Update Info

Release [ 2016.11.30 ] Provided the following changes ...

IN GENERAL: Added - A new F2 Function Key option in the Tenant Certification Data entry feature that provides a fast and easy way to manually select specific Project Filenames without leaving the keyboard or having to click-on the Find button .. Modified - The PayLease - Payment Transaction Import feature to accomodate minor CSV file layout changes made by PayLease .. Added - The ability to restrict Users from being able to Restore Project Backups while still allowing the same User to run Project Backups in the Data Backup/Restore feature with a new setting in the Password Protection feature .. Added - A new Password Protection setting that would give Read Only - User Status for denying access all Tenant Certification Data related change options.

ACCOUNTING: Added - A new Delinquent Rent Worksheet [ SAMPLE_DR_WORKSHEET_LN.RPT ] form to the Delinquent Rent Report feature .. Revised - The 1099FORM.TXT, 1099MNGT.TXT, 1099OWNR.TXT, 1099WISC.TXT and 1096FORM.TXT forms to match the 2016 1099/1096 form layouts that are generated in the IRS 1099 Form Processing feature .. Added - The 2016 Vermont Landlord's Certificate form [ LC-142 ] to the Certification of Rent Paid (CRP) feature .. Added - The 2016 Missouri Certificate of Rent Paid form [ MO-CRP ] to the Certification of Rent Paid (CRP) feature .. Added - The 2016 Minnesota Certificate of Rent Paid form [ CRP ] to the Certification of Rent Paid (CRP) feature .. Added - The 2016 Wisconsin Rent Certificate form [ I-017 ] to the Certification of Rent Paid (CRP) feature .. Added - A new F2 Function Key option in the A/R Tenant Payment Entry feature that provides a fast and easy way to manually select specific Project Filenames without leaving the keyboard or having to click-on the Find button .. Added - The ability to set the Consolidate Payables and Select Specific Payables options as deafult selections in the Accounting Defaults feature when accessing the Check Printing Process window .. Revised - The A/J Adjustment Journal Entry feature to leave a new A/J entry set displayed after clicking Save so that the new A/J Entry number assigned is immediately viewable .. Revised - The A/P entries listed in the Select Specific Payables window of the Check Printing Process feature to be sorted by Vendor Name to simplify payable entry selection .. Added - A new Invoice Number Search option to the A/P Check Disbursement Entry feature that provides the ability to search for matching text in the Invoice Number field of existing A/P Check Disbursement Entries and list matching A/P entries on the screen.


RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The printed Part IV Rent Schedule & Utility Allowance page of the RD 3560-7 MFH Project Budget / UA form to omit ( suppress ) blank rent rate lines so that only one Part IV page is printed for normal Proposed Rent Rate schedules.

LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The TDHCA Tenant Income Certification form [ TX-SEC42 TIC ] to the 12/01/2016 revision .. Revised - The TDHCA Annual Eligibility Certification form [ TX-SEC42 AEC ] to the 12/01/2016 revision .. Modified - The LIHTC Data Transfer Standard XML 3.1 file layout to accomodate an issue NCHFA had with reading BIN information during their file upload process .. Added - A Project Name and Tax Credit Project Number field to the Building ID Address information setup window in the Tax Credit section of Project Data to allow individual Building ID's to report a Project Name and Tax Credit Project Number that is different than the main Project Name or Number .. Added - The ability to manually change Project Name, Tax Credit Project No., and Building ID No. in an existing LIHTC Data Transfer Standard XML 3.1 file .. Updated - The Missouri Tenant Income Certification form [ MO-Sec42 TIC ] to the current 11/17/2016 revision.
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