Update Info

Release [ 2016.10.31 ] Provided the following changes ...


ACCOUNTING: Added - The ability to selectively omit projects from being included in a Multi-Property Report check run in the Check Printing Process feature .. Upgraded - The Security Deposit Report feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Upgraded - The Security Deposit Historical Entry feature to .NET 4.0 programming .. Upgraded - The Security Deposit Interest Refunds feature to .NET 4.0 programming.

HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The Automatic HAP Adjustment Calculation feature to correct minor adjustment calculation accuracy issues that have come up since the last update release .. Added - More detailed Race & Ethnicity Code selections for the Asian, Native Hawaiian and Hispanic catagories that will be part of new TRACS 203A MAT file submissions in 2017.

RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The RD 3560-7 MFH Project Budget / UA feature to increase the maximum number of proposed rent rate schedule lines that can be entered from 15 to 25.

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