Update Info
Release [ 2006-02-23 ] provided the following program changes ...
IN GENERAL: Fixed - The issue with Removing Work Order entries .. Fixed - The issue with editing Work Order Completion Dates.
ACCOUNTING CHANGES: Fixed - Run-Time Error 94 issue when attempting to edit an A/P Check Disbursement Entry.
RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Fixed - RD EDI File Conversion feature issues .. Replaced - The RD 1930-8 Balance Sheet form with the February 2005 RD 3560-10 Balance Sheet form version.
HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Fixed - HUD MAT File Conversion feature issues.
LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Fixed - The amounts displayed in the "Most Current Published Income Limit" column of the IHDA LIHTC Compliance Report .. Added - CSV File Creation ability for electronic Tenant Data Upload submission to MSHDA's MITAS Internet Property Management Site.