Update Information

Update Info
[ 2024.06.30 ] is the current FHA Software release.

Program updates are available using the built-in Auto-Update feature which automates the update retrieval & installation process from our internet site. New updates are posted nearly every two or three weeks. If internet access is non-existent or connection speed is too slow for update file retrieval, users can be placed on our quarterly update mailing list.

To retrieve and install an FHA Software update ...

1.) Backup your FHA Software database ( using the built-in Data Backup/Restore feature )
2.) Establish an internet connection
3.) Start FHA Software for Windows
4.) Click-on Help .. Check for Update .. Auto-Update Process .. Get Update - Internet
5.) When file download is complete, click-on Update to install the update

The following are details of revisions, enhancements and new features added with recent FHA Software updates.

IN GENERAL: Added - The ability to save your main FHA Software window display settings when the program is exited so that it will be redisplayed the same way each time FHA Software is restarted ( only available when Password Protection is enabled ) .. Fixed - The Custom Report Generation feature to allow more than 25 characters of Applicant Address and City, State Zip text to be inserted into a custom Letter printed from Waiting List Data .. Add - A new Tenant/Applicant Screening feature to the Data Menu and Waiting List Data window that allows all FHA Software users to submit tenant screening/criminal report requests directly to an ONLINE Information Service called ONLINE Rental Exchange .. Fixed - The issue when activating a Move-In Tenant Certification so that Move-In Date is automatically entered as Leased Date in the Waiting List - Applicant file instead of Activation Date.

ACCOUNTING: Added -The ability to sort the Recurring Check Ledger list by Entry #, Vendor Name, or Recurring ID Number in the A/P Check Disbursement Entry feature .. Fixed - The Run-Time 429 issue when attempting to print a HUD Unit Number Conversion Utility Summary .. Added - A new Include Utility Refund Activity checkbox to the A/R Tenant Payment Entry feature, and Rent Roll Report, Aged Receivables Report, Rent Statements, and Tenant Ledger Report - Setup windows which will include Utility Refund Payments ( Negative Tenant Rent ) A/P activity in with normal A/R Tenant Payment Entry activity for those projects with Utility Allowances .. Revised - The General Ledger Report feature to allow multiple chart of account numbers to be selected for generating a GL Detail in Multi-Property Reports mode.

RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - A new Sample_RD_Tenant_Subsidy_Code_Summary form, printable from the Certification Data Summary window, that lists RD Tenant Subsidy Codes and Non-Project Based Subsidy amounts.

HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - A new Adjustment Pages Only - Subtotaled form option to the Type of HUD-52670 Report list in the Generate a HAP Request Voucher window, that subtotals all adjustment sections .. Added - A new Adjustment Pages Only - Export form option to the Type of HUD-52670 Report list in the Generate a HAP Request Voucher window, that can be saved as a CSV database file and used to export adjustment detail to other software .. Added - A new Tenant List Only - Export form option to the Type of HUD-52670 Report list in the Generate a HAP Request Voucher window, that can be saved as a CSV database file and used to export tenant list detail to other software.

LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The National Standard (NCSHA) Tenant Income Certification form to the new March 2010 version which added Race, Ethnicity, Disabled, etc. columns to the Part II - Household Composition section .. Revised - The Tenant Certification Calculation process to automatically include non-project based assistance on the Tenant Income Certification when the project-based assistance is RD Non-Assisted and the tenant is getting non-project based assistance .. Revised - The Tenant Certification Calculation process to retain Program Type selections made on previous certifications to eliminate having to reselect this information on each recertification.

IN GENERAL: Revised - The Database Back/Restore feature to include the Address Book database in a Specific Project Only backup process .. Fixed - The invalid Beginning and Ending Date layouts that were being displayed at the top of the Work Order Summary & Detail reports.

ACCOUNTING: Fixed - The Security Deposit Report feature that was listing amounts already refunded .. Fixed - The Rent Roll Report that was not automatically listing future tenants with payment activity .. Revised - The General Ledger Report feature to allow multiple COA numbers to be specifically selected for a G/L Summary or Detailed Report .. Fixed - The issue with check numbers being skipped when printing Utility Refund checks .. Revised - The Vendor Ledger Report feature to allow multiple Vendor ID's to be specifically selected for a Vendor Summary or Detail Report.


HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Fixed - The issue when Alien Registration numbers were not being carried forward to new HUD-50059 Tenant Certifications created by the Gross Rent Change process .. Fixed .. The issue with the program prompting that the Beginning or Ending of the file was reached while selecting Next or Prev when it really wasn't .. Revised - The HUD Tenant/Rent Analysis report to show Subsidy Type for all occupied units and provide a more detailed Subsidy Type count at the end of the report.


