Update Info

Release [ 2018.11.30 ] Provided the following changes ...

IN GENERAL: Expanded - The size of the Custom Report Generation window that is available in the Tenant Certification Data, Unit Data and Project Data features .. Expanded - The size of the Custom Report Generation window that is avaialble from Tenant Certification Data, Unit Data and Project Data features.

ACCOUNTING: Expanded - The size of the Recurring Tenant Charges feature window .. Expanded - The size of Bank Reconciliation feature windows .. Expanded - The size of the Address Book feature window .. Expanded - The size of the Unit Inventory feature window .. Added - The ability to sort an Adjustment Journal Summary by A/J Entry Number or Posting Date .. Fixed - The tabbing issue when editing Charge, Adjustment and Payment information in the recently expanded A/R Tenant Payment Entry feature.

HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Fixed - The rounding issue with the Auto Insertion of the 5% EIP Penalty amount in the Generate a HAP Request Voucher feature .. Expanded - The size of the HUD-52670 Voucher MAT File Directory feature window .. Expanded - The size of the Find - HAP Voucher History feature window.

RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Expanded - The size of the Find - Project Worksheet History feature window.

LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Updated - The THDA Household Income Certification Form [ TN-Sec42 TIC ] to the current August 2018 Revision .. Updated - The THDA Continuing Residency Certification Form [ TN-Sec42 TIC ] to the current August 2018 Revision.
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