2021 Revision .. Added - A new FDIC Affordable Housing Program - Tenant Income Certification form [ FDIC AHP TIC ] to the list of LIHTC Certification form selections.