Update Information

Update Info
[ 2024.12.31 ] is the current FHA Software release.

Program updates are available using the built-in Auto-Update feature which automates the update retrieval & installation process from our internet site. New updates are posted nearly every two or three weeks. If internet access is non-existent or connection speed is too slow for update file retrieval, users can be placed on our quarterly update mailing list.

To retrieve and install an FHA Software update ...

1.) Backup your FHA Software database ( using the built-in Data Backup/Restore feature )
2.) Establish an internet connection
3.) Start FHA Software for Windows
4.) Click-on Help .. Check for Update .. Auto-Update Process .. Get Update - Internet
5.) When file download is complete, click-on Update to install the update

The following are details of revisions, enhancements and new features added with recent FHA Software updates.

IN GENERAL: Added - A new Security Data Export feature to the DATA menu that creates and submits unit occupancy information to an internet-based system called the NIDA Shepherd Program which is used and accessible by property security companies nationwide, using hand held devices ( cell phones, iPads, etc. ).


HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - A Use 202D Adjustment Calculations checkbox option to the Generate a HAP Request Voucher - Setup window which allows future TRACS 202D HAP Adjustment Calculation listing requirements to be reported on the current TRACS 202C HAP Voucher Request .. Added - An Override automated voucher adjustment calculation with manual entries checkbox option to the Changes to Tenant Assistance - View HAP Adjustments window which allows manually created adjustment entries to override adjustments automatically calculated when generating the HAP Voucher Request.



IN GENERAL: Added - An Occupation Selection List [+] button to each Tenant Certification Entry - Member Information window that provides the option of selecting a member's occupation from a standard list of occupations instead of hand entering it .. Added - The option to Allow Address Book Entry Deletion in the Password Protection feature for User ID's with Limited Access.

ACCOUNTING: Added - The 2012 Kansas Certification of Rent Paid form to the Certification of Rent Paid ( CRP ) feature list of available State forms .. Added - The Pennsylvania 2012 Rent Certificate form to the Certificate of Rent Paid (CRP) form feature.


RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Updated - The RD 3560 Handbook Reference PDF files with recent changes made to Handbook 1 & 2.

LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - The Florida Tenant Income Certification form [ FL-Sec42 TIC ] to the list of available LIHTC Tenant Income Certification forms to print .. Revised - The Certification On Line (COL) XML file creation feature to include new fields that were recently added as Member Information (Race, Ethnicity, etc.).

IN GENERAL: Added - A new custom Unit Data Summary report [ SAMPLE_VACANCY_SUMMARY_US.RPT ] that will only list vacant units and pending vacancies with a Vacancy Rate Statement for any specific date ( day ) defined .. Added - County to the Project Filename Summary that is generated from Project Data .. Added - A sample Waiting List Detail [ SAMPLE_WLDETAIL_BLANK_WS.RPT ] and Waiting List Summary [ SUMMARY_WLSUMMARY_BLANK_WS.RPT ] to the Waiting List Data Summary custom form selection that both print blank.

ACCOUNTING: Added - The Wisconsin 2012 Rent Certificate form to the Certificate of Rent Paid (CRP) form feature .. Added - The Minnesota 2012 Certificate of Rent Paid form to the Certificate of Rent Paid (CRP) form feature .. Added - A Generate Individual Tenant Reports option to the Tenant Ledger Report and Security Deposit Report features.

HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Updated - The Supplement To Application For Federally Assisted Housing ( HUD-92006 ) form with the 11/30/2015 OMB Expiration Date .. Added - The HUD-9250 Funds Authorizations form [ HUD9250_FUNDS AUTHORIZATION_PD.RPT ] to the Custom Report Generation feature in the Project Data - Print Options window.


LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Updated - The Mississippi Student and Rent Declaration form [ MS-Sec42 SARD ] to the 01/2012 Revision.

IN GENERAL: Revised -The Vacancy Listing report feature to display Vacancy Loss amounts rounded to the nearest cent so that Total Vacancy Loss on individual monthly reports match up with Total Vacancy Loss on reports covering multiple months for the same reporting period .. Added - A Sample Birthdate & SSN Summary [ SAMPLE_BIRTHDATEandSSN_CS.RPT ] to the Certification Data Summary list of custom summaries that includes Birthdate, SSN, and Next Scheduled Recertification Date for all occupants in each unit and notes which 17 year old household occupants will turn 18 with the Next Scheduled Recertification Date .. Added - A Sample List of 17 Year Old Members Only Summary [ SAMPLE_LIST_OF_17_YR_OLDS_CS.RPT ] to the Certification Data Summary list of custom summaries that only lists 17 year old household members that will turn 18 with the Next Scheduled Recertification Date .. Added - A Race & Ethnicity Codes Legend to the bottom of the Waiting List Detail ( primarily used for RD Waiting List Compliance ) which defines the Race Codes reported for each applicant.

