Update Information

Update Info
[ 2024.10.31 ] is the current FHA Software release.

Program updates are available using the built-in Auto-Update feature which automates the update retrieval & installation process from our internet site. New updates are posted nearly every two or three weeks. If internet access is non-existent or connection speed is too slow for update file retrieval, users can be placed on our quarterly update mailing list.

To retrieve and install an FHA Software update ...

1.) Backup your FHA Software database ( using the built-in Data Backup/Restore feature )
2.) Establish an internet connection
3.) Start FHA Software for Windows
4.) Click-on Help .. Check for Update .. Auto-Update Process .. Get Update - Internet
5.) When file download is complete, click-on Update to install the update

The following are details of revisions, enhancements and new features added with recent FHA Software updates.

IN GENERAL: Revised - Waiting List - Member Entry to allow Race to be left blank during the applicant entry process .. Revised - The Password Protection feature expanding user access detail to all FHA Software menu items .. Added - An In Care Of ( C/O ) field to Forwarding Address information stored in Unit Data and usable in Custom Report Generations .. Revised - All Tenant Certification calculation windows to display annual Income, Asset and Expense calculations rounded to the nearest cent to justify RD, HUD & LIHTC rounding requirements .. Revised - The TC Detail Report to show annual Income, Asset & Expense amounts as they were calculated to the nearest penny and the point upon which they were rounded .. Fixed - The Run-Time Error problem generating Work Order forms .. Added - Emergency Contact information to Custom Reports generated from Tenant Certification Data.


RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The calculation process to automatically declare Part X - Certification by Borrower - Income &/or Occupancy Eligibility on the RD 3560-7 Tenant Certification.

HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The HUD-93104 Monthly Report of Excess Income form with the new Mail To address .. Fixed - The Run-Time issue with importing tenant information from a Baseline MAT file that contains an apostrophe.

LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The maximum number of allowable LIHTC Income Limit Schedules that can be used at any one time from 5 to 14 .. Added - The ability to establish a set LIHTC Rent Limit amount for each unit size that can be used to automatically calculate a Tenant Paid Rent amount that is not the Maximum Monthly Rent Amount calculated from LIHTC Income Limit Schedules.

IN GENERAL: Fixed - Problems with printing Custom Text caused by the 2007.09.30 Update Release .. Fixed - The Multi-Property Reports feature when printing Work Order Summaries.



HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - HUD Model Lease for Section 8 with correct Lease End Date inserted.


IN GENERAL: Revised - The Rent Rate Schedule window in Project Data with the ability to establish Multiple Rent Rates, utility allowances and Square Feet from this window only .. Added - 5BR and 6BR as available Units Sizes throughout the program .. Added - Fax, TTY, Email, and Website data fields to the Project Info section of Project Data.

ACCOUNTING CHANGES: Revised - The Security Deposit Refund feature to allow up to 16 Tenant Charge entries to be edited in the Re Apply Charges window.

RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - All applicable Custom Report documents provided by FHA Software with the current USDA Non-Discrimmination Statement in the page footer .. Revised - Part IV (Current/Prposed/Utility Allowance) of the RD 3560-7 Project Budget to automatically pull unit information for all applicable unit size and type combinations from the recently revised Rent Rate Schedule in Project Data.

HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - All applicable Custom Report documents provided by FHA Software with the current 504 Non-Discrimmination Statement in the page footer.

LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - All applicable Custom Report documents provided by FHA Software with the current 504 Non-Discrimmination Statement in the page footer.

IN GENERAL: Fixed - Issue that was preventing a Work Order Summaries from printing successfully .. Added - Custom User-Created [.RPT] Report samples to the Work Order Report generation window .. Added - Tenant Phone Number, Email Address and In Case of Emergency information to Tenant Specific Information maintained with Tenant Certification Data .. Added - An Info pull down menu option to the Tenant Certification window that allows easier access to Previous TC Information and Tenant Specific Information without having to revise and resave Tenant Certifications just to view or edit this info .. Added - The ability to record Forwarding Address information during the Vacate process with Forwarding Address Information maintained in the Miscellaneous Info window of Unit Data .. Added - Alien Registration Number as a separate data entry field from SSN in the Household Member Information window of Tenant Certification Data .. Added - A Sample Birthdate Summary to the Custom Report Generation selection list in Waiting List Data.


RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The Additional Payment to the Reserve Account section on the RD 3560-29 Notice of Payment Due form to accommodate projects where not all unit HUD Rents exceed RHS Note Rate Rent.

HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Updated - HUD 4350.3 Handbook Reference with Change 2 revisions .. Revised - HUD Model Leases for Sec.8, 202PAC, 202PRAC, and 811PRAC with 4350.3 Rev-1 Change 2 (June 2007) .. Added - Sample HUD Citizenship Status Code Summary as a Custom Report that can be generated from the Certification Data Summary window .. Updated - The HUD-93104 Excess Income Report form with changes published on HUDCLIPS 08/22/2007 .. Updated - All existing HUD Verification and Consent forms with 4350.3 Rev-1 Change 2 (June 2007) Title 18 wording .. Updated - All existing HUD Recertification Notice Letters with 4350.3 Rev-1 Change 2 (June 2007) Chapter 7 wording.

LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Fixed - Issue with initial Tax Credit Type not being recognized during initial setup in Project Data .. Revised - The automated Unit Type designation for XML file creation to properly show RD N/A units with zero subsidy as Market Rent Units.

IN GENERAL: Fixed - The error message that was appearing when logging into FHA Software in a Terminal Server network system .. Added - A Project Filename Access Status notation to the Password Protection - User ID Summary.


RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Fixed - The problem Assign RA feature had with pulling the correct Rent Rate Schedule when Multiple Rent Rates apply.

HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - TRACS Error Message Reference files with document revision dated June 11, 2007.

LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Fixed - The Invalid Date Format being displayed at the top of the Maximum Rent Report when ran in Multi-Property Reports mode.

IN GENERAL: Added - A Sample Birthdate Summary report file [ SAMPLE_BIRTHDATE_CS.RPT ] to the Certification Data Summary - Custom Report Library of RPT files provided with FHA Software .. Added - A Sample Birthdate Summary report file [ SAMPLE_BIRTHDATE_US.RPT ] to the Unit Data Summary - Custom Report Library of RPT files provided with FHA Software .. Added - The ability to backup Custom Report Files, MINC/EDI Files and TRACS/MAT Files to the Data Backup/Restore selection window .. Added - the ability to Rename a Project's Filename to the Project Data - File menu .. Added - The ability to select which report date type (Voucher Date, Worksheet date, or Compliance Date) is used to match the Specific Month & Year Only option in the Change Data Summary - Setup window .. Revised - Waiting List Detail report by making it landscaped and adding Time with Application Status Dates.

ACCOUNTING CHANGES: Added - A Close Batch Process feature to the Accounting menu.

RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - The RD Approved Lease Agreement for the State of Missouri (RD_MO_LEASE_CD.RPT) as a Custom Report Designer (Generation) form that is printable from the Tenant Certification - Print Options window .. Added - The Request for Waiver for Complex to Rent to Income Inelgible Tenants for One (1) Year (RD_IO_WAIVER_PD.RPT) as a Custom Report Designer (Generation) form that is printable from the Project Data - Custom Report Generation window.



NOTE: This update provides 100% Windows VISTA capability ( which solves Help Topic access and Auto-Update feature operation issues ).

IN GENERAL: Added - A Time field to existing Contacted, Leased, Removal, Accepted, Rejected, and Inactive Date entry .. Revised - The Auto-Update feature selection by adding a Windows VISTA compatible Auto-Update option that works in Windows VISTA Operating Systems .. Revised - All Custom Report Generation - Print Option windows with Custom Reports [.Rpt] as the default form type selection .. Replaced - All existing on-screen Help Topics with enhanced Browser-Based Help Topic access ability.


RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - MINC Error Message Reference documentation .. Revised - RD 3560 Handbook Reference documentation.

HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - TRACS Error Message Reference documenation .. Revised - HUD 4350.3 REV 1 Handbook documentation.

LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The Alabama Tenant Income Certification (TIC) up to the 01/31/2007 Release.

