Update Info

Release [ 2018.12.31 ] Provided the following changes ...

IN GENERAL: Added - A couple new items to the Help .. About FHA Software window that will display if your computer is running a 32-bit or 64-bit CPU and Windows Operating System.

ACCOUNTING: Fixed - An issue with inserting the Total Balance Due amount in a custom MSWord Document from the Rent Statement feature for a past tenant with multiple past due charge code activity .. Added - The ability to have subtotals displayed for each Batch No. included on a Consolidated Batch Summary .. Added - The Minnesota 2018 Certificate of Rent Paid form .. Added - The Vermont LC-142 Landlord's Certificate form .. Added - The Missouri 2018 Certificate of Rent Paid form .. Added - The Wisconsin 2018 Rent Certificate form .. Upgraded - The Race / Ethnicity Report feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Upgraded - The Rent Register Report feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Upgraded - The User-Defined Tenant Summaries feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Fixed .. An issue that was occurring with reporting an incorrect Operating Cash Balance on the Bank Balance Summary feature .. Added - The ability to view a Printer Selection window before printing IRS 1099 Forms .. Expanded - The size of the Bank Balance Summary feature window.

HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The Automatic HAP Adjustment Calculation feature to correct minor adjustment calculation accuracy issues that have come up since the last update release .. Expanded - The size of all TRACS/MAT - Tenant Assistance Changes feature windows.

RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Expanded - The size of all MINC/XML - Tenant Transactions feature windows.

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