Update Info

Release [ 2017.09.30 ] Provided the following changes ...

IN GENERAL: Added - A Targeted Date column to the existing Work Order - Work Order Summary when printed for multi-properties in Continuous mode .. Fixed - All known programming issues to both Waiting List and Work Order features since the last update release .. Added - A Gross Annual Household Income column to the Race / Ethnicity Report .. Added - Seconds to Application Time and Received Time fields in the Applicant entry window of the Waiting List Data feature .. Added - a Purge menu option to the Work Order feature that provides the ability to delete old Work Order entries by year .. Added - A checkbox option labeled Allow Changes to Targeted Date to the Work Order tab section of the Password Protection feature that can restrict a User login ID from being able to change the Target Date of an existing Work Order entry after it has been established .. Fixed - Issues with print jobs sent directly to the printer that weren't recognizing when 2-Sided Printing was selected in the process .. Verified - That all FHA Software related EXE ( Application ) files have proper file signature identifiers to eliminate Real-Time Scanning - False Positive issues occuring occasionally with Anti-Virus programs during normal program operation.

ACCOUNTING: Added - Check Number to A/R Payment entry Description column that is reported on the Tenant Ledger Report generated from the A/R Tenant Payment Entry feature as they appear in the Tenant Ledger Report feature .. Added - The First Bank of Hoghland Park .CSV file layout to the list of available Bank selections in the Positive Pay Banking feature .. Added - A Print button to the A/P Invoice Number Search window of the A/P Check Disbursement Entry feature .. Fixed - The issue when UREFUND Charge activity was not being reported on the Tenant Ledger Report that is printed through the Tenant Reports menu .. Added - First Bank of Highland Park to the list of Banks included in the Export - Positive Pay Banking option in the A/P Check Disbursement Entry feature .. Fixed - The A/P Database Version Conflict issue that was occurring when an existing Vendor Account Address was changed and attempting to update this Address change in existing A/P entries .. Fixed - The issue when re applying forfeited security deposit amounts to different charge code balances in the Security Deposit Refund feature when interest was added and the program was not accepting the changes .. Fixed - The Tenant Ledger Report printed from the A/R Tenant Payment Entry feature to include Check # in payment entry Description fields .. Added - A second online rent payment Import menu option called RentPayment - Payment Transactions to the A/R Tenant Payment Entry feature that automatically imports ( records ) online rent payment transactions made through the RentPayment online service .. Added - An Include pull down menu option to the Aged Receivables Report - Setup window that provides the bility to limit report activity to only tenants that have past due amounts over 30/60/90 days .. Added - A Continuous checkbox option to the Aged Receivables Report - Setup window that provides the ability to run Multi-Property Reports on one continuous report .. Added - Property Name to the list of IRS 1096 Form - Data Input Codes ( ^T0113 ) that can be automatically added to the Filer section when printing IRS 1096 forms.

HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The Automatic HAP Adjustment Calculation feature to correct minor adjustment calculation accuracy issues that have come up since the last update release .. Added - A Include User Entry Activity checkbox option to the Review HAP Voucher History - Print window that will display the User ID, Name, Date and Time of the person that last printed each months entire HUD-52670 HAP Request Voucher .. Fixed - The issue with reporting Manager Units on the HUD Tenant / Rent Analysis report when Subsidy Type was not assigned.

RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - The ability to change Project Rental Type, Profit Type, Master Metered Utilities and Accounting Method selections in the Report Header Information window of the RD 3560-7 MFH Project Budget / UA feature.

LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Updated - The California ( CTCAC ) Tenant Income Certfication form [ CA-Sec42 TIC ] to the current July 2017 release.
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