IN GENERAL: Added - A Print Verification Form button to Member, Income, Expense, and Asset Entry windows in the Tenant Certification feature which provides the ability to print specific verification forms while editing Tenant Certification information .. Fixed - Application Date so that it automatically defaults to entering the system date when adding a new applicant to the Waiting List .. Fixed - The Project Selection glitch when printing a Change Data Summary from the Changes to Tenant Assistance - Find window .. Replaced - The Print TC Summary option (in the Find - Tenant Certification Data window) with Certification Data Summary which includes Custom Report Generation ability .. Replaced - The Print Summary option (in the Find - Unit Data window) with Unit Data Summary which includes Custom Report Generation ability .. Added - Certification Data Summary as a Report Type to the Custom Report Designer window .. Added - Unit Data Summary as a Report Type to the Custom Report Designer window .. Added - Custom Report Generation ability to the Waiting List Data Summary window .. Added - Label printing ability (Avery Label #5264, 5460, and 5963) from the Certification Data Summary, Unit Data Summary, and Waiting List Data Summary windows.

ACCOUNTING CHANGES: Revised - All standard check printing layouts with a larger font for dollar and written out amounts .. Revised - Rent Roll Reports and Tenant Ledger Reports to automatically include past tenant activity with the Current Tenant selection for those tenants who moved out within the Reporting Period .. Fixed - The Running Balance sorting issue in the Security Deposit Report (Ledger Report) .. Fixed - The incorrect Effective Date of Last Rent Change displayed in the A/R Tenant Payment Entry window on the first day of the month .. Added - Contact Name as a Data Input Code for generating IRS 1099 MISC Income forms .. Added - Custom User-Created [.RPT] Report Generation ability to the Certificate of Rent Paid (CRP) feature.

RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The RD 3560-10 Borrower Balance Sheet feature to allow Fiscal Year eporting period entry, as well as, standard Calendar Year .. Revised - RD 3560-7 Project Budget column selection criteria window for Column #2 Actuals so that the ProRate checkbox is unchecked as the default .. Added - The RD Approved Lease Agreement for the State Maine (RD_ME_LEASE_CD.RPT) as a Custom Report Designer (Generation) form that is printable from the Tenant Certification - Print Options window.


LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Fixed - The amounts being incorrectly reported in Most Currently Published Income Limit column of the IHDA Compliance Report when Multiple Income Limits apply .. Fixed - The issue with Annual Income being reported in the LIHTC Data Transfer Standard XML feature .. Fixed - MITAS CSV File creation process that was omitting member information .. Revised - Both MITAS CSV file and LIHTC Data Transfer Standard XML file features with a validation check to make sure Effective Date is the same as Move-In Date on all Move-In Certifications added to the file.

IN GENERAL: Added - New Custom Report Designer (.RPT) formatted Envelope Generation Forms to the Custom Report Form Library .. Revised - The letterhead layout on all existing Custom Report Designer (.RPT) formatted letters with Management Name, Address, Phone Number, and Project Name notation (replacing Project's Name, Address and Phone Number) .. Revised - Information displayed in the About FHA Software window.

ACCOUNTING CHANGES: Fixed - The Multi-Property Reporting issue that was not saving Recert Notice Status entries in the Recertification Notice Generation process .. Added - 2006 versions of Certificate of Rent Paid (CRP) forms for Minnesota & Missouri.

RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Updated - The USDA/RD Illinois Approved 3560 Lease, Lease Renewal, HUD Lease Addendum, and Application (Custom Report Designer) forms to the 10-11-2006 Revision .. Added - New Custom Report Designer (.RPT) formatted RD related Recertification, Verification, Waiting List, etc. Forms to the Custom Report Form Library .. Fixed - The Multi-Property Reporting issue with RD 3560-7 Project Budget form generation.

HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - New Custom Report Designer (.RPT) formatted HUD related Recertification, Verification, Waiting List, etc. Forms to the Custom Report Form Library.

LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - New Custom Report Designer (.RPT) formatted Tax Credit related Recertification, Verification, Waiting List, etc. Forms to the Custom Report Form Library .. Added - An LIHTC Data Transfer Standard XML file creation feature to LIHTC menu options .. Added - A new Alabama - Home Rent Roll report to the Tax Credit Analysis - State Specific Report select list.


