Update Information

Program updates are available using the built-in Auto-Update feature which automates the update retrieval & installation process from our internet site. New updates are posted nearly every two or three weeks. If internet access is non-existent or connection speed is too slow for update file retrieval, users can be placed on our quarterly update mailing list.
To retrieve and install an FHA Software update ...
1.) Backup your FHA Software database ( using the built-in Data Backup/Restore feature )
2.) Establish an internet connection
3.) Start FHA Software for Windows
4.) Click-on Help .. Check for Update .. Auto-Update Process .. Get Update - Internet
5.) When file download is complete, click-on Update to install the update
The following are details of revisions, enhancements and new features added with recent FHA Software updates.
ACCOUNTING: Added - A Print button to the A/P Invoice Number Search window of the A/P Check Disbursement Entry feature .. Fixed - The issue when UREFUND Charge activity was not being reported on the Tenant Ledger Report that is printed through the Tenant Reports menu .. Added - First Bank of Highland Park to the list of Banks included in the Export - Positive Pay Banking option in the A/P Check Disbursement Entry feature .. Fixed - The A/P Database Version Conflict issue that was occurring when an existing Vendor Account Address was changed and attempting to update this Address change in existing A/P entries .. Fixed - The issue when re applying forfeited security deposit amounts to different charge code balances in the Security Deposit Refund feature when interest was added and the program was not accepting the changes .. Fixed - The Tenant Ledger Report printed from the A/R Tenant Payment Entry feature to include Check # in payment entry Description fields .. Added - A second online rent payment Import menu option called RentPayment - Payment Transactions to the A/R Tenant Payment Entry feature that automatically imports ( records ) online rent payment transactions made through the RentPayment online service.
RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - The ability to change Project Rental Type, Profit Type, Master Metered Utilities and Accounting Method selections in the Report Header Information window of the RD 3560-7 MFH Project Budget / UA feature.
LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Updated - The California ( CTCAC ) Tenant Income Certfication form [ CA-Sec42 TIC ] to the current July 2017 release.
ACCOUNTING: Added - A new Include User Entry Activity checkbox option to the Tenant Ledger Report - Setup window that will show the User Login ID that recorded each A/R Tenant Charge, Adjustment or Payment entry being reported along with the Date & Time they were recorded .. Added - A new Include User Entry Activity checkbox option to the A/J Adjustment Journal Summary - Setup window that will show the User Login ID that recorded each A/J entry being reported along with the Date & Time they were recorded .. Added - A new Include User Entry Activity checkbox option to the A/P Check Disbursement Summary - Setup window that will show the User Login ID and Date that recorded ( saved ) each A/P entry being reported along with the User Login ID and Date that printed the physical A/P Check .. Added - A new Is Interest Paid From SD Savings Acct - Y/N setup item in the Security Deposit section of the Accounting Defaults feature that determines if SD interest is paid out of SD funds or paid out of Operating Cash as a project expense .. Upgraded - The Batch/Deposit Report feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Upgraded - The Vendor Ledger Report feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Upgraded - The Check Listing feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Upgraded - The Check Register Report feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Fixed - The Unhandled Exception issue that the Tenant Ledger Report was randomly experiencing .. Revised - The Include Utility Refund Activity checkbox option provided in the Rent Roll Report, Aged Receivables Report, Rent Statements, Tenant Ledger Report, Security Deposit Report, and A/R Tenant Payment Entry features to also not include partial UREFUND charge code entries created by mid-month move-in and Move-out processing, unless this option is checked to do so .. Fixed - An issue with how the Tenant Ledger Report feature was reporting UREFUND charge, adjustment and payment activity when the UREFUND charge code was being used to manually record Utility Refund payments that were not actually being paid to the tenant from project-based subsidy .. Fixed - The periodic issue with the same tenant information being reported ( not clearing out ) on multiple project Security Deposit Reports.
HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The Automatic HAP Adjustment Calculation feature to correct minor adjustment calculation accuracy issues that have come up since the last update release .. Fixed - The Certfication Type code that was being incorrectly inserted in the Adjustment Payment Detail Record section in a Voucher MAT file for Terminations caused by Dual Subsidy .. Revised - The Section 8 Special Claims - Vacancy Loss feature to allow the HUD Limitation percentage to be manually changed from 50% & 80% for 811 PR Demo projects which can have a different percentage .. Revised - The Compliance Eligibility review process when calculating HUD-50059 Tenant Certifications to include Member and Income eligibility requirements for 811 PRA Demo project subsidy .. Added - A direct link to the HUD / Tenant Rental Assistance Certification System ( TRACS ) web site in the HUD .. TRACS/MAT Files Submissions menu.
LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Updated - The Tennessee HDA Tenant Income Certfication form [ TN-Sec42 TIC ] to the current February 2015 release .. Revised - The TDHCA Compliance Monitoring & Tracking System (CMTS) feature to accomodate known .CSV file creation and upload issues that have occurred recently, including the ability to permanantly assign a secondary Building No. ( besides the standard BIN ) for each applicable Unit # that can automatically be reported in the .CSV file uploaded to CMTS .. Added - A Standard HOME Analysis and Standard HOME Analysis w/MSA%'s report options to the Tax Credit Analysis feature which compares Maximum Monthly Rent eligibility with specific HOME program maximum rent amounts that are not based on the HOME Income Limit Schedule .. Revised - The IHDA TSHCN-2A Low & High - Tax Credit Analysis forms to soley use the NSP & CDBG Income/Rent program options to determine if tenant changes are applicable to be listed on each form .. Revised - The HOME TX - Rent Eligibility program designation option with MSA% selections that now match what is being reported in .CSV file uploads to the TDHCA CMTS system.
ACCOUNTING: Fixed - The Unhandled Exception issue that the Tenant Ledger Report was randomly experiencing .. Revised - The Include Utility Refund Activity checkbox option provided in the Rent Roll Report, Aged Receivables Report, Rent Statements, Tenant Ledger Report, Security Deposit Report, and A/R Tenant Payment Entry features to also not include partial UREFUND charge code entries created by mid-month move-in and Move-out processing, unless this option is checked to do so.
HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Fixed - The Certfication Type code that was being incorrectly inserted in the Adjustment Payment Detail Record section in a Voucher MAT file for Terminations caused by Dual Subsidy .. Revised - The Section 8 Special Claims - Vacancy Loss feature to allow the HUD Limitation percentage to be manually changed from 50% & 80% for 811 PR Demo projects which can have a different percentage .. Revised - The Compliance Eligibility review process when calculating HUD-50059 Tenant Certifications to include Member and Income eligibility requirements for 811 PRA Demo project subsidy.
ACCOUNTING: Added - A new Include User Entry Activity checkbox option to the Tenant Ledger Report - Setup window that will show the User Login ID that recorded each A/R Tenant Charge, Adjustment or Payment entry being reported along with the Date & Time they were recorded .. Added - A new Include User Entry Activity checkbox option to the A/J Adjustment Journal Summary - Setup window that will show the User Login ID that recorded each A/J entry being reported along with the Date & Time they were recorded .. Added - A new Include User Entry Activity checkbox option to the A/P Check Disbursement Summary - Setup window that will show the User Login ID and Date that recorded ( saved ) each A/P entry being reported along with the User Login ID and Date that printed the physical A/P Check .. Added - A new Is Interest Paid From SD Savings Acct - Y/N setup item in the Security Deposit section of the Accounting Defaults feature that determines if SD interest is paid out of SD funds or paid out of Operating Cash as a project expense .. Upgraded - The Batch/Deposit Report feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Upgraded - The Vendor Ledger Report feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Upgraded - The Check Listing feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Upgraded - The Check Register Report feature to .NET 4.0 programming.
HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The Automatic HAP Adjustment Calculation feature to correct minor adjustment calculation accuracy issues that have come up since the last update release.
LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Updated - The Tennessee HDA Tenant Income Certfication form [ TN-Sec42 TIC ] to the current February 2015 release.
ACCOUNTING: Added - A new @Math option to the Custom Layout Designer feature that will allow simple calculations of Account # amounts to be inserted in a custom Operating Statement report layout.
HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The VACATE feature for HUD Subsidized units to allow Move-Out Date to be effective beyond 14 days after Date of Death when the move-out was caused by the death of a sole member.
LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - A new California LA County [ CA - LA County LIHRRD ] form option to the LIHTC Tax Credit Analysis feature .. Revised - The Texas Tenant Income Certification form [ TX-Sec42 TIC ] with a notation which shows how the Gross Rent for Unit amount was calculated in the Part VI Rent section .. Updated - The California Tenant Income Certfication form [ CA-Sec42 TIC ] to the current January 2017 release.
ACCOUNTING: Added - A new checkbox option labeled "Allow A/R Balance Adjustment A/J entries to be automatically created" that provides the ability to not have the G/L Posting Utility feature create AR BAL ADJ A/J entries for Accrual Accounting projects when the G/L Posting Utility feature is run each month .. Added - A new Unit History Validation Utility to the Custom Features option that will look for and correct past tenant change entries that are missing valid Move-Out Dates &/or have multiple Tenant ID #'s which are being incorrectly reported on tenant related reports ( ex: Rent Roll Report, Aged Receivables Report, etc. ) that include Past Tenants .. Fixed - The Utility Refund ( UR ) part of the Recurring A/P Entry feature to automatically check the Display Memo checkbox when UR Payables are created that have Utility Company Acct #'s being added .. Fixed - The G/L Posting Utility feature issue that was duplicating manually added Recurring Tenant Charges ( ex: CABLE TV, OTHER, etc. ) being accrued on the General Ledger Detail Report for Accrual Accounting method projects .. Added - A new View EOM AR button to the G/L Posting Utility feature setup window that provides the End of Month A/R Balances for the posted month .. Fixed - The issue with the Security Deposit Ledger not showing a notation that the paid SD amount was refunded .. Fixed - The issue when the message "No Accounting Start Date" was being displayed when processing a General Ledger Detail for Accrual Accounting Method projects .. Fixed - The issue with automatically updating existing A/P ( payable ) entries from the Vendor Accounts feature when an address change is being implemented .. Updated - The Printer ( Output ) process in the Certification Expiration Report, Rent Register Report, Utility Refund Report, Occupancy Reports, Race & Ethnicity Report and User-Defined Summaries features to immediately display a Printer Properties dialog window before a print job is sent directly to your printer.
LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Updated - The Colorado Tenant Income Certification form [ CO-Sec42 TIC ] to the current February 2015 revision .. Revised - The TDHCA Compliance Monitoring & Tracking System ( CMTS ) feature to create the new Household and Tenant .CSV file formats that are now required to be uploaded to the web-based CMTS system for LIHTC Reporting Compliance in the State of Texas .. Added - A new Oklahoma Unit Data Sheet [ OK - State Report ] form option to the LIHTC Tax Credit Analysis feature.
ACCOUNTING: Fixed - The issue when F1/F2 function keys ( used for quick changing Project Filenames and Unit #'s ) become non-responsive just after adding a charge in the A/R Tenant Payment Entry feature .. Revised - The G/L Posting Utility feature for Accrual Accounting projects to only create AR Balance Adjustment ( Clear / Reset ) A/J entries for Tenant Charge Codes that have different End of Month ( EOM ) vs Beginning of Month ( BOG ) balances. EOM & BOG balances that match ( remain unchanged ) will no longer have unncessary Clear / Reset A/J entries created - Revised - The Rent Roll Report, Aged Receivables Report, Tenant Ledger Report and G/L Posting Utility that had a similar issue with accruing recurring tenant charges on past and future tenants when reporting current tenants only .. Fixed - The issue when a blank CRP form is displayed while selecting a specific tenant only in the Certificate of Rent Paid feature .. Revised - The Certificate of Rent Paid (CRP) feature to correctly report the Number of Adult Members when members exist that are 18 years of age or older and are dependents of the household .. Fixed - The Batch / Deposit Report to include Entry # and Payment Date sort options for the printed Bank Deposit Slip, even though Entry # and Payment Date are not displayed .. Fixed - An issue with the General Ledger Detail report when accrued recurring tenant charges were not being listed for past tenants.
HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - Current 12/16/2016 versions of the VAWA forms HUD-5380, HUD-5381, HUD-5382 and HUD-5383 to the Tenant Certification Data - Print options feature .. Fixed - The issue when GRC Certifications with negative HAP amounts for 811PRAC projects were not being added to a tenant MAT file that is automatically created by the Generate a HAP Request Voucher feature when the entire voucher is printed.
LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Fixed - An issue with reporting the Tenant Paid Rent amount for tenants getting Other Subsidy on the Wisconsin Unit Status Report [ AHTC Form 200 ] .. Revised - The Spectrum Tenant Income Certification [ Spectrum S42 TIC ] to the current 01/2017 form revision .. Fixed - Instances when the Tenant Paid Rent amount being reported on the Wisconsin Unit Status Report [ AHTC Form 200 ] for tenants getting non-project based subsidy .. Removed - The outdated WHEDA ASCII File creation option from the Tax Credit Analysis feature .. Added - The new LIHTC Data Transfer Standard XML 4.0 file creation feature .. Added - The LIHTC Data Transfer Standard XML 4.0 File Conversion Utility feature .. Added - The LIHTC Data Transfer Standard XML 4.0 Data Dictionary feature.
IN GENERAL: Fixed - A minor issue with the new Read Only User Status issue that was added in the 2016.11.30 Update Release that affected program operation with non-networked versions of the program .. Added - A new message window to the Generate Recertification Notices feature that alerts the user when a tenant due for recertification ( according to Unit Data History ) will not be included in the recertification notice feature when a matching tenant certification cannot be located.
