Update Info
Release [ 2015.12.31 ] provides the following changes ...
ACCOUNTING: Added - The 2015 Vermont Landlord's Certificate form to the Certification of Rent Paid (CRP) feature .. Added - The 2015 Minnesota Certification of Rent Paid form to the Certification of Rent Paid (CRP) feature and added the ability to split and print a separate form for all adult members .. Added - The 2015 Wisconsin Rent Certificate form to the Certification of Rent Paid (CRP) feature .. Added - The 2015 Missouri Certificate of Rent Paid form to the Certification of Rent Paid (CRP) feature.
HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The Automatic HAP Adjustment Calculation feature to correct minor adjustment calculation accuracy issues that have come up since the last update release .. Revised - Entry of the 11 character HUD Section 8 Contract Number to allow the seventh character to change from being numeric to an alpha-numeric character to allow new HUD Contract Numbering being issued to be recorded .. Revised - The Gross Rent / UA Changes feature to more accurately recalculate TTP and HAP amounts that are subject to Non-Citizen Rule Proration Calculations.