ACCOUNTING: Added - The ability to insert Birthdates for all applicable household members into custom reports generated from the Delinquent Rent Report feature.

HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The HUD-52670-A Part 2 Schedule of Section 8 Special Claims form so that individual claims ( Unpaid Rent, Damages, Regular Vacancy, etc. ) can be included for approval on separate requests for the same past tenant .. Added - A Supplement To Application For Federally Assisted Housing ( HUD-92006 ) form to the Waiting List - Custom Report Generation list of available forms .. Added - A Supplement To Application For Federally Assisted Housing ( HUD-92006 ) form to the Recertification Notice list of available forms.

RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - Column totals for Amount Requested and Amount Approved on the Reserve Request History ( RD 3560-12 ) report .. Added - Auto-fill [+] buttons to Date entry fields in the RD 3560-12 Request for Authorization to Withdrawal Reserve Funds feature which automatically inserts today's date, when clicked.

LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Updated - The Oregon LIHTC Tenant Income Certification form [ OR-Sec42 TIC ] to the current 03/13/2012 revision .. Added - The Oregon HOME Tenant Income Certification form [ OR-Sec42 HOME ] to the list of available LIHTC Tenant Income Certification forms to print .. Added - The Oregon Self-Certification of Annual Income form [ OR-Sec42 SCAI ] to the list of available LIHTC Tenant Income Certification forms to print .. Revised - The Texas Tenant Income Certification [ TX-Sec42 TIC ] to display cents for all income related amounts .. Revised - The Annual Income column on the TDHCA Unit Status Report to display cents .. Revised - The Wisconsin Tenant Income Certification [ WI-Sec42 TIC ] form to the current 11/2011 Revision.

IN GENERAL: Added - A new Move-Out Notification Summary [ SAMPLE_MO_NOTIFICATION_SUMMARY_US.RPT ] to the list of Unit Data Summary - Custom User-Created reports that will only list vacant units and existing tenants that have given notice to vacate, based on the report date defined .. Added - A new Adverse Action Notice form [ SAMPLE_ADVERSE_ACTION_NOTICE_WD.RPT ] to the Custom Report Generation - Print Options window of the Waiting List Data feature .. Added - [+] buttons to the right of Contacted, Leased, Removal, Accepted, Rejected and Inactive Date fields that will automatically insert the current date & time when clicked .. Added - The ability to generate a Unit History Summary for a Specific Tenant Only in addition to listing all tenant changes that exist for the unit.

ACCOUNTING: Fixed - The issue with Balance Due amounts not being reported in the Over 90 Days Over Due column of the Aged Receivables Report for Past Tenants that moved out months prior to the Report Date .. Fixed - The issue with past tenants being included on the Security Deposit Report when additional deposit related charge codes are selected .. Added - The C/O: designation to A/P entries that are automatically created by the Security Deposit Refund feature when the payable is addressed in care of someone other than the previous tenant.

HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The Section 8 Special Claims Summary by adding a column for the # of Days since the unit has been available for rent and split the Unpaid Rent & Damages column into separate amounts .. Increased - The font size of information filled in on the HUD-52670-A Part 1 Schedule of Tenant Assistance Due form to improve legibility .. Revised - The Section 8 Special Claims feature by not automatically inserting a Move-In Date when the unit is reoccupied and the Process Special Claims without Move-In Date checkbox is checked .. Added - A HAP amount column to each Tenant Change Selection window when manually adding tenant changes to a new MAT file .. Added - A Correct button to the bottom of the HUD-50059 Tenant Certification - Preview window when a Correction To Prior Certification or Gross Rent Change action is displayed which allows multiple Correction and GRC actions to exist in TC History when effective the same day.

RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - RD 3560-8 Tenant Certification database structure to allow multiple certification entries to exist as TC History that are effective on the same day ( example: a 06/01/2012 Initial and 06/01/2012 Modify TI, a 07/01/2012 Recertification and 07/01/2012 Modify TI, a 08/01/2012 CoTenant-To-Tenant and 08/01/2012 Modify TI, etc. ) .. Revised - The process of creating a Modify TI Certification by using a new Correct button option instead of Revising the existing TC .. Added - A Subsidy amount column to each Tenant Change Selection window when manually adding tenant changes to a new EDI file.

LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - The New Hampshire Tenant Income Certification form [ NH-Sec42 TIC ] to the list of available LIHTC Tenant Income Certification forms to print .. Revised - The Illinois Tenant Income Certification form [ IL-Sec42 TIC ] to the June 2012 revision.

