Update Info
Release [ 2002-11-01 ] provided the following program changes ...
IN GENERAL: Fixed - The correct Action Process Code is now displayed on the TC Detail Report .. Revised - All sorted lists will now have a secondary sort by unit number .. Fixed - A GRC entry was showing up as an incorrect Termination Action Code in the Changes to Tenant Assistance/Status file.
RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Fixed - The Automated Selection Process (EDI File) now includes Move-Outs again .. Fixed - When a TC process determines that RD R/A is no longer needed, the RD Subsidy Code now automatically changes to "No Deep Subsidy".
HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Fixed - The Automated Selection Process (MAT File) now includes Move-Outs again.
LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Fixed - The correct Action Process Code is now displayed on the Section 42 Tenant Certification.