ACCOUNTING: Added - A new Delinquent Rent Worksheet [ SAMPLE_DR_WORKSHEET_LN.RPT ] form to the Delinquent Rent Report feature .. Revised - The 1099FORM.TXT, 1099MNGT.TXT, 1099OWNR.TXT, 1099WISC.TXT and 1096FORM.TXT forms to match the 2016 1099/1096 form layouts that are generated in the IRS 1099 Form Processing feature .. Added - The 2016 Vermont Landlord's Certificate form [ LC-142 ] to the Certification of Rent Paid (CRP) feature .. Added - The 2016 Missouri Certificate of Rent Paid form [ MO-CRP ] to the Certification of Rent Paid (CRP) feature .. Added - The 2016 Minnesota Certificate of Rent Paid form [ CRP ] to the Certification of Rent Paid (CRP) feature .. Added - The 2016 Wisconsin Rent Certificate form [ I-017 ] to the Certification of Rent Paid (CRP) feature .. Added - A new F2 Function Key option in the A/R Tenant Payment Entry feature that provides a fast and easy way to manually select specific Project Filenames without leaving the keyboard or having to click-on the Find button .. Added - The ability to set the Consolidate Payables and Select Specific Payables options as deafult selections in the Accounting Defaults feature when accessing the Check Printing Process window .. Revised - The A/J Adjustment Journal Entry feature to leave a new A/J entry set displayed after clicking Save so that the new A/J Entry number assigned is immediately viewable .. Revised - The A/P entries listed in the Select Specific Payables window of the Check Printing Process feature to be sorted by Vendor Name to simplify payable entry selection .. Added - A new Invoice Number Search option to the A/P Check Disbursement Entry feature that provides the ability to search for matching text in the Invoice Number field of existing A/P Check Disbursement Entries and list matching A/P entries on the screen.
RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The printed Part IV Rent Schedule & Utility Allowance page of the RD 3560-7 MFH Project Budget / UA form to omit ( suppress ) blank rent rate lines so that only one Part IV page is printed for normal Proposed Rent Rate schedules.
LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The TDHCA Tenant Income Certification form [ TX-SEC42 TIC ] to the 12/01/2016 revision .. Revised - The TDHCA Annual Eligibility Certification form [ TX-SEC42 AEC ] to the 12/01/2016 revision .. Modified - The LIHTC Data Transfer Standard XML 3.1 file layout to accomodate an issue NCHFA had with reading BIN information during their file upload process .. Added - A Project Name and Tax Credit Project Number field to the Building ID Address information setup window in the Tax Credit section of Project Data to allow individual Building ID's to report a Project Name and Tax Credit Project Number that is different than the main Project Name or Number .. Added - The ability to manually change Project Name, Tax Credit Project No., and Building ID No. in an existing LIHTC Data Transfer Standard XML 3.1 file .. Updated - The Missouri Tenant Income Certification form [ MO-Sec42 TIC ] to the current 11/17/2016 revision.
ACCOUNTING: Added - The ability to selectively omit projects from being included in a Multi-Property Report check run in the Check Printing Process feature .. Upgraded - The Security Deposit Report feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Upgraded - The Security Deposit Historical Entry feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Upgraded - The Security Deposit Interest Refunds feature to .NET 4.0 programming.
HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The Automatic HAP Adjustment Calculation feature to correct minor adjustment calculation accuracy issues that have come up since the last update release .. Added - More detailed Race & Ethnicity Code selections for the Asian, Native Hawaiian and Hispanic catagories that will be part of new TRACS 203A MAT file submissions in 2017.
RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The RD 3560-7 MFH Project Budget / UA feature to increase the maximum number of proposed rent rate schedule lines that can be entered from 15 to 25.
ACCOUNTING: Added - A Specific Vendor Only option to the Aged Payables Report feature that will allow a report to be generated for one vendor account only .. Added - A new By Due Date selection criteria option to the Check Printing Process feature that would limit payables included in a check run based on Due Date instead of the defaulted Invoice Date .. Added - A new Specific Vendor Only selection criteria option to the Check Printing Process feature that would limit payables included in a check run to a specific Vendor Account only .. Modified - The Select Specific Payables option in the Check Printing Process feature with the ability to make a Partial Payment towards any existing A/P entry amount .. Added - A new Tenant Payment Entry Search option to the A/R Tenant Payment Entry feature that provides the ability to search for matching text in Check No. ( Description ) fields of existing A/R Tenant Payment Entries and list matching payment entries on the screen.
HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The HUD-50059 Tenant Certification form to not display the SSN Benefits Claim No. in Section D. Income Information when it's the same as the household member's own SSN .. Fixed - The Gross Rent / UA Change feature that was not including BMIR and Section 236 Subsidy Types .. Added - A new HUD Income Limit Summary option to the Project Filename Summary feature in Project Data.
RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - A new RD Income Limit Summary option to the Project Filename Summary feature in Project Data.
LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Updated - The Indiana Tenant Income Certification form [ IN-Sec42 TIC ] to the current 02/01/2015 revision .. Updated - The Missouri Tenant Income Certification form [ MO-Sec42 TIC ] to the current 08/30/2016 revision .. Updated - The Illinois Tenant Income Certification form [ IL-Sec42 TIC ] to the current 06/10/2016 revision .. Added - A new California Department of Housing & Community Development ( HCD ) Tenant Income Certification form [ CA-Sec42 HCD ] to the print options list of available LIHTC Certification selections .. Updated - The New York City HDC Tenant Income Certification form [ NYC-Sec42 TIC ] to the current 02//2015 revision .. Added - A new LIHTC Income Limit Summary option to the Project Filename Summary feature in Project Data .. Added - A new North Carolina Tenant Income Certification form [ NC-Sec42 TIC ] to the print options list of available LIHTC Certification selections.