IN GENERAL: Added - A new Change Data History report to the Changes to Tenant Assistance - Print options menu that provides a summary of tenant changes, grouped by tenant that can be sorted by Effective Date or Report Month .. Fixed - The Run-Time Error 3021 issue caused when entering a new Move-In/Initial Certification that happens to be replacing a previous tenant's recertification effective the same day .. Revised - The Change to Tenant Assistance - Sort by Report Month option and made it sort faster .. Added - A Sequence # to the display of three Action Process types ( RD - Modify TI Tenant Certifications, HUD - Correction HUD-50059 Tenant Certifications, and HUD - Gross Rent Changes ) throughout the program to allow multiples of each Action Process type ( effective the same day ) to exist as Tenant Certification History. Example: Correction AR ( 1 ), Correction AR ( 2 ), and so on. The ability to create multiple Action Process types effective the same day will be made available in the next update release.

ACCOUNTING: Added - A Tenant Totals amount line to the Tenant Ledger Report to provide a grand total of all Charge, Adjustment, and Payment amounts when the report is grouped by charge code .. Fixed - The issue with not charging a full month's rent on the Tenant Ledger Report when a tenant happens to vacate the unit on the first day of the month.



LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The Idaho Tenant Income Certification [ ID-Sec42 TIC ] to show cents for all income amounts.

IN GENERAL: Revised - The Password Protection feature to allow the program administrator with Full Program Access to restrict specific User Login ID's with Limited Access from deleting a Project Database or a Unit Number, removing Waiting List Applicant entries, removing Changes to Tenant Assistance entries, removing a Work Order entry, removing a Unit Inventory entry, removing a Multi-Property Directory List, removing a Tenant Charge Code entry, removing a Bank Account entry, removing a Vendor Account entry, or removing a Chart of Account entry.

ACCOUNTING: Added - A Include Utility Refund Activity checkbox to the Security Deposit Refund feature to allow overpaid UREFUND amounts to be included in the Security Deposit Refund calculation process .. Added - A Total of all Prepaid Balances and Total of all Unpaid Balances amount lines to the form total section of all Rent Roll and Aged Receivable reports .. Added - Net Tenant Contribution ( NTC - Tenant Rent Rate ) as an individual amount that can be inserted in a custom Late Notice .. Added - A Selected Vendor ID's Only option to the Vendor Account Summary - Setup window that will allow a Vendor Summary to include all or specific Vendor Accounts.

HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The iMAX Communications - Setup window to mask ( hide ) all displayed TRACSMAIL & WASS ID Password fields for User Login ID's with Limited Access.

RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Updated - The Maine RD Model Lease [ RD_ME_LEASE_CD.RPT ] to the 04/30/2012 release .. Added - A new POST menu option to the Review Project Worksheet History feature that will automatically post monthly RD Project Worksheet details (including RD R/A Subsidy recorded individually tenant-by-tenant, Loan Payments, Overage, etc.) to the built-in Accounting feature.

LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Updated - The Wisconsin Tenant Income Certification form ( AHTC Form 300 ) to the current 11/2011 revision .. Updated - The Louisiana Tenant Income Certification form ( LA-Sec42 TIC) to automatically include the Certification of Student Eligibility page when all household members are full-time students .. Updated - The Illinois ( IHDA ) Compliance Report ( TST-2 form ) and Tenant Rent Record Information ( TST-5 form ) to the current 12/2010 revision.

IN GENERAL: Revised - The TC Detail report that can be generated from the Tenant Certification - Print options window to show Actual Asset & Income amounts with cents for LIHTC calculation compliance in specific States that require amounts reported to the nearest cent and Actual Asset & Income amounts rounded to the nearest whole dollar for RD, HUD, and LIHTC calculation compliance in all other States that require amounts reported to the nearest whole dollar .. Revised - The Tenant Certification - Asset Information entry window to display Cash Value and Actual Income in cents and rounded to the nearest dollar for applicable RD, HUD, and State specific LIHTC calculation compliance requirements .. Fixed - The Run-Time Error 3420 issue when attempting to run the Reset Income Limits option in the Waiting List Data feature .. Fixed - The Run-Time Error 3021 issue in the Tenant Certification entry window when changing project filenames and then canceling out of the entry window .. Added - A Select Specific Tenants checkbox option to the Unit Data Summary feature which would allow specific tenants to be hand picked for the selected summary.

ACCOUNTING: Added - An A/P Check Disbursement Entry option to the Accounting Defaults - User Defaults window labeled "Allow paid A/P Check Entries to be edited ?" which will allow the user to control whether a paid A/P check entry is or isn't allowed to be edited .. Revised - The Password Protection feature to automatically not allow User Login ID's with Limited Access to delete a Project or a Unit, remove Waiting List Applicant entries, remove Changes to Tenant Assistance entries, remove a Work Order entry, remove a Unit Inventory entry, remove a Multi-Property Directory List, remove a Tenant Charge Code entry, remove a Bank Account entry, remove a Vendor Account entry, or remove a Chart of Account entry .. Revised - The Close Batch Process feature to sort the Existing Batch Numbers list in Batch Number order with most recent (largest) Batch Numbers displayed at the top of the list.



LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The Tenant Income Certification (TIC) forms for Iowa, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, and Tennessee to display all Income & Asset amounts with cents .. Added - New State specific Tenant Income Certification (TIC) forms for Montana, Oklahoma, Nevada, and New York .. Added - The new HUD LIHTC Tenant Data Collection Form (HUD-52679) to the LIHTC Tenant Certification form selection list.

IN GENERAL: Fixed - The issue with Applicant entries dissappearing when multiple users are working in and making changes in the Waiting List feature at the same time .. Revised - The process of importing applicant information from the Waiting List into a new Tenant Certification to make sure the applicant's Phone Number is included.

ACCOUNTING: Revised - The amounts being inserted in fields 11a & 11b on the 2012 WI Rent Certificate to accurately reflect actual rent payment amounts to match the total on line 11c .. Revised - The A/R Tenant Payment Entry and Batch/Deposit Report features to lessen the time it takes to load information, making them run faster .. Added - A 12 Month Report option to the Management Fee Calculation feature when the calculation is based on the number of occupied units .. Fixed - The periodic issue with recurring tenant charge balances being shown as over 90 days late on the Aged Receivable Report when they are only 30 days late.



LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The TDHCA Web Services Interface ( used in Texas ) with XML file layout changes recently implemented.

IN GENERAL: Revised - The Waiting List feature to allow existing Applicant entries to be copied to Multiple Project waiting lists and be asked to verify Application Date & Time and Unit Size, as it applies to each new project, during the process.

ACCOUNTING: Fixed - The Rent Roll Report to correctly not list past tenants when the beginning date of the report is not dated the 1st day of the month .. Added - The Pennsylvania 2011 Rent Certificate form to the Certificate of Rent Paid (CRP) form feature.

HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Fixed - The issue of Previous Head Information being incorrectly added in MAT file submissions of Corrected AR/IR HUD-50059's that were created by the Gross Rent Change process.


LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - All XML file creation features with fixes for know XML file submission issues brought to our attention since the 2011.12.31 Update Release .. Revised - The Alabama TIC form to separate out the Child Support Income amount from line #15 to line #17 .. Revised - The Kansas TIC with Household, Income, Asset and Total Income Information sections automatically filled in on the form .. Updated - The TDHCA Web Services Interface feature with new information being included in their State specific XML file submissions .. Added - A new LIHTC Unit Number Conversion Utility that will automatically replace the unit number used in FHA Software with a unit number that matches what exists in the State HFA system for XML file submission compliance, thus eliminating the need to renumber units to match the State HFA unit numbers .. Added - The ability to select OTH as the Rent Assistance Type when non-project based tenant assistance is not Section 8.

IN GENERAL: Fixed - The Remove a TC process in the Tenant Certification feature so that after the TC has been removed, the Tenant Certification - Preview window is redisplayed at the same Unit No. that was originally selected .. Revised - The Tenant Certification - Activation process to make sure a new Tenant ID # is assigned to a tenant that moves back into the same unit # they previous occupied .. Added - Avery 5264 and 5963 to the list of labels that are available to print from the Generate Recertification Notices feature .. Split - The Submission Date column in the Change Data Summary into 2 separate columns labeled TRACS Date and MINC Date so that both dates are displayed on the same report.

ACCOUNTING: Added - A Continuous checkbox option to the Utility Refund Report - Setup window that allows Multi-Property Reports to be generated individually for each project or grouped together on one continuous report .. Added - An Are you Sure message when attempting to cancel out of the Security Deposit Refund feature without saving the refund entry displayed .. Revised - The Bank Reconciliation feature that solves the issue with not being able to reconcile or unreconcile certain entry types .. Added - The Missouri 2011 Certificate of Rent Paid form to the Certificate of Rent Paid (CRP) form feature.


RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - The RD 3560-25 Initial Request for Rental Assistance or Operating Assistance form to the Custom Report Generation feature in Project Data.

LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - A new LIHTC Data Transfer Standard XML 2.0 feature item to the LIHTC menu that provides the 2.0 version XML file layout that will start to be accepted in place of the current 1.0 version by applicable State HFA's in 2012.


ACCOUNTING: Added - The Wisconsin 2011 Rent Certificate form to the Certificate of Rent Paid (CRP) form feature .. Added - The Minnesota 2011 Certificate of Rent Paid form to the Certificate of Rent Paid (CRP) form feature .. Added - The ability to print an IRS 1096 Annual Summary form from the existing IRS 1099 Form Processing feature.


RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - The Idaho USDA/RD Approved Lease and Lease Renewal ( Rev 05/06 ) forms to the Tenant Certification PRINToptions feature .. Fixed - The Assign RA feature to automatically change Action Process to MODIFY TI when Rental Assistance is being applied on the same effective date as an existing Tenant Certification.

LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - A new [+] button in the Building ID Information section of the Tax Credit window in Project Data which displays Building ID specific address information that is required to be included in the new LIHTC Data Transfer Standard XML 2.0 file format coming out the end of December 2011 .. Added - The Mississippi Student and Rent Declaration form [ MS Sec42-SARD ] to the list of available Tax Credit certification forms to print .. Added - Placed in Service (PIS) Date to be displayed on the Tenant Certification - Preview window ( just below Building ID ) for LIHTC monitored projects .. Added - A Guide to Completing Form 8823 option to the LIHTC menu which provides access to this current PDF file documentation.

IN GENERAL: Fixed - The accuracy of establishing Tenant Specific Address information when processing a Unit Swap when address information is different than Unit Address .. Fixed - The issue where Fax Number was not being inserted into a Verification Form generated from the Medical Expense window while editing a Tenant Certification.

ACCOUNTING: Fixed - The Bank Reconciliation issue when entries could not be reconciled or unreconciled without having to reconcile or unreconcile all entries .. Fixed - The Run-Time Error 3024 issue when accessing a Tenant Report feature .. Revised - The Security Deposit Summary to show all units in the project and note * No Activity * for those units when a paid security deposit is not being held on the report date defined.



LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Fixed - Income Status being incorrectly reported as Market Rate for various tenant changes (vacant units, etc.) in the XML file created for the Certification On Line (COL) system.


ACCOUNTING: Added - The ability to assign a Tenant Charge Code to a payable made out to a tenant in the A/P Check Disbursement Entry feature which allows the A/P entry to automatically appear as Tenant Ledger activity on all tenant related reports.

HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Updated - The HUD-93104 Monthly Report of Excess Income feature with the ability to view the HUD-93104 form and Schedule for Calculating Excess Income to the screen and automatically only report excess income for units with Section 236 Subsidy.


LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - The Kansas Tenant Income Certification form [ KS Sec42-TIC ] to the list of available Tax Credit certification forms to print .. Added - The MHDC ( Missouri ) Exhibit X - Mid-Lease Rent Increase Lease Addendum form to the Tenant Certification - Print options window.

IN GENERAL: Added - An option (checkbox) to include or exclude Site Manager Information when copying Management Data from one project to another in the DATA .. PROJECT DATA .. OWNER INFO .. MANAGEMENT DATA window .. Added - An option (checkbox) to include or not include inactive applicants on Specific Unit Size Only - Waiting Lists .. Added - Unit Transfer to the list of available Include Only Applicants With options in the Waiting List - Print Options window that allows the user to include only applicants (existing tenants) that are required to transfer to eligible unit sizes onto a waiting list summary .. Added - A Consolidate checkbox to the Occupancy Report - Setup window that will consolidate multi-property reports onto one continuous report, when checked .. Added - Other as an additional Race Code selection in the Tenant Certification entry feature .. Added - A new Common Issues & Errors section to the Help Topics feature that provides solutions to common issues and errors that may occur during normal FHA Software program operation.

ACCOUNTING: Added - A new UREFUND Tenant Charge Code to the Tenant Charge Code database that will be used to automatically record Utility Refund activity separate from TNTRENT Tenant Rent .. Added - A new REPAYMT Tenant Charge Code to the Tenant Charge Code database that will be used to record Repayment Agreement activity separate from TNTRENT Tenant Rent .. Added - A new [+] selection window button to the Security Deposit Refund feature that will allow paid amounts from other security deposit related charge codes (PETDEP, KEYDEP, etc.) to be included with the default SECDEP amount when processing a refund .. Added - A Security Deposit - Setup section to the Accounting Defaults - User Defaults window that will allow other security deposit related charge codes to be preselected for the Security Deposit Refund feature.

HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - A new Section 8 Special Claims Summary - Print option to the Section 8 Special Claims feature.

RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Changed - The layout of the Reserve Request History report from portrait to landscaped to allow all text in the Purpose column to be displayed on the report.

LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - A new AHFA Tenant Data Collection ( TDC ) MDB feature that creates an MDB file with tenant changes that provides electronic submission compliance with the State of Alabama .. Updated - The existing Tennessee HDA Household Income Certification with the current form layout .. Fixed - The issues with submitting Unit Transfers and households with Unborn Children in the XML file sent to the Certification On Line (COL) system.

