Update Info

Release [ 2015-01-31 ] provided the following program changes ...

IN GENERAL: Added - The ability to sort Occupancy Reports by Unit Number or by Move In/Out Date .. Revised - The Waiting List Data Summary feature to insure that Existing Tenant Transfers are treated as the number one preference in the Standard RD/HUD Housing Compliant Sort.

ACCOUNTING: Added - Prev/Next buttons to the Recurring Tenant Charges feature that helps simplify the Tenant Selection process, once the first tenant is selected .. Added - The Vermont 2014 Landlord's Certificate form to the Certificate of Rent Paid (CRP) form feature .. Added - The Print to PDF Files bullet option to the Accounting Defaults feature .. Added - The Print to PDF Files bullet option to the A/J Adjustments Jounal Entry feature .. A/P Check Disbursement Entry - Print options .. General Ledger Report feature .. Vendor Ledger Reports feature .. Rent Roll Reports feature .. Tenant Ledger Report feature .. Delinquent Rent Reports feature .. Security Deposit Report feature .. Security Deposit Interest Refund feature .. Added - A new Allow A/R Access to Past Tenants checkbox to the Password Protection - Accounting tab that will restrict designated users from adding, editing or removing A/R entries for Past Tenants .. Fixed - The Vacancy Listing issue where a report was not being printed for projects with zero vacancy.

HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The Automatic HAP Adjustment Calculation feature to correct minor adjustment calculation accuracy issues that have come up since the last update release .. Revised - The Generate a HAP Request Voucher feature to correct an issue with the Miscellaneous Accounting Request total, being reported in the Voucher MAT file, not including amounts from the new TRACS 202D catagories .. Added - A new Auto create a Tenant Change MAT file for the Report Date selected checkbox to the Generate a HAP Request Voucher - Setup window that will automatically create a Tenant Change MAT file that includes all new tenant change activity for the Voucher month/year selected, when the entire HUD-52670 HAP Request Voucher is printed .. Added - The Print to PDF Files bullet option to the Review Payment Agreements feature .. Added - A new Verification of Assets on Deposit form [ V_ASST_SUMMARY_H_RN.RPT ] that will automatically list all asset entries for the same Asset Source ( Bank Name, etc. ) belonging to each individual household member that can be used instead of printing an Asset Verification form for each individual asset entry .. Added - The ability to Create a new Repayment Agreement Entry for Non-Existing Tenants and Owner/Agent Agreement types to the Review Repayment Agreements - File menu option .. Revised - The Review Miscellaneous Accounting feature with the ability to select which HAP Contract Number an entry applies to for projects with multiple HAP Contracts .. Added - The Print to PDF Files bullet option to the Review Repayment Agreement feature .. Review Repayment Agreement feature .. Review Miscellaneous Accounting feature .. Review HAP Voucher History feature .. HUD-27061 Race/Ethnicity Report feature .. HUD Tenant/Rent Analysis feature .. HUD Income Targeting Report feature .. HUD Statement of P&L feature .. HUD Management Fee Calculation feature.

RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - A new Verification of Assets on Deposit form [ V_ASST_SUMMARY_R_RN.RPT ] that will automatically list all asset entries for the same Asset Source ( Bank Name, etc. ) belonging to each individual household member that can be used instead of printing an Asset Verification form for each individual asset entry .. Added - The Print to PDF Files bullet option to the Review Project Worksheet History feature .. Generate a Project Worksheet feature .. RD Tenant/Rent Analysis feature .. RD R/A Assignment Report feature .. RD 3560-10 Balance Sheet feature .. RD 3560-12 Reserve Authorization Request feature .. RD Management Fee Calculation feature.

LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - A new Verification of Assets on Deposit form [ V_ASST_SUMMARY_T_RN.RPT ] that will automatically list all asset entries for the same Asset Source ( Bank Name, etc. ) belonging to each individual household member that can be used instead of printing an Asset Verification form for each individual asset entry .. Revised - LIHTC Data Transfer Standard XML 2.0 file creation to accomodate recent changes that allow household members to decline reporting their Sex and an issue with reporting the S8V Subsidy Type, when applicable .. Updated - The Missouri Exhibit B - Tenant Income Certification form [ MO-Sec42 TIC ] to the 01/29/2015 Revision.

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