Update Info

Release [ 2004-10-01 ] provided the following program changes ...


ACCOUNTING CHANGES: Fixed - A/R Tenant Payment Entry posting issue which caused G/L Summary & Detail totals to be off and required using the G/L Reposting Utility to correct .. Fixed - Remaining Balance amount being reported on text generated Payment Receipt when adding a tenant payment .. Added - The ability to generate a Consolidated Batch Summary report .. Added - The ability to Export G/L Summary information to an external user-selected file format (such as comma delimited text, Excel Spreadsheet, etc.).

RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Fixed - The Current Approved Date displayed on Part IV - 1 of a loaded RD 1930-7 Project Budget to match the actual date previously saved.

HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - Security Deposit Amount requirements to allow zero amounts .. Fixed - Stopped sending Elderly Status Codes in HUD-50059 MAT files for elderly members with relationship status as Other.

LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The Sec.42 Tenant Income Certification (TIC) Detail window so that it appears automatically upon calculation and provides more eligibility information to be viewed &/or modified, giving the user more control over multiple MSA allocation & compliance during the recertification process.

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