IN GENERAL: Fixed - The inaccuracy of the Head Member's age being reported on the Move-In Listing report.


HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - A copy of the HUD-90106 Move-In/Move Out Inspection Form [SAMPLE_INOUT_INSPECTION] to the list of custom reports that can be generated from the UNIT DATA window .. Updated - All HUD Recertification & Increase Letters to automatically insert applicable HUD Model Lease paragraph numbering based on HUD subsidy type.

RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Updated - All RD Ohio Lease Documents to the 04/27/2011 Revision which includes RD_OH_LEASE, RD_OH_ADDM_RENEWAL, RD_OH_ADDM_PLANII, RD_OH_ADDM_PLANIIRA, RD_OH_OCCU_POLICY, and RD_OH_PET_POLICY forms .. Updated - The Colorado USDA/RD Rental Housing Lease Agreement [ RD_CO_LEASE ] and Rental Housing Lease Agreement Addendum [ RD_CO_LEASE_ADDM ] to the 08/09/2010 Revision .. Updated - The RD 3560-8 Tenant Certification to the 08/2011 form revision .. Updated - The RD 3560 Handbook Reference feature with recent changes made to the current RD 3560 handbook .. Added - USDA Form RD 3560-65 (Rev. 08/11) MFH Unauthorized Assistance Notification/Repayment Agreement to the Custom Report Form Library that is printable from the Tenant Certification - Print Options window [REPAYMENT_AGREEMENT_RD_CD.RPT].

LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Updated - The Michigan Tenant Income Certification to the current December 2009 form Revision.

IN GENERAL: Added - New Site/Resident Manager entry fields to the Management Data window in Project Data that allows Site Manager information to be maintained separate from Management Agent information which can be inserted in all custom letters & reports generated in FHA Software .. Added - A GRC Activation Date to the Project Data - Rent Rates window which now displays when the Gross Rent / UA Change process was completed that put the new rent rate schedule into effect .. Added - A GRC Activation Date to the Gross Rent / UA Change window to note if and when a selected GRC Effective Date ( Rent Rate Schedule ) has already been implemented .. Added - The option to transfer an existing Inventory Item from one unit to another in the Unit Inventory feature.

ACCOUNTING: Added - 10 more user-definable Alert fields to the Payment Alerts feature increasing available Alert field entry to 30 .. Added - Phone Number to the A/R Tenant Payment Entry window .. Added - A Utility Refund - Utility Account No. field to the Tenant Specific Information window ( in the Tenant Certification Data feature ) which stores the tenant's utility company account number that is now automatically inserted in the memo area of a printed Utility Refund check .. Added - Utility Account No. to the Utility Refund Report .. Fixed - The random issue with balances being reported on the Aged Receivables Report for tenants with recurring charges that should not have balances.



LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Updated - The Mississippi Tenant Income Certification to the current 06/2011 form Revision .. Revised - The State Specific ( Texas - TDHCA ) Unit Status Report form generated from the Tax Credit Analysis feature to match the actual USR form generated from the TDHCA web-based system .. Updated - The Georgia Tenant Income Certification to the current 12/2006 form Revision .. Added - The Georgia Tenant Income Self Certification form [ GA Sec42-TISC ] to the list of available Tax Credit certification forms to print.

IN GENERAL: Added - A Tenant Declined to Report checkbox to the Ethnicity section of the Household Member Information window in the Tenant Certification Entry feature which now separates this designation from the Race section.

ACCOUNTING: Fixed - The issue with the Aged Receivables Summary & Detail reports where not all units with inactivity were being noted .. Revised - All Tenant Report - Tenant Selection windows to accurately show the last unit number past tenants were in when unit transfers activity existed in their occupancy history .. Fixed - The issue with Recurring Charge amounts being randomly excluded from the Aged Receivables Report.

HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The HUD-50059 & HUD-50059-A Tenant Certification forms to the current 03/2011 version .. Added - The ability for the program to automatically add an OARQ entry on monthly voucher requests to offset retro adjustments that are part of a Repayment Agreement by adding a "This HAP adjustment is subject to repayment" checkbox when the adjustment is displayed during the activation process and in the Changes to Tenant Assistance - View HAP Adjustments window.


LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Fixed - The Race Code numbering issue on the PA Tenant Income Certification form .. Added - A new IHDA TST-5 Form to the Tax Credit Analysis - Specific State Report selection list .. Revised - The Iowa Tenant Income Certification [ IA - Sec42 TIC ] form with a crisper form generation ( it was previously light and blurry ).

