Update Info

Release [ 2002-10-04 ] provided the following program changes ...

IN GENERAL: Reporting RD Basic/Note Rate Rent amounts versus HUD Contract Rent amounts on Recertification Notices has been corrected .. PMW Interface tenant specific address imported with Move-Ins has been fixed .. EDGE Interface Move-Out processing glitch has been fixed .. RD versus HUD Action Process Codes displayed on the TC Detail Report has been corrected.


HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: A glitch with including Move-Out records with the EDI File Auto-Selection Process has been corrected .. Subsidy Type indicator will now display No Deep Subsidy when RD R/A is automatically removed during the recert process.

LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: A checkbox has been added to the Tax Credit Analysis which allows Tax Credit Compliance calculations for all tenants to be based on a selected set of Income Limits .. Action Process Codes displayed on the Section 42 Certification has been corrected.

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