Update Info
Release [ 2006-09-30 ] provided the following program changes ...
ACCOUNTING CHANGES: Fixed - Issues with the Recertification Notice Generation feature.
RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Fixed - Issues with the May 2006 RD 3560-7 Project Budget preparation feature that were causing recent problems with data entry and MINC rejection .. Added - RD 3560 HB2 Letter #204 Notice to Tenants of Proposed Rent & Utility Allowance Change and Letter #205 Notice of Approved Rent & Utility Allowance Change to the Custom Report Designer [.RPT] file library.
HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - Current HUD Lease form versions (Sec.8, 202PAC, 202PRAC, 811PRAC) and Ethnicity & Racial Data form to the Custom Report Designer [.RPT] file library.
LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - Current Sec.42 Lease & Lease Addendum forms to the Custom Report Designer [.RPT] file library.