President's Blog

Duane D. Tinsley, President
Simply Computer Software, Inc.

Duane D. Tinsley is the President of Simply Computer Software, Inc. and has been involved with affordable housing since 1982. Duane is the creator of FHA Software which is currently being used to automate over 5,500 RD, HUD, and LIHTC projects nationwide. Duane continues to be involved with software development and attends industry vendor meetings to stay on top of required changes. Duane also attends and speaks at numerious management association conferences throughout the year which includes sponsor/exhibitor display participation. Most of the SCS website pages provide information about FHA Software for potential clients, as well as existing users. This blog page is a way for Duane to chronologically document ongoing industry related events that he feels are of interest.

Want to send the President a comment? Duane's personal email address is ...
Just posted the 2014.10.31 Update Release to our ftp site that includes TRACS 202D Compliance for all our HUD project users. All HUD project users that are on a Quarterly Update CDROM plan will be sent an Update CDROM this week. Broadcast Email Messages will be sent out shortly. .. DT.
Just posted the 2014.09.30 Update Release to our ftp site which happens to be our 3rd Quarter CDROM Update, as well. Broadcast Email Messages will be sent out shortly. Third Quarter ( September 2014 ) CDROM Updates for FHA Software will be sent out sent out by the end of the week. .. DT.
Just posted the 2014.08.31 Update Release to our ftp site. Broadcast Email Messages will be sent out shortly. .. DT.
Recent updates to Norton/Symantec Antivirus program - Virus Definition Files is causing problems with FHA Software program operation, as it is falsely detecting a Trojan.Gen.X virus in one or more EXE files and deleting them. A Broadcast Email Message has been sent out to all users with instructions on how to change Norton Antivirus scan settings and restore deleted/affected FHA Software EXE files. .. DT.
HUD posted a new HUD Income Limit Schedule with a 07/01/2014 effective date that complies with new Extremely Low Income ( 30% of Median ) limit calculation definitions. A Broadcast Email Message has been sent out to all users with instructions on how to retrieve and add this new schedule in FHA Software. .. DT.
Just posted the 2014.06.30 Update Release to our ftp site. Broadcast Email Messages will be sent out shortly. Second Quarter ( June 2014 ) CDROM Updates for FHA Software will be sent out sent out by the end of the week. .. DT.
Just posted the 2014.05.31 Update Release to our ftp site. Broadcast Email Messages will be sent out shortly. .. DT.
Finally created a Facebook page for Simply Computer Software, Inc. and will start posting SCS related activity on Facebook from this point on. .. DT.
Just posted the 2014.03.31 Update Release to our ftp site. Broadcast Email Messages will be sent out shortly. First Quarter ( March 2014 ) CDROM Updates for FHA Software will be sent out sent out by the end of the week. .. DT.
Our Annual 2-Day FHA Software Training Seminar was held earlier this week and appreciate all those who attended. It's always nice to meet our users and really value your use of FHA Software. Thanks again. .. DT.
Just posted the 2014.02.28 Update Release to our ftp site. Broadcast Email Messages will be sent out shortly. .. DT.
Just posted the 2014.01.31 Update Release to our ftp site. Broadcast Email Messages will be sent out shortly. .. DT.
USDA/RD just posted the 2014 RD Income Limit Schedules on the MINC website which are to be effective 02/14/2014. Broadcast Email Messages will be sent to all RD related FHA Software users later today. .. DT.
The Annual 2-Day FHA Software Training Seminar is scheduled for March 24 & 25, 2014 in Rockford, IL. Training brochures will be mailed out next week. An agenda and registration form is also available on our Training page [ ]. .. DT.
Just posted a 2014.01.13 Update to the 2014 WI-CARH Lease Generation Program that allows all Dates to be selected from a pop-up calendar feature, expanded the number of maximum characters allowed for various project & tenant information and allow licensed users to incorporate custom text in Exhibit A thru J forms. .. DT.
Just posted the 2013.12.31 Update Release to our ftp site. Broadcast Email Messages will be sent out shortly. Fourth Quarter ( December 2013 ) CDROM Updates for FHA Software will be sent out sent out by the end of the week. .. DT.
Just posted the 2013.11.30 Update Release to our ftp site. Broadcast Email Messages will be sent out shortly. .. DT.
We finally moved into our new, larger office space this week and are starting to get settled. Click-on the CONTACT page for the new mailing address. We also have a brand new phone system at the new office space and not all the kinks have been worked out yet. We hope to have all the extension greetings recorded by the weekend. We appreciate your patience, if you've attempted to call the last few days. The 2013.11.30 Update Release should be available tomorrow ( Friday ) and will send a Broadcast Email Message when it is. 2014 AMFEE Invoices are also being processed and should be in the mail by Monday. .. DT.
Just posted the 2013.10.31 Update Release to our ftp site. Broadcast Email Messages will be sent out shortly. .. DT.
Upgrade installation for the 2014 AHA of Indiana Lease program has been posted to our ftp site and is now available for download. A new 2014 Registration Code is required. All currently registered AHA Indiana program users have been sent an email announcing the availability of this upgrade and must call Charyl Luth at AHA IN to submit their 2014 lease renewal request. .. DT.
Upgrade installation for the 2014 RRHA of Texas Lease program has been posted to our ftp site and is now available for download. A new 2014 Registration Code is required. All currently registered RRHA Texas program users have been sent an email and letter through snail mail with 2014 Registration Codes and upgrade installation instructions. .. DT.
Just posted the 2013.09.30 Update Release to our ftp site. Broadcast Email Messages will be sent out shortly. Third Quarter ( September 2013 ) CDROM Updates for FHA Software will be sent out sent out in today's mail. .. DT.
Implementing TRACS Release 202D has been delayed indefinitly. New (202D) HUD-50059 Tenant Certification and new (202D) HUD-52670 HAP Request Voucher forms have not yet been approved by the OMB office and may not be for another six months to a year. We'll keep you advised. .. .. DT.
Just posted the 2013.08.31 Update Release to our ftp site. Broadcast Email Messages will be sent out shortly. .. DT.
Just posted the 2013.07.31 Update Release to our ftp site. Broadcast Email Messages will be sent out shortly. The FHA Software - User Manual has also just been revised. A free PDF file copy is available on our DOWNLOADS page [ ]. A printed copy can be sent to you with a $12.00 invoice. .. DT.