IN GENERAL: Added - A new Sample Work Order Invoice letter [ SAMPLE_WO_INVOICE_WO.RPT ] to the Work Order - Custom Reports selection list .. Added - A Purge Date option when purging applicant entries from Waiting List Data that allows the user to automatically purge all applicant entries with Leased, Rejected, Removal, or Inactive Dates on or before the Purge Date defined.

ACCOUNTING Added - A new Aged Receivables Report feature to the Tenant Reports menu .. Revised - All Report Setup windows so that changing Project Filenames no longer resets previously selected reporting criteria ( Report Dates, Report Types, etc. ) .. Revised - The standard Balance Sheet layout by removing the Amount Credited to Net Income YTD line at the bottom of this report and instead made it an optional add-on as a custom Balance Sheet Layout feature.

RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The RD 3560-7 Project Budget form feature by adding the ability to edit the Part IV - A: Current Approved Rents/Utility Allowance section that is reported at the top of page #4 of the form .. Fixed - The glitch with Fiscal Year 2010 being reported instead of 2009 when submitting an RD 3560-10 Balance Sheet to MINC that was reloaded and resaved just before the EDI file is created.

HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Fixed - The run-time error that occurred when attempting to display a HUD-52670 HAP Voucher cover page in the Review HAP Voucher History feature .. Removed - The word "Sample" from all HUD Model Recertification Notices provided with FHA Software.


NOTE: This update is only available by CDROM. Since the December 2009 release, Simply Computer Software, Inc. updated all internal FHA Software report generation features to Crystal Decisions Release XI R2 SP6 & .NET which requires installation of new Window DLL files. To insure that all FHA Software users get this update without difficulty, all currently active users will be sent an Update CDROM the last week of February 2010. Users who do not get their Update CDROM by Wednesday, March 10, 2010 should call Customer Service at 1-800-626-2431 ext.#3.

IN GENERAL: Fixed - All printing issues occurring in Windows 7 - 64bit Operating Systems .. Fixed - The issues Windows VISTA & 7 users were having with print setup windows appearing blank after monitoring forms to the screen by adding a Close option to the window .. Added - Total Labor & Parts Cost amount at the bottom of the Closed Work Order form provided .. Replaced - The previous two Auto-Update options ( Windows XP/2000 and Windows VISTA/7 ) with one Auto-Update Process selection that works in all Windows XP/2000/VISTA/7 Operating Systems for retrieving internet updates .. Enabled - The ability to close the FHA Software program by clicking on the red X button located in the upper right corner in addition to clicking on the Exit option.

ACCOUNTING Added - An F1 function key option while editing A/J entries that immediately moves the cursor ( focus ) to the Project Filename field which allows the user to change project filenames without having to initiate this process using the mouse .. Fixed - The periodic issue with check numbers being skipped when printing a check run that includes Utility Refund Checks.

RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Fixed - The periodic Run-Time issues that were occurring when printing RD 3560-29 Project Worksheets in Multi-Property Report mode that included a large number of projects.

HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Fixed - The reporting of Item #56 Number of Eligible members on the HUD-50059 Tenant Certification to more accurately report this number when non-eligible citizenship members exist and HAP is pro-rated accordingly.



ACCOUNTING Revised - The 1099MISC form feature to only include Contact Name in the Recipient's Name section when the vendor's Tax ID is entered in a SSN layout ( ###-##-#### ) .. Added - 2009 versions of MN, MO, PA, and WI Certificate of Rent Paid forms .. Added - Move-Out Date and Refund Date to both Security Deposit Summary & Detail reports .. Added - A new Custom Layout Designer feature to the Utilities menu which allows our Accounting feature users to customize their Balance Sheet, Trial Balance, and Operating Statement layouts.



LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - All Tenant Income Certifications ( TIC ) to include Unborn Child in the Household Size count and note Unborn Child on the TIC itself .. Added - Tenant Income Certification ( TIC ) forms for the State of New Jersey, Kansas, Colorado, and Iowa.


ACCOUNTING CHANGES: Revised - The sort order on the Check Register Report by Batch #, Check #, and A/J Entry # when multiple entries exist on the same day .. Added - An F1 option at the A/R Tenant Payment Entry window that makes selecting Unit #'s fast and easy .. Revised - The A/R Tenant Payment Entry feature to speed up the payment entry process .. Added - A Tenant Charge Codes Total section at the bottom of both Batch Summary and Consolidated Batch Summary reports which provides a breakdown of payments by Tenant Charge Code .. Fixed - The issue with MTD budget amounts for December incorrectly appearing on a November Operating Statement .. Revised - The Batch/Deposit Report feature to speed up the reporting process.

RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The Missouri RD Approved Lease [ RD_MO_LEASE_CD.RPT ] to the current 11/16/2009 Revision .. Fixed - The Gross Rent Change issue that was showing R/A amounts on MODIFY TI Tenant Certifications for Non-Assisted tenants .. Added - A new Notice of Rent Increase/Decrease Letter ( INCRSE_R_GRC_CD.RPT ) to the Tenant Certification - Print options window that notifies RD tenants of a rent change due to a recent Gross Rent Change.

HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Fixed - The issue with the Recertify process not pulling the correct Last Recertification Effective Date when a GRC was the previous certification in effect .. Revised - The Tenant Certification - Security Deposit Compliance Calculation feature to accurately include all Section 8 program types .. Added - A new Notice of Rent Increase/Decrease Letter ( INCRSE_H_GRC_CD.RPT ) to the Tenant Certification - Print options window that notifies HUD tenants of a rent change due to a recent Gross Rent Change.


IN GENERAL: Revised - Fixed - The Certification Data Input Codes feature for existing Custom Text Generations.

ACCOUNTING CHANGES: Added - The Description field as secondary sort for the Check Register Report listing order .. Revised - The Check Printing Process feature to automatically assign a Tenant ID and Invoice # when printing Utility Refund Checks which also prevents duplicate checks from being printed .. Added - A Close Month Process feature to the Utilities menu that allows users to establish a date that prevents retroactive A/R, A/J and A/P entries from being added or edited that are effective on or before this date .. Revised - The A/R entry feature to automatically assign A/R entry numbers to new payments, charges and adjustments when saved, not when initially created .. Fixed - The Recurring A/J Entry Posting feature to assign A/J entry numbers by recurring group, not individually by entry .. Revised - The Security Deposit Refund feature to automatically assign a Tenant ID to Security Deposit Refund A/P entries made out to the tenant .. Revised - The Security Deposit Interest Refund feature to automatically assign a Tenant ID to SD Interest Refund A/P entries made out to the tenant .. Added - New Workman's Compensation Name & Expiration Date fields to the Vendor Accounts database .. Revised - The A/P Check Disbursement Entry window to display both General Liability and Workman's Compensation Insurance Expiration Dates when adding new A/P entries to existing Vendor ID's.

RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The Missouri RD Approved Lease [ RD_MO_LEASE_CD.RPT ] to the current 10/2009 Revision .. Fixed - The Gross Rent Change feature from inserting an R/A amount in the MODIFY TI certification calculation when tenant subsidy type is RD N/A.

HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The Tenant Certification feature to allow Corrected HUD-50059's to be used to recreate original HUD-50059's effective the same date, when missing.


IN GENERAL: Revised - The Data Backup/Restore feature by removing Diskette A: & B: as Destination/Source Path selections and added a Browse button to simplify the drive location selection process .. Fixed - The Occupancy Report - Vacancy Listing report to correctly calculate vacancy periods that involve a Unit Transfer .. Fixed - The Waiting List Data feature to insure that Application Number automatically assigned to all new applicants is the next available larger number .. Fixed - The glitch that was duplicating Comment Text from one Unit Inventory to another when adding a new Unit Inventory entry .. Added - 5BR and 6BR unit sizes to the Unit Count section on the Project Filename Summary that is generated from the Project Data window .. Added - A second envelope form [ ENVELOPE_FWDADDR_UD.RPT ] to the Custom Report Generation feature in Unit Data that uses forwarding address information.

ACCOUNTING CHANGES: Added - A new option when editing Vendor Account Information that will automatically update vendor address information in all unpaid A/P entries that exist for the specific vendor account .. Added - The ability to print envelopes [ ENVELOPE_SDR.RPT ] from the Security Deposit Refund Report feature that includes forwarding address information.

RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The Missouri RD Approved Lease [ RD_MO_LEASE_CD.RPT ] to the current 9/2009 Revision .. Added - A MINC System Login Website option to the RD .. RD EDI File Submissions pull down menu that provides direct access to MINC's login screen without having to leave the FHA Software program window .. Added - A Browse button to the Copy an EDI File feature that simplifies the destination drive/folder selection process.

HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - Tenant Certification database structure to allow multiple certification entries to exist as TC History that are effective on the same day ( example: a 06/01/2009 Move-In and 06/01/2009 Corrected Move-In, a 07/01/2009 Annual and 07/01/2009 Corrected Annual, a 08/01/2009 Interim and 08/01/2009 Corrected Interim, etc. ) .. Revised - The process of creating a Corrected HUD-50059 Tenant Certification by using a new Correct option instead of Revising the existing TC .. Revised - The HUD 4350.3 Handbook reference to the current Change 3 ( 6/09 ) version .. Revised - Calculations on all HUD Special Claims forms to comply with 202C rounding requirements .. Added - A Browse button to the Copy a MAT File feature that simplifies the destination drive/folder selection process.

LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The maximum number of Building ID's allowed per project from 100 to 200 .. Fixed - The Waiting List Data feature to more accurately determine Income Eligibility Status for 1990 or After tax credit type properties.


ACCOUNTING CHANGES: Added - A new Create SDIR A/P Entries option to the Security Deposit Interest Refunds feature which automatically creates SDIR A/P entries for all applicable tenants defined in the setup window .. Added - The ability to assign Recurring ID Numbers ( R-ID ) to Recurring A/P entries that will be used in the Check Printing Process feature .. Added - The ability to selectively include Recurring A/P entries during the Check Printing Process by selecting the desired Recurring A/P ID ( R-ID ) .. Added - The ability to assign Recurring ID Numbers to Recurring A/J entries .. Added - A new Recurring > Recurring A/J Entry - Posting Process feature to the A/J Adjustments Journal Entry window that allows selected Recurring A/J entries to be automatically posted for one or multiple projects at a time.


HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The Tenant Certification calculation feature to allow Child Care Expenses to be entered for Foster Children .. Revised - The HUD-52670 HAP Voucher History feature to create a 202C MAT file version of a Voucher Deletion record .. Added - Form HUD-91066 Violence Against Women - Lease Addendum to the Tenant Certification Data - Print options window .. Added - Form HUD-91067 Certification of Domestic Violence to the Tenant Certification Data - Print options window.

LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - A new Annual Eligibility Certification form [ TX-Sec42 AEC ] to the Tenant Income Certification (TIC) selection list in the Print Options window of Tenant Certification Data .. Revised - The Oregon Housing and Community Services ( OHCS ) Tenant Income Certification ( TIC ) to the 05/01/2009 form revision .. Added - The Missouri Exhibit B - Tenant Income Certification form [ MO-Sec42 TIC ] to the Tenant Income Certification (TIC) selection list in the Print Options window of Tenant Certification Data.


ACCOUNTING CHANGES: Revised - The A/P entry process to display Vendor Insurance Coverage Status ( at the bottom left corner of the A/P window ) each time a new Vendor Account is selected .. Added - A new Payment Alerts - Setup feature to the Accounting menu .. Added - A new Alerts window ( button ) to the Misc window in Unit Data that allows the user to select applicable Payment Alerts &/or enter Tenant Notes for each tenant .. Added - A new Payment Alerts option ( button ) on the A/R Tenant Payment Entry window that displays Alert Codes ( in red lettering ) for applicable tenants, along with the ability to assign Alert codes and Tenant Notes from the A/R entry window .. Revised - The maximum allowable lengths of Description entry fields in both A/J and A/P entry windows from 25 to 40 characters .. Added - The ability to generate Custom Operating Statement layouts .. Added - A new MTD & YTD Budget Comparison report to the Operating Statements feature .. Fixed - The Run-Time 13 error when attempting to preview 1099's onscreen .. Moved - Existing Check Register feature from the Financial Statements menu to the A/P Check Disbursement Entry - Print menu and renamed it Check Listing .. Replaced - previous Check Register feature with a revised Check Register Report feature .. Added - The ability to include co-tenant names on custom late notice generations.


HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Fixed - The issue with inserting multiple Joint Custody Codes when creating a HUD-50059 Tenant Certification MAT file .. Revised - All HUD forms to comply with HUD's "Software Vendor Generated HUD Forms Requirement Matrix" by removing OMB Expiration Dates and adding Public Reporting Burden pages to those forms that were previously missing them .. Added - The ability to automatically print HUD-50059 A forms for all GRC's effective the same date, eliminating the need to select & print each one individually.



ACCOUNTING CHANGES: Added - A new Security Deposit Interest Refund feature to the Tenant Reports menu that automatically calculates one year's worth of interest for tenants based on Move-In Anniversary months .. Added - The ability to create and generate custom forms from the Security Deposit Refund feature .. Added - The ability to generate custom Balance Sheet layouts .. Added - The ability to generate custom Trial Balance layouts .. Revised - The Vendor Accounts feature to make Vendor location and selection easier .. Added - Insured By ,Insurances Expiration, and Comment fields to the Vendor Accounts database .. Revised - The A/J entry process to duplicate the description field of the previous entry line when creating a new entry line .. Revised - The A/J entry Chart of Account Selection window to simplify COA selection by simply typing in the first few numbers and pressing enter to select .. Revised - The A/J entry window to display the full description of the Chart of Account selected when manually entering the COA Number .. Revised - The A/P entry process to duplicate the description field of the previous entry line when creating a new entry line .. Revised - The A/P entry Chart of Account Selection window to simplify COA selection by simply typing in the first few numbers and pressing enter to select .. Revised - The A/P entry window to display the full description of the Chart of Account selected when manually entering the COA Number .. Fixed - The Security Deposit Refund process so that the tenant's forwarding address is used on the tenant's refund check.


HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Fixed - The adjustment calculation issue for Unit Transfers .. Updated - All HUD form expiration dates to 04/30/2009 .. Revised - All HUD Model Leases to show lease expiration dates as the last day of lease term instead of the day after the lease termination date.



ACCOUNTING CHANGES: Fixed - The "One or more entries are missing" message when attempting to save a new A/P entry.




IN GENERAL: Revised - The User-Defined Summary feature with the option to Monitor the summary.

ACCOUNTING CHANGES: Revised - The Security Deposit Historical Entry process to make project filename selection easier .. Added - The ability to reprint Security Deposit Refund Reports after they have been saved.


HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - A HUD Waiver selection button to the Calculation Completed window that allows HUD Field Office Approved Waiver Codes to be selected for ineligible tenants .. Fixed - The glitch that was incorrectly formatting negative subsidy amounts in MAT10 Records.



ACCOUNTING CHANGES: Fixed - Aged Payables Report to exclude Void Check Entries .. Revised - A/P entry processing so that cursor lands on Invoice Date instead of skipping over it when changing project filenames .. Revised - A/R entry processing so that cursor lands on Payment Date instead of Check Number when selecting the Add a New Payment option .. Revised - A/R entry processing to maintain the last Payment Date entered as the default date while recording payments within the same project filename.

RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - RD 3560-8 Tenant Certification calculation to automatically set all households with an Eligibile Income & Occupancy Status ( Part X ) unless manually changed to Ineligible by the user.

HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - 202C MAT file compliance .. Added - New HUD-50059 Tenant Certification form changes .. Added - The new HUD-50059 A Partial Certification form used for Move-Outs, Transfers, GRC's and Terminations .. Added - New HUD-52670 Voucher Request form changes .. Revised - The HUD-52670 HAP Request Voucher generation policy pertaining to expired certifications that will automatically claim up to 3 additional months of HAP beyond the certification expiration date.


IN GENERAL: Revised - The User Login window ( used when Password Protection is enabled ) to allow the OK button to be selected by pressing [ENTER] instead of having to manually click-on it with the mouse pointer.

ACCOUNTING CHANGES: Fixed - Certificate of Rent Paid - Ownership Selection to properly insert Owner Information when Owner is selected.


HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - iMAX Communications access control to the Password Protection window .. Revised - The HUD-52670 HAP Request Voucher - Setup window to allow multiple entries within each SERV, DRUG, FORQ, and OARQ Miscellaneous Accounting catagory.

LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - TDHCA Web Services Interface access control to the Password Protection window .. Fixed - An issue with reporting Income Limit at Move-In on the WNC-MITC Tax Credit Analysis report.

IN GENERAL: Fixed - The AM/PM reporting issue when generating a Work Order form from a selected Work Order wiindow .. Added - A Market Value field to the Asset Information Entry window.

ACCOUNTING CHANGES: Added - A new Sample Invoice Statement form to the Rent Statement - Custom Report Generation feature .. Added - A General Ledger Summary that lists all projects together when selecting a G/L Summary for Multiple Projects ( instead of one project per page ) .. Added - 2008 versions of MN, MO, PA, and WI Certificate of Rent Paid forms .. Verified - That the Misc 1099 form alignment is accurate for the 2008 form layout.


HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Fixed - The order of which members were placed in a MAT file when the members changed in the household .. Revised - The HUD-52670 HAP Request Voucher Generation process to accurately recognize Anticipated Voucher Date when determining occupancy status for the Tenant List .. Revised - HUD-90100 Annual Recertification Initial Notice form to include HUD 202/162 PAC subsidy type when determining lease paragraph number insertion ( 15, 10, or 9 ) in the first paragraph of this form .. Revised - The Retrieve InBox Messages & Attachments feature in iMAX Communications to automatically include file attachment text as message content.

LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - A new TDHCA Web Services Interface feature to the LIHTC menu that allows Texas project managers to electronically submit Tax Credit tenant changes to TDHCA's CMTS System.

IN GENERAL: Added - The ability to insert Head Applicant's Birthdate when editing the Sample Waiting List Detail Summary in the Custom Report Designer window.

ACCOUNTING CHANGES: Fixed - The Run-Time Error issue when running a Rent Roll Report that includes payment history for future tenants.


HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Enabled - The new iMAX Communications feature for MAT file submission to TRACS through HUD's web-based iMAX server system. The new iMAX Communications feature can be used now if you submit MAT files directly to National TRACS [TRACMPROD]. However, if you submit MAT files to a Contract Administrator (CA), you must wait until December 1, 2008 for your CA to have iMAX ability before you can send MAT files to them using the iMAX Communications feature .. Revised - All HUD Model Leases by removing the Head Tenant's Name from the bottom page footer that a few State Contract Administrators felt was an invalid modification of the lease .. Revised - The Exhibit 7-1: Sample Annual Recertification Initial Notice to include year when inserting the 11th month in the next to last paragraph.


IN GENERAL: Fixed - Issue with not deleting Applicant entry from Waiting List Data when removing Project Filename from the Multiple Projects listing .. Revised - The default Hard Drive - Path in the Data Backup/Restore feature to the BACKUPS folder off the application path instead of assuming the application path is the normal C:FHAWIN path .. Added - The ability to print a list of Work Order Locations, Types, Labor Descriptions, and Parts Used Descriptions from the Work Order - Print option.

ACCOUNTING CHANGES: Fixed - Issue with Aged Payables Report not including payables paid after the As of Report Date .. Fixed - Issue with not all Credit detail being listed on a G/L Detail Report for a Selected COA Only when Accrual accounting is in effect .. Fixed - Issue with Voiding Checks that were a consolidation of multiple A/P entries .. Added - The option to sort Check Disbursement Summaries by Payable Amounts .. Added - A Consolidate option to Balance Sheet, Operating Statement, and General Ledger Report - Setup windows when generating Multi-Property Reports is selected.

RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - Montana USDA/RD Approved Lease Agreement [RD_MT_LEASE_CD.RPT] form to Custom Report Generation ability.. Added - A Sample NY Unit Data Summary [SAMPLE_NY_RA_SUMMARY_US.RPT] form and Sample NY Rent Register [SAMPLE_NY_RENT_REGISTER_US.RPT] form to the list of Custom Reports available from the Unit Data Summary window that shows NY Rental Assistance and Tenant Rent split out .. Revised - The Management Fee Calculation - Based on Occupied Units feature with an option to chose unit occupancy as of the 1st day of the month only or unit occupancy for any day of the month .. Added - The ability to change the Date Range in Current Budget column #1 & Proposed Budget column #3 when editing the RD 3560-7 Project Budget without effecting the existing column amounts .. Added - The ability to copy Current Budget column #1 amounts directly to the Proposed Budget column #3 when editing the RD 3560-7 Project Budget .. Added - The ability to copy Proposed Budget column #3 amounts directly to the Current Budget column #1 when editing the RD 3560-7 Project Budget.

HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The Management Fee Calculation - Based on Occupied Units feature with an option to chose unit occupancy as of the 1st day of the month only or unit occupancy for any day of the month .. Revised - HUD Section 8 Contract Number entry acceptance to allow the 3rd and 4th digits to be letters to accommodate new numbers being assigned by HUD .. Added - A CA Name field to the Contract Administrator (CA) section of Project Data so that Sender Name will be different in MAT files create with CA ID's.

LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The Tax Credit Analysis - Report Selection to include the option to generate a Standard Analysis with or without the newly added MSA% at Move-In and Current MSA% Used columns on the report .. Revised - The Tax Credit Analysis to correctly include mid-month move-ins for tenants in Rural Development projects.

IN GENERAL: Fixed - The Run-Time Error issue when attempting to Terminate a tenant's subsidy from the Unit Data window .. Fixed - The Run-Time Error issue when exiting the program after an attempt is made to restart the program a second time after the program is already running .. Added - An Interest Rate % column to the Tenant Certification - Asset Income Entry window which gives the user an option to have the program automatically calculate Asset Income based on Value and an Interest Rate %, in addition to manually entering the annual amount .. Added - A Sample Rejection Letter [SAMPLE_REJECTION_LTR_WD.RPT] to the Waiting List - Custom Report Library.

ACCOUNTING CHANGES: Added - A Bank Balance Summary feature to the Financial Statements menu .. Fixed - The issue with invalid A/P ID's being assigned to Recurring Checks being printed from the Check Printing Process window .. Added - An EIP - Eviction in Progress notation to the Rent Roll Summary and Detail reports, when applicable.

RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - An EIP - Eviction in Progress notation to the RD Tenant / Rent Analysis - Analysis column, when applicable.

HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - Michigan's HUD Approved Section 8 Family Lease [HUD_MI_SEC8LEASE_FAMILY_CD.RPT]. Section 8 Elderly with Pets Lease [HUD_MI_SEC8LEASE_ELDERLY_CD.RPT], and Section 202 Lease [HUD_MI_202PACLEASE_CD.RPT] to the Custom Report Library .. Added - A HUD-27061 Race & Ethnic Data Reporting form feature to the HUD menu .. Added - An EIP - Eviction in Progress notation to the HUD Tenant / Rent Analysis - Analysis column, when applicable .. Fixed - The miscalculation of TTP when prorating rent for Section 8, RAP, or Rent Supplement tenants living in a Section 236 Project .. Added - The automated ability to create a Special Claims Entry when a vacancy was caused by a Unit Transfer.

LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - The Income Exceeds Income Limit - Tax Credit Alert message window back as an Occupancy Compliance Review popup when calculating Tenant Income Certifications (TIC) .. Added - Oregon Tenant Income Certification (TIC) to the list of State specific Sec.42 TIC form list.

IN GENERAL: Fixed - The AM/PM Assigned Date issue within the Work Order Custom Report Generation feature .. Added - Age and Average Age to the existing Race / Ethnicity Report .. Added - Tenant Specific Address information to the Utility Refund Report .. Revised - The Windows VISTA version of the Auto-Update feature to accommodate 64-Bit processing ability.

ACCOUNTING CHANGES: Revised - The Purge A/J Entry Detail and Purge A/P Entry Detail features not to purge entries set as recurring .. Fixed - The Close Batch Process - Database Version issue .. Activated - Automated Accrual entry posting features that can now be selected in the Accounting Defaults window .. Revised - Security Deposit Refund - Partial Refund entries displayed on refund and forfeited checks so that it no longer effects Bank Reconciliations when refund checks are outstanding .. Added - An Accrual COA # Validation feature (button) to the G/L Posting Utility window that automatically inserts missing Chart of Account numbers in existing A/R and A/P entries that are required for automated accrual entry posting .. Fixed - A minor rounding issue on Security Deposit Refund - A/P Check entry.

RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - A new Plan I Surcharge (SRC) checkbox to the MISC window in Unit Data to keep better track of surcharge payment activity.

HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Fixed - The Unit Total displayed at the bottom of the HUD Income Targeting Report .. Revised - The OMB Expiration Date on the current HUD-50059 Tenant Certification to 03/31/2011 .. Revised - The OMB Expiration Date on the current HUD-27061-H Race and Ethnic Data Reporting Form to 03/31/2011 .. Added - Recently assigned HUD Form Numbers, OMB Approval Numbers, and OMB Expiration Dates to all 4 HUD Model Leases provided by the HUD 4350.3 Rev 1 Chg 2 Handbook .. Added - Recently assigned HUD Form Number, OMB Approval Number, and OMB Expiration Date to the existing Sample Move-In/Move-Out Inspection Form .. Revised - The existing Exhibit 7-1 Sample Initial Notice to match the new HUD-90100 form version provided by HUD .. Revised - The existing Appendix 6B - Sample Verification of Disability form (V_DIS1_H_RN.RPT) to match the new HUD-90102 form version provided by HUD .. Revised - The existing Appendix 6B - Sample Verification of Disability form (V_DIS2_H_RN.RPT) to match the new HUD-90103 form version provided by HUD .. Added - Form HUD-90101 Sample Certification of Long-Term Care Insurance as a customizable Recertification Notice form .. Added - Form HUD-90104 Sample Exception to Limitations on Admissions of Families as a customizable Project Data - Custom Report Generation form.

LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - MSA% Columns to the Standard LIHTC Analysis report along with a summary of Household MSA%'s at the end of the analysis.

IN GENERAL: Added - Sample Application Fee Payment Receipt [ SAMPLE_APPFEE_PMTREC_WD.RPT ] as a Custom Report Designer form that can be generated from the Waiting List - Custom Report Generation - Print window .. Added - Sample Income Summary [ SAMPLE_INCSUMMARY_CS.RPT ] as a Custom Report Designer form that can be generated from the Certification Data Summary - Print window .. Fixed - The Reported By field overwrite issue when re editing an existing Work Order.

ACCOUNTING CHANGES: Revised - The Vendor Ledger Report by adding Invoice # to the Payable Description field .. Added - Current Bank Balance amount to the Check Printing Process - Preview Summary report .. Fixed - The printed Bank Account Summary sort order to match the sort order selected for the list displayed on-screen.

RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - Pennsylvania USDA/RD Approved Lease Agreement [ RD_PA_LEASE_CD.RPT ] form to Custom Report Designer Generation ability .. Added - RD HB2 3560 Attachment 4C Borrower Self-Certification Letter [ RD_HB3560_ATTACHMENT4C_PD.RPT ] as a Custom Report Designer form that can be generated from the Project Data - Custom Report Generation window .. Fixed - The default filename displayed when resaving an existing RD 3560-10 Balance Sheet form.

HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - Sample HUD Income Status Summary [ SAMPLE_INC_STATUS_CD.RPT ] as a Custom Report Designer form that can be generated from the Certification Data Summary - Print window .. Added - Sample HUD Move-In/Move-Out Inspection Form [ SAMPLE_INOUT_INSPECTION_CD.RPT ] as a Custom Report Designer form that can be generated from the Certification Data Summary - Print window.


