Update Info
Release [ 2004-08-09 ] provided the following program changes ...
IN GENERAL: Revised - The Auto-Update Process to allow the currently available software release to be retrieved, even though it may be the same release already running in your system.
ACCOUNTING CHANGES: Revised - Bank Reconciliation - Accounting Balance calculation to ignore if multiple Bank ID's were used for the same COA Number being reconciled .. Added - A safeguard feature to the Check Printing Process that prevents duplicate Check Number usage when running checks in Multi-Project Mode or MICR Check Mode .. Fixed - Recurring Payables having the same vendor ID as existing payables will now be consolidated to one check, when the Consolidate Checks option is checked .. Added - A MTD Budget Comparison report to Operating Statement - Report Types .. Added - A YTD Budget Comparison report to Operating Statement - Report Types .. Added - Security Deposit Amount as a Tenant Charge that is automatically posted to the tenant's A/R when then new Move-In TC is activated .. Fixed - Stopped Secondary Checks from being printed when all check detail doesn't fit on the original check stub.
RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - The option to generate a NY Rural Rental Assistance Payment - Project Worksheet for those RD projects in the State of NY who request NY RRAP Subsidy each month .. Added - An Attachment E - Lease Rider NY State RRAP [NY_RRAP.TXT] text file that can be generated from the TC Print Options window for NY projects .. Removed - The automated Security Deposit calculation feature from processing Initial RD 1944-8 Tenant Certification to eliminate further confusion.
HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Fixed - The Review Sec.8 Special claims - Find Window was displaying an incorrect Special Claims Total .. Fixed - The automated Sec.236 Security Deposit miscalculation that was happening for new Move-Ins.
LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - All Tenant Income Certification (TIC) forms to accommodate recent changes made with Asset Income detail including Household Member Numbers.