Update Information

Program updates are available using the built-in Auto-Update feature which automates the update retrieval & installation process from our internet site. New updates are posted nearly every two or three weeks. If internet access is non-existent or connection speed is too slow for update file retrieval, users can be placed on our quarterly update mailing list.
To retrieve and install an FHA Software update ...
1.) Backup your FHA Software database ( using the built-in Data Backup/Restore feature )
2.) Establish an internet connection
3.) Start FHA Software for Windows
4.) Click-on Help .. Check for Update .. Auto-Update Process .. Get Update - Internet
5.) When file download is complete, click-on Update to install the update
The following are details of revisions, enhancements and new features added with recent FHA Software updates.
HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: The ability to generate a HUD-50059 Certification, with Unit Transfer or Gross Rent Change as the Action Process, has been added to the Tenant Certification feature. This does not change the automated Unit Transfer or GRC procedure. It merely allows a physical HUD-50059 to be generated for compliance review purposes, when applicable.
IN GENERAL: A Registration/Setup Files option has been added to the Data Backup/Restore feature .. The Unit Swap option is now available in the Unit Transfer feature of Unit Data.
RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Waiting List Summary has been modified to report RD Race Codes instead of abbreviated Race Descriptions .. A new RD Action Process called Co-Tenant to Tenant has been added to RD 1944-8 Tenant Certification processing .. A new RD Action Process called Designate 60-Day Leave of Absence has been added to the Termination of Subsidy feature in Unit Data.
HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: A glitch in creating MAT files with BMIR HUD-50059's has been fixed .. Acceptable HUD Exception Codes in HUD-50059 compliance monitoring has been revised .. Help screens for the Section 8 Special Claims feature have been completed .. The TRACSMAIL Communications feature now stores TRACSMAIL setup information in a user-readable file called TRACSMAIL.INI that is automatically included in Data Directory Backups and can be viewed in Notepad for reference.
IN GENERAL: When activating a move-in certification, a Leased Date will automatically be added to the corresponding Applicant file in the Waiting List. Race/Ethnicity codes have been individualized by household member in Certification Data and no longer relates to just the head tenant.
HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Section 8 Police or Security Privileges designation has been added to the Head Tenant's info window in Certification Data and the Misc Info section of Unit Data. When selecting Correction to Prior HUD-50059, three Reasons for Correction have been added to the HUD Action Process selection window of Certification Data. Tenant Accessibility Qualification designations have been added to the HUD Subsidized Information window of Certification Data.
IN GENERAL: To comply with future RD/HUD requirements, we have expanded our Waiting List feature to include more detail on each individual member of the applicant's household. Accepted, Rejected, and Inactive Dates have been added. Waiting List Summary, report type selections, and text generation codes have been modified to accommodate these changes.
HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Minor Sec.236 calculation and MAT submission errors have been fixed.
IN GENERAL: As with the previous release, this update includes extra DLL files that normally would not be included, causing the size of this update to double in size (21Mb). We will include these new DLL's with future updates for about a month to make sure users that routinely keep up with updates automatically get these required DLL files. Thereafter, future updates will revert back to normal 9Mb update files. The ability to manually download required DLL's will then be provided this web page for those users who missed previous DLL updates.
NOTE: If the size of this update would make downloading it an inconvenience, let us know by emailing us a request for an update CDROM. These new DLL's have solved printing problems and report exporting problems. Tenant Payment Summary printing problems have also been fixed.
RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: The RD 1930-7 Project Budget, line 17 - Other Utilities, Column 4 - YTD now displays the amount properly.
HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: HUD-50059 TTP rounding issues have been fixed.
IN GENERAL: This is a MAJOR RELEASE. An update in our software development tools resulted in a required DLL update for our FHA Software users. Due to the number of extra DLL files in this update that normally would not be included, it has doubled the size of the download file to 17Mb. We will include these new DLL's with future updates for about a month to make sure users that routinely keep up with updates automatically get these required DLL files. Thereafter, future updates will revert back to normal 9Mb update files. The ability to manually download required DLL's will then be provided this web page for those users who missed previous DLL updates.
The new DLL's will solve the Multi-Property Report printing problem in older computer systems with limited RAM ... The Bank Balance Summary was reporting incorrect balances and has been fixed ... The number of Multi-Property Directory groupings was increased from 50 to 1,000 ... The RD/HUD Unit Number Conversion Report was revised to show both RD & HUD units on the same report.
RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: The RD 1930-7 Project Budget - Capital Improvements section has been revised to allow the user to manually override the automated calculated total on each line item.
HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: The new Income Type Codes for TANF, which replaced AFDC in MAT file 201B, has been fixed ... The revamped Income Exception Codes in MAT file 201B has been fixed ... 201B MAT file submission problems with BMIR, Sec.236, & HUD-Owned subsidy types has been fixed ... Minor revisions to the creation of 201B MAT files have been done to eliminate future submission problems.
LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: A rounding issue when calculating Maximum Monthly Rent for 1990 or After TC's has been fixed to always round down ... The message that appears when attempting to manually increase a tenant's rent amount above the Maximum Monthly Rent amount has been made more clear ... In Unit Data, the amount of rent the tenant actually pays when different (entered as the RD Owner Subsidized amount) will be the amount reported on all Tax Credit Analysis reports in place of the calculated amount that will be reported on the RD 1944-29 Project Worksheet.
IN GENERAL: All Multi-Property Report Filenames are now listed in alphabetical order ... A Release Date Verification utility has been added to ensure that all workstations are running the same software/database release when retrieving updates in networked systems.
HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: HUD Special Claim ID's can now be entered in 9 to 14 character lengths ... The total number of Gross Rent Change records that can be added to a MAT file has been increased to 1,000 ... Minor revisions have been made to the 201B MAT file creation process.
LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: A checkbox has been added to the Tax Credit Analysis - Setup Menu which allows the user to only include units assigned to a specific Income Limit Schedule ... Minnesota has been added to Tax Credit Analysis Report list.