ACCOUNTING CHANGES: Fixed - Issues with the Recertification Notice Generation feature.

RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Fixed - Issues with the May 2006 RD 3560-7 Project Budget preparation feature that were causing recent problems with data entry and MINC rejection .. Added - RD 3560 HB2 Letter #204 Notice to Tenants of Proposed Rent & Utility Allowance Change and Letter #205 Notice of Approved Rent & Utility Allowance Change to the Custom Report Designer [.RPT] file library.

HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - Current HUD Lease form versions (Sec.8, 202PAC, 202PRAC, 811PRAC) and Ethnicity & Racial Data form to the Custom Report Designer [.RPT] file library.

LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - Current Sec.42 Lease & Lease Addendum forms to the Custom Report Designer [.RPT] file library.

IN GENERAL: Fixed - Issues with printing Labels Only in the Recertification Notice Processing window .. Fixed - Run-Time Error 3163 when attempting to generate a Custom Report from the Tenant Certification - Print Options window .. Fixed - Last letter of tenant name being dropped when generating Recertification Notices .. Fixed - Run-Time Error 3420 when attempting to generate Annual Letters in the Recertification Notice window and there's no activity.

ACCOUNTING CHANGES: Fixed - Delinquent Rent Report with subtotal amounts for each tenant entry.

RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Fixed - The issue with Modify Certification being marked on the printed RD 3560-8 Tenant Certification when it actually was a Co-Tenant to Tenant action processed .. Updated - The RD 3560-7 Project Budget form to the May 2006 (05-06) release.

HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Fixed - The unit number sorting issue on the HUD-93104 Excess Income Report generation.


NOTE: This update is only available by CDROM. Since the March 2006 release, Simply Computer Software, Inc. updated all internal FHA Software report generation features to Crystal Decisions Release XI which requires installation of new Window DLL files. To insure that all FHA Software users get this update without difficulty, all currently active users will be sent an Update CDROM the first week in August 2006. Users who do not get their Update CDROM by August 11, 2006 should call Customer Service at 1-800-626-2431 ext.#3.

IN GENERAL: Added - A new Custom Report Designer feature to the Utilities menu that gives users enhanced custom reporting and custom letter creation abilities .. Added - Custom Report Generation options for Late Notices, Payment Receipts, Rent Statements, Project Data, Unit Data, Waiting List Data, Work Orders, Certification Data, and Recertification Notices .. Added - The ability to limit Project Filename access in the Password Protection feature .. Added - Equal Housing Opportunity, Wheel Chair Accessibility, and Telecommunications Device for the Deaf graphic files to the Bitmap folder for use with the new Custom Report Designer feature.

ACCOUNTING CHANGES: Fixed - Batch/Deposit Report - Batch Number selection issues .. Revised - Check Disbursement Summary with the ability to choose to include Invoice Date or Check Date in selected Beg/End Date Range defined.

RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Updated - The RD 3560-8 Tenant Certification form to the April 2006 (04-06) release .. Revised - EDI File Analysis feature to allow it to be monitored to the screen .. Added - RD 3560 Versions (2-15-2006) of Illinois RD Approved Lease, Lease Renewal, HUD Lease Addendum, and Lead Warning Statement forms that are printed using the new Custom Report Designer (Generation) feature, also provided with this update.

HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - HUD Income Targeting Report feature to HUD menu options.



ACCOUNTING CHANGES: Added - A Year End Account Balance Closeout - Setup window in Accounting Defaults which automatically establishes Opening Balances for each new calendar year .. Fixed - The problem in the A/P Check Disbursement Entry window that was inadvertently clearing Accounting Default info .. Fixed - Run-time Error problem when attempting to create an A/P Entry from the Work Order window.



LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - MITAS Tenant Data Upload feature to LIHTC menu options for Michigan (MSHDA) and Kansas (KHRC) electronic Tax Credit submission compliance .. Removed - MITAS Tenant Data Upload access from the Tax Credit Analysis window .. Added - Alabama (AHFA) Tenant Income Certification Form (TIC) to the Tenant Certification - Print Options window.

IN GENERAL: Fixed - The issue with Removing Work Order entries .. Fixed - The issue with editing Work Order Completion Dates.

