Update Info

Release [ 2015-02-28 ] provided the following program changes ...


ACCOUNTING: Revised - The IRS 1099 Form Processing feature by adding a Consolidated checkbox option to allow Vendor Account payment activity for multiple projects to be consolidated onto one 1099-Misc form with Owner or Management Agent information as the common Payer .. Added - A Sort By option to the Aged Payables Report - Setup window .. Fixed - The issue with printing 1st Month Prorated Utility Refund Checks that did not include the Utility Company name as the Payee on the printed check.

HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The Automatic HAP Adjustment Calculation feature to correct minor adjustment calculation accuracy issues that have come up since the last update release .. Added - The current VHDA Lease Agreement [ VHDA_LEASE_AGREEMENT_CD.RPT ] form to the HUD-50059 Tenant Certification - PRINT options window .. Revised - The HUD-52671-C Special Claims for Regular Vacancy form with the actual form image ( not facsmile ) and added page #2 Public Burden Statement that didn't previously exist.


LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Updated - The Iowa Tenant Income Certification form [ IA-Sec42 TIC ] to the 11/26/2014 Revision .. Updated - The Texas Tenant Income Certification form [ TX-Sec42 TIC ] to the 01/26/2015 Revision .. Updated - The Mississippi Tenant Income Certification form [ MS-Sec42 TIC ] to the 02/2015 Revision .. Added - The new LIHTC Data Transfer Standard XML 3.1 file creation feature to the LIHTC menu .. Added - The new LIHTC XML 3.1 File Conversion Utility feature to the LIHTC menu.

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