IN GENERAL: Added - A new Social Security Administration - Consent for Release of Information form (V_SSA-3288_RN.RPT) to the Custom Report Designer - Recertification Notice Verification form library which can be used to verify Social Security and Supplemental Security Income directly with the SSA Office .. Fixed - The Move-In Date used in the Occupancy Report - Vacancy Listing to show the actual Unit - Move-In Date for a mid-month RD Unit Transfer instead of the RD Effective Date that will always be the 1st of the next month.

ACCOUNTING: Added - A new Delinquent Rent Summary (Sample_DR_SUMMARY_LN.RPT) to the Delinquent Rent Report feature that includes each applicable tenant's Phone Number .. Added - A new Include a Delinquent Rent Report checkbox to the Delinquent Rent Report - Print Late Notice feature that allows the user to select whether this report should be printed along with the User-Created notices also selected .. Fixed - The GTC amount issue that was incorrectly being used when charging late fees based on a percentage of GTC for RD Non-Assisted tenants in the Delinquent Rent Report feature .. Fixed - The incorrect Payment & Remaining Balance amounts being reported on a Payment Receipt during the payment entry process.

HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Fixed - The Total Claim amount displayed in the Section 8 Special Claim - Unpaid Rent/Damages window when a claim having both Unpaid Rent and Tenant Damage amounts is saved .. Fixed - The Gross Rent / UA Change feature to leave the TRACS Date blank when creating the GRC HUD-50059 Tenant Certification .. Added - The ability to print HAP adjustment detail during all individual tenant change activation processing .. Added - The ability to print HAP adjustment detail from the Changes to Tenant Assistance - View HAP Adjustments window for individual tenant changes .. Revised - All tenant change activation features to make sure Anticipated Voucher Date implementation and HAP Adjustment Calculations are being processed correctly for RAP and Rent Supplement subsidy types.

RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - A new SAMPLE_GTC_SUMMARY_US.RPT custom report to the Unit Data - Unit Data Summary - Print options feature that provides RD Gross Tenant Contribution (GTC) amounts.

LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The Section 42 - Tenant Income Certification calculation DETAIL window to allow the MSA% Income Limit Schedule used to determine Income Status to be different than the MSA% Income Limit Schedule used to determine Rent Status .. Revised - The Program Type section in the Section 42 - Tenant Income Certification calculation DETAIL window to separate Income Status Program Type selections with Rent Status Program Type selections to comply with recent TIC form layout changes implemented by various State HFA's (Texas, Utah, etc. ) .. Updated - The Iowa Tenant Income Certification to the current 02/07/2011 form Revision .. Updated - The Oregon Tenant Income Certification to the 10/25/2010 form Revision .. Updated - The Texas Tenant Income Certification and Annual Eligibility Certification to the current April 2011 form Revision .. Updated - The Utah Tenant Income Certification to the current 01/2010 form Revision .. Added - The Utah Self Certification 01/2010 form Revision .. Added - The Pennsylvania Tenant Income Certification 01/01/2011 form Revision .. Added - The Maine Tenant Income Certification and Self Certification 01/2010 form Revisions.

IN GENERAL: Revised - The Waiting List feature to automatically allow an existing inactive applicant to be added back as a new active applicant without the Heads SSN duplication being an issue .. Added - A Select Specific Units checkbox to the Gross Rent / UA Change feature that allows the GRC process to be completed for one or more selected units only.

ACCOUNTING: Revised - The Rent Roll Summary, Aged Receivables Summary, and Aged Receivables Detail to include listing all units that would normally not be on the report due to no activity (Vacant, Negative Renter, etc.) .. Revised - The Check Printing Process feature to all MICR checks to be printed in Multi-Property Checks mode .. Revised - The 12 Month Actuals and 12 Month Budget Operating Statements to report Fiscal Year date ranges when Fiscal Year reporting applies for specific projects .. Revised - The 12 Month Balance Sheet to report Fiscal Year date ranges when Fiscal Year reporting applies for specific projects.

HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The HUD Notification of Rent Increase letters [INCRSE_H, INCRSE_GRC_H, INTERIMN_H, and INTERIMT_H] provided with FHA Software to automatically insert HUD Lease related paragraph numbers and dates being referenced in each letter.

RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The Unit Transfer feature to allow actual mid-month transfer in & out dates to be recorded in Unit Data for more accurate vacancy period reporting.

LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The TDHCA Web Services Interface feature to automatically not include Building ID Numbers in the XML file for HOME project submission.

IN GENERAL: Fixed - The Certification Expiration Report to accurately recognize the Action Process (Recert) for Market Renter unit types when future certifications exist and are noted in the Future Certification Status column .. Added - A column labeled "Sex" that will display each members sex on the main Tenant Certification window.

