Update Info

Release [ 2020.10.31 ] Provided the following changes ...

IN GENERAL: Added - A new Print/Preview Access Only checkbox option to the Password Protection - Data Menu tab - Unit Data section that will restrict UNIT DATA feature window access with Read Only status .. Upgraded - The Data Backup/Restore feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Upgraded - The Reindex & Optimize Database feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Revised - The Waiting List Data - Members Information feature window to default the Sex Designation to Blank ( not provided ) instead of Male or Female .. Added - A Trailing Trend report print option to the Management Fee Calculation - Based on Occupied Units feature.

ACCOUNTING: Revised - The A/R Tenant Payment Entry - Tenant Selection feature window with the ability to Include Past or Future Tenants on the list instead of both Past and Future Tenants at the same time .. Added - The ability to add new Chart of Account #'s to multiple project chart of accounts at the same time .. Added - A Print button option to the A/R Tenant Payment Entry .. View Batch Details feature window .. Revised - The existing IRS 1099 Form Processing feature to include the new 1099-NEC Nonemployee Compensation form for 2021.

HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Upgraded - The Generate a HAP Request Voucher feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Upgraded - The Review HAP Voucher History feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Upgraded - The Review Section 8 Special Claims feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Upgraded - The TRACS/MAT - Tenant Assistance Changes feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Added - A Create a History Baseline MAT File checkbox option to the TRACS/MAT - Tenant Assistance Changes - Automated Selection Process feature window .. Added - HUD Project Number and Section 8 Contract Number as MergeField Codes for generating Custom MSWord Documents in the Review Repayment Agreements feature.

RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Upgraded - The Generate a Project Worksheet feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Upgraded - The RD 3560-12 Reserve Authorization Request feature to .NET 4.0 programming.

LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Updated - The California ( CTCAC ) Tenant Income Certification form [ CA-Sec42 TIC ] to the current March 2020 Revision .. Updated - The California ( CTCAC ) Tenant Household Information Form [ CA-Sec42 THIF ] to the current March 2020 Revision.
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