Update Info

Release [ 2016.09.30 ] Provided the following changes ...

IN GENERAL: Added - A direct link to the FHA Software Web Site in the Help pull down menu.

ACCOUNTING: Added - A Specific Vendor Only option to the Aged Payables Report feature that will allow a report to be generated for one vendor account only .. Added - A new By Due Date selection criteria option to the Check Printing Process feature that would limit payables included in a check run based on Due Date instead of the defaulted Invoice Date .. Added - A new Specific Vendor Only selection criteria option to the Check Printing Process feature that would limit payables included in a check run to a specific Vendor Account only .. Modified - The Select Specific Payables option in the Check Printing Process feature with the ability to make a Partial Payment towards any existing A/P entry amount .. Added - A new Tenant Payment Entry Search option to the A/R Tenant Payment Entry feature that provides the ability to search for matching text in Check No. ( Description ) fields of existing A/R Tenant Payment Entries and list matching payment entries on the screen.

HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Revised - The HUD-50059 Tenant Certification form to not display the SSN Benefits Claim No. in Section D. Income Information when it's the same as the household member's own SSN .. Fixed - The Gross Rent / UA Change feature that was not including BMIR and Section 236 Subsidy Types .. Added - A new HUD Income Limit Summary option to the Project Filename Summary feature in Project Data.

RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - A new RD Income Limit Summary option to the Project Filename Summary feature in Project Data.

LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Updated - The Indiana Tenant Income Certification form [ IN-Sec42 TIC ] to the current 02/01/2015 revision .. Updated - The Missouri Tenant Income Certification form [ MO-Sec42 TIC ] to the current 08/30/2016 revision .. Updated - The Illinois Tenant Income Certification form [ IL-Sec42 TIC ] to the current 06/10/2016 revision .. Added - A new California Department of Housing & Community Development ( HCD ) Tenant Income Certification form [ CA-Sec42 HCD ] to the print options list of available LIHTC Certification selections .. Updated - The New York City HDC Tenant Income Certification form [ NYC-Sec42 TIC ] to the current 02//2015 revision .. Added - A new LIHTC Income Limit Summary option to the Project Filename Summary feature in Project Data .. Added - A new North Carolina Tenant Income Certification form [ NC-Sec42 TIC ] to the print options list of available LIHTC Certification selections.
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