ACCOUNTING: Added - A Tenant Charge Code Selection section to the Tenant Ledger Report feature that allows the report to only include activity for specific tenant charge codes .. Added - A Tenant Charge Code Selection section to the Rent Statement feature that allows the report to only include activity for specific tenant charge codes .. Added - The ability to maintain Interest Rate Schedules and generate a Security Deposit Report with Accrued Interest Payable amounts to the Security Deposit Report feature.

HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The HUD-91067 Lease Addendum form (Violence Against Women) so that it automatically prints this one page form for each adult household member.


LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Updated - The Texas Tenant Income Certification (TIC) and Annual Eligibility Certification (AEC) forms to the current February 2011 release .. Added - The ability to process Recertification Notices based on each unit's Placed in Service Date .. Added - The ability to generate a Certification Expiration Report based on each unit's Placed in Service Date .. Updated - The Mississippi TIC to the current form revision .. Added - The 09/2010 version of the Idaho IHFA Tenant Income Certification form [ ID- Sec42 TIC ] to the Tenant Certification - Print Options window.


ACCOUNTING: Fixed - The Aged Receivables Report to properly display applicable tenant alert notations.

HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The Multiple HAP Contract section of Project Data with the ability to report on the HUD-50059 and HUD-52670 HAP Request Voucher a Project Title that is different than the main Project's Title so that each HAP Contract can have a different Project Title .. Added - A notation to the MAT File Summary and MAT File Analysis to identify if the MAT file was created with Baseline Indicators.

RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - The ability to process a Remove RA tenant change from the Unit Data window.

LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The LIHTC Data Transfer Standard XML feature to accurately list LI - Low Income as the Unit Type for RD, HUD, and S42 units, regardless if RA/Subsidy amounts exist .. Added - A new WBARS Import XML feature to the LIHTC menu that allows Tax Credit users in the State of Washington to electronically submit their tenant changes to WSHFA through the WBARS system .. Added - Formerly on Foster Care as a Student Status Explanation selection for applicable Tenant Income Certification processing.

IN GENERAL: Fixed - The Project Filename Summary unit size count issue .. Added - The Head tenant's Age at Move-In to the Occupancy Report - Move-In Listing summary.

ACCOUNTING: Added - A Total Debits & Credits line at the end of the Adjustments Journal Summary report .. Added - A YTD column to the 12 Month Operating Statement report .. Added - A Balance Sheet ( 12 Month Report ) form option to the Balance Sheet - Setup window .. Added - A 12 Month Budget form option to the Operating Statement - Setup window .. Fixed - The A/P posting issue when consolidating an existing A/P entry with a Recurring A/P Entry during the Check Printing Process.

RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - The ability to monitor the EDI Data Summary to the screen.

HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - The ability to monitor the MAT File Summary and MAT File Analysis to the screen .. Fixed - The glitch where page #3 of the HUD-50059 Tenant Certification was not printing for a household with 11 members .. Revised - The 504 Compliance language at the bottom of all HUD related verification forms & letters to match the wording in paragraph #1 in HUD 4350.3 Rev 1 Chg 3 Chapter 2 Exhibit 2-3 .. Added - A Correct MO button to the Unit Data window that automates the ability to change the Move-Out Date of an existing Vacant Unit entry that is covered by HUD subsidy.


IN GENERAL: Fixed - The issue of not including all projects when generating Tenant Certification Data Summaries in Multi-Property mode.

ACCOUNTING: Fixed - The IRS 1099 Form Processing - PREVIEW ( No Vendor Entries to Report ) message that was incorrectly caused by the previous update release .. Revised - The Void Checks Process window to display a Bank Type Code next to Check No. to differentiate Bank Types for duplicate check numbers displayed.


HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The MAT File Creation feature to automatically include a Unit Transfer notation for MAT10 Records ( HUD-50059's ) added to the MAT file that are also reporting a Unit Transfer of the same effective date.


IN GENERAL: Added - The option to Include Forwarding Address Information on the Vacancy Listing .. Revised - The printed Address Book Summary to sort the same as the sort currently selected on-screen.

ACCOUNTING: Added - The option to Include Forwarding Address Information on the Security Deposit Refund Summary .. Verified - The 1099-MISC form layout for 2010 has not changed since 2009 .. Added - The 2010 Certificate of Rent Paid form versions for the State of MN, MO, PA, and WI .. Added - The option to Include Payee's with No Vendor ID's to the Vendor Ledger Report .. Revised - The Include Past Tenant option provided in the Rent Roll Report, Aged Receivables Report, and Tenant Ledger Report, to only include Past Tenants that have a Balance Due for the reporting period defined ( not include Past Tenants with zero balances ) .. Revised - The Security Deposit Refund - Tenant Selection window to only list tenants that are eligible for SDR processing.


HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The Gross Rent / UA Change process to more accurately include adjustments for multiple future Move-Out/In activity for retroactive GRC's.