ACCOUNTING: Revised - The Security Deposit Interest Refund feature with the option to omit having an A/J entry created that records the transfer of interest funds from SD Savings to Operating Checking for projects that have a SD Savings Account.
HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The Automatic HAP Adjustment Calculation feature to correct minor adjustment calculation accuracy issues that have come up since the last update release .. Added - A new Sample HUD NonSec8 Inc Status Summary option to the Certification Data Summary feature that provides Current Income Status for other Non-Section 8 HUD Subsidy Types.
RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The RD 3560-7 MFH Project Budget / Utility Allowance feature to fix issues with reporting YTD amounts for Fiscal Year periods.
LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The Ohio Tenant Income Certification form [ OH-Sec42 TIC ] to accurately split Pension and Child Support income amounts out to their specific columns.
ACCOUNTING: Revised - The G/L Posting Utility feature to more accurately post monthly recurring A/R and retroactive tenant changes in the month they were actually processed instead of adversely affecting prior month financial statement amounts that now will be locked in time.
HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The Automatic HAP Adjustment Calculation feature to correct minor adjustment calculation accuracy issues that have come up since the last update release .. Fixed - The issue with not being able to fully remove the Rent Override option from a HUD-50059 that previously existed .. Fixed - The minor issues occuring when submitting a MAT10 - HUD-50059 for a tenant with 811 PRA Demo subsidy .. Revised - The Move-Out/Unit Available/Move-In - # Days columns on the Section 8 Special Claims Summary and added a description of what each # Days column means at the end of the report.
RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The RD 3560-7 MFH Project Budget / Utility Allowance feature to fix issues with Beginning Cash & Reserve Balance amounts when reporting Fiscal ( non-Calendar ) Year periods.
LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The LIHTC Data Transfer Standard XML 3.1 feature to create filenames in all lower case to accomodate State HFA's ( ex: WCMS ) that don't recognize an all cap .XML extension as actually being an XML file type.
ACCOUNTING: Added - Payee - Account Number and Owner - Property ID as fields that can be automatically inserted on IRS 1099 MISC forms .. Fixed - The issue with displaying the Detailed Report in the A/P Check Listing Report feature .. Revised - The Tenant Ledger Report - Setup window in the A/R Tenant Payment Entry feature to leave the Grouped By Charge Code box unchecked by default .. Fixed - The Date read issue that was occurring occasionally when including Past Tenants.
HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The Automatic HAP Adjustment Calculation feature to correct minor adjustment calculation accuracy issues that have come up since the last update release.
LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Fixed - The database read issue that occassionally occurs in the LIHTC Data Transfer Standard XML 2.0 feature.
ACCOUNTING: Revised - The A/R Tenant Payment Entry - Tenant Selection feature with the ability to manually add a Future Tenant account which can be used to record Tenant Charge, Adjustment and Payment entries made before they have been officially moved into the project by activating their Move-In/Initial Tenant Certification .. Added - A Sort By option to the Tenant Selection window of all Tenant Report features that allows the list to be sorted by Unit #, Tenant ID or Last Name.
HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The Automatic HAP Adjustment Calculation feature to correct minor adjustment calculation accuracy issues that have come up since the last update release.
LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Updated - The HUD Income Limit DataSet with the new HOME Income Limit Schedule that is effective 06/06/2016 .. Updated - The Missouri Tenant Income Certification form [ MO-Sec42 TIC ] to the current 04/22/2016 revision .. Updated - The Oklahoma Tenant Income Certification form [ OK-Sec42 TIC ] selection to print the Spectrum TIC form version that is now used in OK .. Added - LIHTC Certification selections for the State of AR, CT, HI, MD, MA, WV that will print the Spectrum TIC form version used by those States.
IN GENERAL: Added - An Email Address field to the Waiting List - Applicant entry window .. Added - A new Sample Source Summary to the Waiting List Data Summary feature that will list how the applicant was directed to the project, using custom SOURCE text stored in the COMMENTS section of each applicant's account entry.
ACCOUNTING: Upgraded - The Rent Statements feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Upgraded - The Tenant Ledger Report feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Added - A Group by Charge Code checkbox option to the Tenant Ledger Report option that is available in the A/R Tenant Payment Entry feature .. Added - A new Sample Late Fee Summary to the Rent Statements feature that will list only tenants with LATEFEE activity for any reporting month defined.
HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The Automatic HAP Adjustment Calculation feature to correct minor adjustment calculation accuracy issues that have come up since the last update release .. Revised - The existing iMAX Communications feature to use HUD's new URL address for TRACS MAT file submissions .. Updated - The HUD-92006 Supplement to Application for Federally Assisted Housing form with the new 02/28/2019 Expiration Date.
LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The Section 42 Transfer window when transfering 100% LIHTC units with the ability to re establish Tenant Paid Rent, Other Non-Operational Charges, and Rental Assistance amounts for the unit being transferred to .. Added - A new Sample LIHTC Rent Roll Summary to the Unit Data Summary feature .. Added - A new LIHTC AMT field in the Income/Expense Entry window of the Tenant Certification Data feature that only displays for layered RD/HUD projects with Tax Credits ( LIHTC ) which allows LIHTC annual income calculations to be different than the calculations used for RD & HUD Tenant Certifications from the same income source .. Revised - The IHDA TST-2A Tax Credit Analysis form to include Vacant units .. Updated - The existing Kansas LIHTC Compliance Rent Roll report to the current legal paper size version.
IN GENERAL: Fixed - The issue in the Generate Recertification Notices feature which would prevent entries from being entered in the Recertification Notice Status window when printing Annual Recertification Letters .. Added - The ability to add Unit Address, City, ST Zip to custom reports printed from the Tenant Certification - PRINT Options feature.
ACCOUNTING: Revised - The Rent Roll Report feature to speed up program operation .. Revised - The Aged Receivables Report feature to speed up program operation .. Revised - The Check Disbursement Summary report by adding a new Debit COA # column .. Added - A new Overpaid Balances Only report to the Rent Statements feature that will list only tenants that have an overpaid ( credit ) balance.
HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The Automatic HAP Adjustment Calculation feature to correct minor adjustment calculation accuracy issues that have come up since the last update release .. Revised - The View HAP Adjustments feature to include missing Change Codes that were not available when adding HAP Adjustment Calculations manually (such as GR*, UT*, etc.) .. Revised - The Generate a HAP Voucher feature, making the "Auto Create a Tenant MAT File for the Report Date selected" box checked by default .. Revised - The HUD Income Limit DataSet file, used to select HUD Income Limit Schedules from for projects that process HUD-50059 Tenant Certifications, with new FY2016 HUD Income Limit Schedules that are effective 03/28/2016.
RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Updated -All Ohio related RD Lease forms to new January 2016 form revisions.
LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The Tax Credit Analysis feature to accommodate valid February 29th TC Effective Dates and Next Scheduled Effective Dates in non-leap year reports .. Revised - The HUD Income Limit DataSet file, used to select LIHTC Income Limit Schedules from, with new FY2016 MTSP Income Limit Schedules that are effective 03/28/2016.
IN GENERAL: Added - A new Tenant/Applicant Screening menu option called VERISCREEN Comprehensive Background Checks that gives FHA Software users a third, fully integrated option for acquiring and complying with background screening compliance .. Added - A Move-Out Code column and new section to the bottom of the Vacancy Listing report which provides reasons for each individual vacancy .. Added - A Move-Out Code column and Move-Out Code Column Definitions section to the Vacancy Listing report.
ACCOUNTING: Revised - The built-in PayLease - Payment Transactions import feature to accomodate the new .CSV file layout being sent to clients from PayLease that is automatically imported as A/R entries into FHA Software.
HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The Automatic HAP Adjustment Calculation feature to correct minor adjustment calculation accuracy issues that have come up since the last update release .. Added - Unit Type (Small, Medium, Large) to the HUD Tenant Rent / Analysis report .. Added - A new section at the bottom of the HUD Tenant / Rent Analysis report which provides a summary of the Total No. of Units by Size for each applicable HAP Contract No. the project has .. Added - A new Sample HUD Unit Size Count by HAP # summary to the Unit Data Summary feature which will list units by HUD HAP Contract # and provide a unit size count summary by HAP Contract #.
RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - Unit Type (Small, Medium, Large) to the RD Tenant Rent / Analysis report.
LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The current Kansas Tenant Income Certification form #2 ( KS-SEC42 TIC ] and Kansas Annual Household Certification Update form #18[ KS-SEC42 AHCU ] so that all Annual Recertification Effective Dates ( DAY ) is always the same day as the Move-In Date ( DAY ) for LIHTC projects with RD/HUD Subsidy .. Revised - The current Iowa Tenant Income Certification form ( IA-SEC42 TIC ] so that all Annual Recertification Effective Dates ( DAY ) is always the same day as the Move-In Date ( DAY ) for LIHTC projects with RD/HUD Subsidy .. Added - A Fair Market Rent Limit for this unit amount notation to the Iowa Tenant Income Certification - Part VI - RENT form section, as approved by IFA.
ACCOUNTING: Upgraded - The Payment Alerts feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Upgraded - The Bank Accounts feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Upgraded - The Tenant Charge Codes feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Upgraded - The Chart of Accounts feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Fixed .. The newly upgraded Rent Roll Report feature from including past tenants with no charge, adjustment and payment activity when the Include Past Tenants option is selected.
HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The Automatic HAP Adjustment Calculation feature to correct minor adjustment calculation accuracy issues that have come up since the last update release .. Enabled - The use of the new Section 811 PRA Demo subsidy type throughout the entire program .. Fixed - Recent inaccurate balance reporting issues with Rent Roll Report feature.
LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Fixed - Recent issues with the new LIHTC Data Transfer Standard XML 3.1 feature .. Revised - The Tax Credits section of Project Data to reposition the ADD BUILDING ID button that was inadvertently hidden when adding the HUD Income Limit Setup feature in the last update release .. Updated - The New Hampshire Tenant Income Certification form [ NH-Sec42 TIC ] to the current 01/01/2016 revision.
ACCOUNTING: Added - The 2015 Vermont Landlord's Certificate form to the Certification of Rent Paid (CRP) feature .. Added - The 2015 Minnesota Certification of Rent Paid form to the Certification of Rent Paid (CRP) feature and added the ability to split and print a separate form for all adult members .. Added - The 2015 Wisconsin Rent Certificate form to the Certification of Rent Paid (CRP) feature .. Added - The 2015 Missouri Certificate of Rent Paid form to the Certification of Rent Paid (CRP) feature.
HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The Automatic HAP Adjustment Calculation feature to correct minor adjustment calculation accuracy issues that have come up since the last update release .. Revised - Entry of the 11 character HUD Section 8 Contract Number to allow the seventh character to change from being numeric to an alpha-numeric character to allow new HUD Contract Numbering being issued to be recorded .. Revised - The Gross Rent / UA Changes feature to more accurately recalculate TTP and HAP amounts that are subject to Non-Citizen Rule Proration Calculations.
ACCOUNTING: Upgraded - The Vendor Accounts feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Added - A Tenant Charge Codes Total section at the end of the Tenant Ledger Report ( that has the Grouped By Charge Codes option selected ) which is similar to what already exists at the end of a Rent Roll Detail Report .. Added - A Total # of Checks notation at the bottom of the Check Listing Summary report.
HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The Automatic HAP Adjustment Calculation feature to correct minor adjustment calculation accuracy issues that have come up since the last update release .. Added - A new HUD IL DataSet button option to the HUD Income Limits feature in Project Data that provides the ability to pull HUD Income Limit amounts directly from HUD's official Income Limit DataSet file ( by County or HUD Metro FMR Area ), when adding new HUD Income Limit schedules each Fiscal Year.
RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The automated RD Income Limit Schedule calculation feature to correct rounding issues that were occurring with Very Low Income amounts.
LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The current Indiana Tenant Income Certification form ( IN-SEC42 TIC ] and Indiana 100% Recertification Waiver TR form [ IN-SEC42 100% ] so that all Annual Recertification Effective Dates ( DAY ) is always the same day as the Move-In Date ( DAY ) for LIHTC projects with RD/HUD Subsidy .. Added - A new HUD IL DataSet button option to the Tax Credit Income Limits feature in Project Data that provides the ability to pull Tax Credit Income Limit amounts directly from HUD's official Tax Credit Subsidy Income Limit HOME or MTSP DataSet file ( by County or HUD Metro FMR Area ), when adding new Tax Credit Income Limit schedules each Fiscal Year.
IN GENERAL: Added - A new Address #2 entry line to the Address Book feature that can also be edited during the Tenant Certification entry process and automatically inserted in all Recertification & Verification related forms .. Added - A new Allow Completed TC's to be Revised checkbox option to the Password Protection feature that would control if a user is allowed to Revise an existing Tenant Certification that has already been sent to MINC or TRACS.
ACCOUNTING: Upgraded - The Rent Roll Report feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Added - A Tenant Charge Code Selection section to the Rent Roll Report - Setup window ( similar to existing Rent Statement, Tenant Ledger Report, Delinquent Rent Report, etc. Setup windows ) that allows the report to limit activity being reported to selected charge codes only .. Added - A Tenant Charge Code Selection section to the Aged Receivables Report - Setup window ( similar to existing Rent Statement, Tenant Ledger Report, Delinquent Rent Report, etc. Setup windows ) that allows the report to limit activity being reported to selected charge codes only .. Added - A new Import .. PayLease - Payment Transactions feature to the A/R Tenant Payment Entry window that will upload Property, Bank Account, & Resident information to and import Tenant Payment Transactions from an online rent payment system called "PayLease LLC" .. Added - A new Export .. Positive Pay Banking feature to the A/P Check Disbursement Entry window that automatically creates a .CSV export file containing printed check activity that can be uploaded to your Bank Institution's web portal ( starting with Wells Fargo ) for Positive Pay Banking program participation compliance.
HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The Automatic HAP Adjustment Calculation feature to correct minor adjustment calculation accuracy issues that have come up since the last update release .. Added - The current Special Claims Processing Guide document to the HUD .. TRACS/MAT File Submissions .. TRACS 202D Info & Error Message Reference selection menu.
RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The MINC/XML - Tenant Transactions feature to speed up the time it takes to read in and list existing XML files.
LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Updated - The Iowa Tenant Income Certification form [ IA-Sec42 TIC ] to the current 08/31/2015 revision.
ACCOUNTING: Added - A new Sample Late Notice form selection [ SAMPLE_LATE_NOTICE_LEDGER_LN.RPT ] to the Delinquent Report feature that inserts a six month Tenant Ledger Detail in the notice in place of the lump sum charge code total summary that the Standard Late Notice form provides.
HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The Automatic HAP Adjustment Calculation feature to correct minor adjustment calculation accuracy issues that have come up since the last update release.
RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The RD 3560-7 MFH Project Budget / UA feature to accommodate print drivers having issues with generating XML file types.
LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Upgraded - The Certification On Line (COL) XML file creation feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Added - A new Combine XML files option to the Certification On Line (COL) XML file creation feature.
IN GENERAL: Added - Five additional Parts Used entry lines ( now totaling at 10 ) to the Edit Cost window of the Work Order feature .. Added - a new List of Veteran Members ( SAMPLE_VETERAN_LIST_CS.RPT ) report to the list of available Certification Data Summary forms that will only list members that have been labeled a US Military Veteran in their Tenant Certification.
ACCOUNTING: Added - A Separate Reports for each individual COA # Selected checkbox option to the General Ledger Report feature that will add a page break between each individual Chart of Account ( COA ) Number selected so that each COA # is reported on a separate report .. Added - A Separate Reports for each COA # Selected checkbox option to the Check Register Report feature that will add a page break between each individual Chart of Account ( COA ) Number selected so that each COA # is reported on a separate report .. Upgraded - The G/L Posting Utility feature to .NET 4.0 programming.
HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The Automatic HAP Adjustment Calculation feature to correct minor adjustment calculation accuracy issues that have come up since the last update release .. Added - The ability to generate a HUD-92410 Statement of Profit and Loss form and HUD-92547-A Budget Worksheet ( Income and Expense Projections ) form to the existing HUD Statement of P&L feature .. Upgraded - The iMAX Communications feature to .NET 4.0 programming.
RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Fixed - An amount display issue in RD 3560-7 MFH Project Budget / UA - Part II Lines 3 & 4 when Current Budget column amounts are automatically copied to the Proposed Budget column.
IN GENERAL: Added - Column Total & Percentage amounts to the bottom of the existing Sample Waiting List Race Summary .. Added - A new Pre-View the Report Request File button to the Tenant / Applicant Information section of the TRAK-1 Background Screening feature that can be used to validate information being sent before the Report Request is actually sent .. Upgraded - The Auto-Update Process feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Added - A Total Units number notation at the bottom of all User-Defined Summaries generations .. Added - An F1 function key option to the Unit Data - Preview window that provides a quick way to select a desired Unit Number instead of returning to the Find window .. Added - An F1 function key option to the Tenant Certification Data - Preview window that provides a quick way to select a desired Unit Number instead of returning to the Find window.
ACCOUNTING: Upgraded - The Accounting Defaults feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Upgraded - The Aged Receivables Report feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Upgraded - The Custom Layout Designer feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Upgraded - The Bank Balance Summary feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Upgraded - The Close Batch Process feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Upgraded - The Close Month Process feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Upgraded - The Purge A/R, A/J, A/P Entry features to .NET 4.0 programming .. Upgraded - The Quickbooks - Payroll Transaction Detail Import feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Fixed - An issue with phantum COA #'s appearing when running Trailing Trend Operating Statements in Multi-Property Report mode.
HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The Automatic HAP Adjustment Calculation feature to correct minor adjustment calculation accuracy issues that have come up since the last update release .. Added - A new Sample Utility Information Release [ SAMPLE_UTILITY_RELEASE_UD.RPT ] form to the Unit Data - Custom Report Generation feature list of available forms .. Added - A new Self-Certification - Cash on Hand [ V_CASH_ON_HAND_H_RN.RPT ] form to the list of available verification forms .. Upgraded - The Review Miscellaneous Accounting feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Upgraded - The Review Repayment Agreements feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Fixed - A Voucher MAT File creation issue that was not reporting Vacancy Claim amounts in a rounded to whole dollar format.
RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Updated - The existing RD 3560-12 Request for Authorization to Withdraw Reserve Funds feature by adding a new Current Operating Balance as of ( Date & Amount ) line to the setup window and printed form that USDA/RD Servicing Offices now require be reported on this form .. Added - A new Self-Certification - Cash on Hand [ V_CASH_ON_HAND_R_RN.RPT ] form to the list of available verification forms .. Upgraded - The RD/MINC Tenant Transactions feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Upgraded - The RD-3560-12 Reserve Authorization Request feature to .NET 4.0 programming.
LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Updated - The California Tenant Income Certification form [ CA-Sec42 TIC ] to the current 01/2015 revision which now shows cents for all Income & Asset amounts and the new .06% PB Savings Rate change.