IN GENERAL: Added - A View History option to the Database Update Utility for MSA03 window that displays update history.

ACCOUNTING CHANGES: Added - A "Make sure Check Factory software is running !" reminder message in the Check Printing Process - Print window when MICR Checks are being printed .. Revised - Accounting Defaults, A/P Check Disbursement Entry, Check Printing Process, and Bank Reconciliation windows by increasing the number of available preset Checking Account (Bank Type) selections from 4 to 8 .. Added - Forwarding Address information on the Security Deposit Refund Report .. Added - The Multi-Property Reports option to the G/L Reposting Utility - Setup window .. Added - A Program Defaults -Setup section to the Accounting Defaults window .. Fixed - The problem with including future tenant payments on the Security Deposit Report .. Added - A new Purge A/R Entry Detail feature to the Utilities section .. Added - A new User Defaults window to the Accounting Defaults feature.





ACCOUNTING CHANGES: Added - Default Accounts Receivable ( A/R ) COA fields to the Tenant Charge Code - Setup window that will be used with automated accrual accounting abilities being added in a future update .. Added - A Utilities section in the Accounting pull down menu and relocated Close Batch Process and G/L Reposting Utility access to this section .. Added - A new Purge A/J Entry Detail feature to the Utilities section .. Added - A new Purge A/P Entry Detail feature to the Utilities section .. Revised - Password Protection control with new Utilities menu access.

RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - Colorado USDA/RD Approved Lease Agreement [RD_CO_LEASE_CD.RPT] and Lease Amendment [RD_CO_LEASE_ADDM_CD.RPT] forms to Custom Report Generation ability.

HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - Contract Administration (CA) ID# to the HUD Info section of Project Data which enables the CA ID# to be automatically included in Tenant Change and Voucher MAT files created by FHA Software .. Added - A checkbox to the Section 8 Special Claims processing window that allows Special Claims to be fully calculated without entering a Move-In Date .. Revised - All Special Claims forms with original font type and increased data entry fields to a more legible font size .. Updated - The HUD 4350.3 REV 1 CHG 2 Handbook reference with recent handbook changes posted on HUDCLIPS on 01/18/2008.

LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - A checkbox to the Certification Expiration Report - Setup window that would allow RD projects with Tax Credits to monitor LIHTC Recertification Compliance that requires recertifications completed on the anniversary date of household move-in .. Added - A checkbox to the Recertification Notices - Generate Recertification Notices - Setup window that would allow RD projects with Tax Credits to process recertifications that are due on the anniversary date of the household's move-in instead of RD's Next Recert Date which changes with each RD Recertification.

IN GENERAL: Added - A Sample Rent Rate Schedule Summary to Project Data's Custom Report Generation list of RPT files .. Fixed - The Run-Time Error issue when generating a Work Order Summary .. Added - A Submission Date field to the Change Data Summary.




LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - A ninth (9th) member field to the Income Limit Schedule .. Revised - All applicable Tax Credit Analysis reports to include the ninth (9th) member income limit .. Added - Ninth (9th) member and 6 Bedroom Unit amounts to the LIHTC Maximum Rent Report .. Fixed - The Run-Time Error issue when generating a Tax Credit Analysis.

IN GENERAL: Revised - Waiting List - Member Entry to allow Race to be left blank during the applicant entry process .. Revised - The Password Protection feature expanding user access detail to all FHA Software menu items .. Added - An In Care Of ( C/O ) field to Forwarding Address information stored in Unit Data and usable in Custom Report Generations .. Revised - All Tenant Certification calculation windows to display annual Income, Asset and Expense calculations rounded to the nearest cent to justify RD, HUD & LIHTC rounding requirements .. Revised - The TC Detail Report to show annual Income, Asset & Expense amounts as they were calculated to the nearest penny and the point upon which they were rounded .. Fixed - The Run-Time Error problem generating Work Order forms .. Added - Emergency Contact information to Custom Reports generated from Tenant Certification Data.


RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The calculation process to automatically declare Part X - Certification by Borrower - Income &/or Occupancy Eligibility on the RD 3560-7 Tenant Certification.

HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The HUD-93104 Monthly Report of Excess Income form with the new Mail To address .. Fixed - The Run-Time issue with importing tenant information from a Baseline MAT file that contains an apostrophe.

LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The maximum number of allowable LIHTC Income Limit Schedules that can be used at any one time from 5 to 14 .. Added - The ability to establish a set LIHTC Rent Limit amount for each unit size that can be used to automatically calculate a Tenant Paid Rent amount that is not the Maximum Monthly Rent Amount calculated from LIHTC Income Limit Schedules.