ACCOUNTING CHANGES: Fixed - Run-Time Error 94 issue when attempting to edit an A/P Check Disbursement Entry.

RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Fixed - RD EDI File Conversion feature issues .. Replaced - The RD 1930-8 Balance Sheet form with the February 2005 RD 3560-10 Balance Sheet form version.

HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Fixed - HUD MAT File Conversion feature issues.

LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Fixed - The amounts displayed in the "Most Current Published Income Limit" column of the IHDA LIHTC Compliance Report .. Added - CSV File Creation ability for electronic Tenant Data Upload submission to MSHDA's MITAS Internet Property Management Site.

IN GENERAL: Fixed - This 2006.01.27 software release includes fixes to all database conversion and access problems that were issues with the previous 2005.12.31 software release.





IN GENERAL: Upgraded - FHA Software database files from MS Access 97 to a more stable and secure MS Access 2003 format .. Fixed - The problem with missing Move-Out Records for electronic submissions .. Fixed - Printer Properties button that was not responding in the GRC Pre-Evaluation Summary - Setup window .. Fixed - Rent Rate reporting on the Project Data Summary .. Revised - The font size to 10 CPI for printing labels in the Recertification Notice Process window.

ACCOUNTING CHANGES: Revised - The 1099FORM.TXT file to match the 2005 1099 MISC Income form layout .. Revised - The MN Certificate of Rent Paid (CRP) form to the 2005 version .. Fixed -Issue of MTD Actual Amounts missing from Budgeted Operating Statements .. Fixed - The issue with the 9th entry not appearing when editing Recurring Tenant Charges that have more than 8 entries .. Added - Missouri's 2005 Certificate of Rent Paid (CRP) form to the Certificate of Rent Paid feature .. Fixed - Aged Payables Report issues when run in Multi-Project Report mode.

RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Fixed - The Current Budget vs Actual and Current Budget vs Proposed Budget miscalculation issues in Column #4 of the RD 3560-7 Project Budget.

HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The Schedule of Tenant Assistance Payments Due page of the HUD-52670 Voucher Request to comply with the recent form change that was posted 12/02/2005 on HUDCLIPS.

LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The Minnesota Tax Credit Summary HTC13 report to the 01/06 form version.

IN GENERAL: Revised - The Unit Data Detail report that is generated from each specific unit's Unit Data - Print menu.


RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The Generate Project Worksheet - Setup window with the ability to select and monitor Part II - Multiple RD R/A Agreement worksheets individually .. Added - A Project Worksheet Notation (PWN) entry in the Misc window of Unit Data to allow users to enter custom notations for display next to the tenant's name on a printed Part II - Project Worksheet (example: (Kat) to note a Katrina Hurricane Evacuee) .. Revised - The EDI File creation - Setup window to default the 1930-7 Style when saving an RD 3560-7 Project Budget for MINC submission .. Revised - The EDI File creation feature to use the Total Actual Amount column when submitting Annual Capital Budget amounts in the 1930-7 Style.

HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - The new HUD-50059 Tenant Certification form that is required for use by December 1, 2005.



ACCOUNTING CHANGES: Added - A Status Column (Past or Current) to the Rent Roll Detail report .. Added - Tenant ID and Check Number to the Tenant Ledger Report .. Added - A Group by Charge Code option to the Tenant Ledger Report which separates each tenant's ledger with a running balance individually for each applicable Charge Code.

RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Replaced - The RD 1930-7 Project Budget - Part V Annual Capital Budget form with the February 2005 RD 3560-7 Project Budget form version .. Added - The ability to submit all RD 3560-7 Project Budget pages electronically in both RD 1930-7 and RD 3560-7 EDI file formats .. Added - A Narrative entry window to the Comments section for submission with the RD 3560-7 Project Budget form version.

HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - An Abated Unit (ABT) checkbox to the MISC window of Unit Data as a way to designate this particular unit status on the new HUD-52670 HAP Request Voucher .. Revised - Item 6 General Occupancy Information section of the HUD-52670 HAP Request Voucher to more accurately report 202PRAC and 811PRAC contracts .. Revised - The Asset Income section of the HUD-50059 Tenant Certification to correct the sort order .. Fixed - Glitch with calculating applicant Income Eligibility status for HUD subsidy on the Waiting List .. Revised - The TRACS/MAT File Format to version 202B.

LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The Texas - Tax Credit Analysis Report to correctly display Vacant units.

IN GENERAL: Fixed - Tenant Change Activation processes that are causing Run-Time Error 94 messages when accessing Unit Data.

ACCOUNTING CHANGES: Fixed - The problem with new A/P Entries with the HOLD box checked being inadvertently labeled with a "Reconciled" notation.

RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Fixed - The problem causing the DAO Error Code message when attempting to generate the RD 3560-7 Project Budget - Part IV - Rent Schedule .. Fixed - The Spelling of the word Contract in Part II - 1 of the RD 1930-7 Project Budget - Data Input screen.



IN GENERAL: Added - RA/Subsidy Amount to the items listed in the Tenant Certification History window .. Added - Eviction in Progress notation ability to the Miscellaneous window in Unit Data .. Revised - The Find - Unit Data window with more entry detail .. Revised - The Unit Data - Preview window by expanding displayed areas .. Revised - The Find - Tenant Certification window with more entry detail .. Revised - The Tenant Certification Data - Preview window by expanding displayed areas.

ACCOUNTING CHANGES: Added - The words "Eviction in Progress !!!" will be displayed in red in the A/R Tenant Payment Entry window when selecting to Add a New Payment for a tenant that is in the process of being evicted ... Added - The ability to print custom check formats (Pre-Printed & MICR) to the Check Printing Process - Setup window.

RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Replaced - RD 1930-7 Project Budget (Page 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6) forms with the February 2005 RD 3560-7 Project Budget form release (RD has yet to release the official RD 3560-7 form version) .. Added - Exempt Income Indicator and Date of Original Project Entry codes to the EDI file format which are now sent with each RD 3560-8 Tenant Certification to MINC .. Added - Eviction in Progress as an available tenant change that can be electronically submitted to MINC .. Revised - The RD 3560-29 Notice of Payment Due (Project Worksheet) to automatically recognize when a tenant, with an expired certification, is in the process of being evicted so that penalties (Overage) normally assessed are suspended .. Added - A simplified Assign RA option to the Unit Data window .. Added - The new RD 3560-12 Request for Authorization to Withdraw Reserve Funds form as an RD Financial Reports menu option.

HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - Entry Validation of Move-Out Date when move-out resulted from death of sole family member.

LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - Louisiana Schedule II to the list of available State specificTax Credit Analysis reports.

IN GENERAL: Added - Invoice Number field to Work Order - Edit Cost window for custom text generation ability .. Added - A new Numeric Affix Code [^F0024] to the Form Control Codes list for entering the System Day with the proper affix (such as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.).

ACCOUNTING CHANGES: Fixed - Run-Time Error message that appeared when running Delinquent Rent Reports with Past Tenants .. Fixed - The double A/P Entry problem in the Check Printing Process when selecting Multi-Property Reports, Consolidating Vendors, and Recurring Transactions .. Added - Entry # column to the Check Disbursement Summary .. Added - Move-In Date [^B0059] as an available Data Input Code for Late Notice Text Generation .. Revised - The A/R Tenant Payment Entry window has been widened so that Payment & Adjustment amounts are now listed separately in the Tenant Ledger section .. Added - Prev/Next buttons to the A/R Tenant Payment Entry - Preview Window which allows the user to easily scroll through the list of tenants once a tenant has been selected .. Added - A restriction to the A/R Tenant Payment Entry process which prevents reconciled A/R Batch No. related entries from being edited .. Added - A restriction to the A/R Tenant Payment Entry process which prevents new payment entries from being added to Batch No.'s that have been reconciled .. Revised - The Editing - A/J Adjustment Journal Entry selection process by placing the selected A/J entry into preview mode instead of directly into edit mode .. Added - A restriction to the A/J Adjustment Entry process which prevents reconciled A/J entries from being edited .. Added - A restriction to the A/J Adjustment Journal Entry process which prevents new A/J entries from being added to Batch No.'s that have been reconciled .. Added - A "Remove Recurring Status from Selected A/J Entry" button to the Recurring Adjustment Ledger window to simplify this process .. Revised - The Editing - A/P Check Disbursement Entry selection process by placing the selected A/P entry into preview mode instead of directly into edit mode .. Added - A restriction to the A/P Check Disbursement Entry process which prevents reconciled A/P entries from being edited .. Revised - The A/P Check Disbursement Summary with more information .. Revised - The General Ledger Detail (Portrait version) with more entry information .. Added - A new General Ledger Detail (Landscaped version) report to the General Ledger Report - Setup Window that provides more detailed A/R, A/J, and A/P entry information .. Revised - The A/P Check Disbursement Entry process to monitor duplicate Invoice Number entry .. Revised - The A/R Tenant Payment Entry process to force saving a payment entry when printing a Payment Receipt.


HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Fixed - The problem when an Income Type Code is being sent blank in a MAT file.


IN GENERAL: Added - Applicant/Tenant Search feature to the Data menu and all Find/Selection windows throughout the program .. Revised - The Change Data Summary - Setup window with a Specific Month & Year Only selection option .. Revised - The Waiting List Data Summary - Setup window with an option to Include All Households, or just Elderly Households, or just Family Households, or just Handicapped Households on the printed Waiting List .. Fixed - RunTime Error '3024' message when attempting to print Project Data Summary in Multi-Project Report mode.

ACCOUNTING CHANGES: Revised - The Work Orders - Edit Cost window to enable both Create A/P and Charge Tenant options .. Fixed - The Sort Order on the Security Deposit Report - Summary .. Revised - The A/P Check Disbursement Entry - Edit Selection window, adding Entry No., Check Date, and Bank Type to the items displayed .. Added - Sort Order options to the Check Disbursement Summary - Setup window .. Fixed - The Preview Report when Consolidate Payables with Same Vendor ID is selected in the Check Printing Process - Setup window.

RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Updated - The RD menu with the new RD 3560 Handbook Reference .. Added - The new RD 3560-29 Notice of Payment Due form to the RD menu which replaces the previous RD 1944-29 Project Worksheet .. Removed - The obsolete RD 1951-29 Changes to Tenant Status Report feature from the RD menu .. Added - The Review Changes to Tenant Status feature as an RD 3560-29 Notice of Payment Due menu option .. Revised - The RD 3560-29 Notice of Payment Due - Review Worksheet History window to accommodate new form items .. Revised - The RD R/A Assignment Report - Setup window replacing date entry description from Effective Date of RA to Date RA is Available and added Day to Date selection to insure more accurate RA Assignment selection.

HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Fixed - Special Status Code "M" from being reported on the printed HUD-50059 form.


IN GENERAL: Added - A new Work Order feature to Data Menu options .. Added - A new Unit Inventory feature to Data Menu options .. Revised - Data Backup/Restore feature to accommodate new Work Order Setup and Detail Files .. Revised - Password Protection to accommodate access control to new Work Order and Unit Inventory features.

ACCOUNTING CHANGES: Fixed - Run-Time 13 Error issue when printing Rent Statements .. Fixed - Run-Time 9 Error issues when printing Delinquent Rent Reports .. Added - Specific Tenant Only selection to the Rent Roll Report - Setup window ..




IN GENERAL: Revised - Waiting List feature with an option to generate both a Summary and Detailed version Waiting List printout.

ACCOUNTING CHANGES: Added - Payment Entry Number as an input code (^A0043) for Payment Receipt text generation .. Fixed - Problem with A/P Check Disbursement Entry not being created by the Security Deposit Refund process.

RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - With the new 02/05 version RD 3560-8 Tenant Certification form.



IN GENERAL: Includes further refinement of all report features provided with previous 2005.02.18 software release .. Fixed - Run-Time Error received at the end of a Unit Transfer process.

ACCOUNTING CHANGES: Revised - Vendor Account window with four address lines and widened the Vendor Selection window throughout the program .. Revised - A/P Check Disbursement Entry window with four Vendor (Payee) address lines, Invoice No., Memo, and Due Date fields .. Revised - Aged Payables Report to use Due Date versus Invoice Date as the reporting date .. Revised - All printed Checks to include newly added Invoice No. and Memo items .. Revised - Reset Beginning Balance process to include 4000 series liability accounts.