Update Info
Release [ 2003-08-26 ] provided the following program changes ...
IN GENERAL: Revised - Applicant Name format on the printed Waiting List Report has been switched from (Last, First) to (First Last) .. Fixed - Incorrect Applicant Time data info was being displayed on the Applicant Information Report .. Fixed - Run-Time Error '424' when attempting to add Applicant Info to Multiple Projects when applicant's SSN already existed in other Waiting Lists.
ACCOUNTING CHANGES: Fixed - The Select COA Only option of the General Ledger Report was not including A/R Detail .. Added - a Void Checks Process feature .. Added - Recurring Check Disbursements feature.
RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - With the 07/03 Revision RD 1944-8 Tenant Certification form.
LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Fixed - Calculation error in Current Max Gross Rent column of the IHDA Tax Credit Compliance Report .. Fixed - Run-Time Error '13' when attempting to transfer a LIHTC tenant .. Fixed - Qualifying Income Eligibility comparison on a Move-In Certification when Multiple Tax Credit Income Limits are being used.