Update Info
Release [ 2013-03-31 ] provided the following program changes ...
IN GENERAL: Added - A Send button to the Security Data Export feature that allows the user to electronically send all selected export files directly to the NIDA Sheperd System database with just one mouse click .. Added - A Select Specific Tenants checkbox to the Generate Recertification Notices feature to allow recertification notices to be generated for specific tenants only.
ACCOUNTING: Added - A Custom G/L Data Export option to the General Ledger Report feature that allows G/L Summary information to be exported ( saved ) to a data file that can then be imported directly into other accounting software programs.
HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - A new Review Repayment Agreements feature to the HUD menu which will keep track of Repayment Agreement Reversal/Payment activity and automatically links to HAP Voucher requests, similar to the existing Section 8 Special Claims feature .. Fixed - The Run-Time Error issue that was occurring when attempting to run a HUD-93014 Excess Income Report.
RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Updated - The Illinois USDA/RD Approved Lease Agreement [ RD_IL_LEASE_CD.RPT ] and Renewal of Lease Agreement [ RD_IL_RENEWAL_CD.RPT ] forms to the current March 2013 revision.
LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The Mississippi Student and Rent Declaration TIC form [ MS-Sec42 SARD ] to the current 12/2012 Revision.